Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What ISN'T Reported

The above screenshot represents emails from TSA about "recovered" firearms collected and compiled by an observant citizen/WarOnGuns Correspondent:
A casual review of TSA-reported violations shows an average of 37 loaded firearms found across the country screened and stopped by security - that from May 23 - Dec 26 2014.
If one believes the reported failure rate of TSA screening or, say even a much-less 10% fail-rate, then one would have to assume that a loaded weapon makes it into the passenger compartment of an aircraft once a day/365.
With 365 days of chance you'd think there would be CATASTROPHE in travel. Yet we know most of the seizures are accidental in nature (non-excusable) and that the ones that make it through to destination are oft times discovered in-route and reported by the passenger later upon arrival.
Because of the LACK OF CATASTROPHE, one HAS to come to the conclusion that these are honest mistakes by honest (white-hat) travellers -- despite what the boogie man infers.
The numbers on all counts may be even greater: This TSA Blog post from August shows "38 Firearms Discovered This Week (32 Loaded)." And while TSA contests reported failure percentages, the point is even more taken.


Mack said...

And why am I not hearing about this anywhere on the 'Major' news outlets?

Seems like to get real news, one has to go to real 21st Century journalists, like here.

Anonymous said...

And while TSA gives the general public a preflight colonoscopy, a background checked, trusted, vetted employee will pass you your guns behind security so you can carry them on your flight.
(Google it, fun story showing tsa isn't all about security, just appearances.)