Tuesday, December 02, 2014

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Probably not, as long as they don't face personally-compelling consequences to incentivize alternatives. [More]

Oh, and "Mark @ 11/27/2014 11:21 AM"-- I can't wait for you to retire, either.

[Via Florida Guy]   


Mack said...

I'm upset there was no mention in the article about the progress being made in Richmond:



rkshanny said...

"agencies searching for a way to stop shooting pets" . . . "education"?! These over-immune, shoot-first-think-later (if at all) moronic badge-toters never cease to floor me! How 'about behaving like humans, like most of the rest of us? Nobody but you over-authorized fools go around shooting every friggin' thing sight. Millions of postal workers, service providers, etc. find themselves quite capable of NOT behaving like paranoid, YOUR-safety-1st ninnies every damn day of the year! Their "education", er, "training" is the PROBLEM, and is consistent with "protocol" of cop-hooligans. As you comment Mr. Codrea, these Neanderthals must be knocked off their holier-than-thou, privileged legal pedestal, and placed back under the law the rest of us are held to.

Anonymous said...

dead dogs in the street, dead dogs in
the wrong house's yard, dead dogs in
the bathroom (shutup). war on dogs.
jihad on dogs? some kinda signalling
going on here?

Anonymous said...

dead dogs in the wrong house yards,
dead dogs in the wrong house. ....
war on dogs. jihad on dogs. some kinda
signaling going on here?