Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Who ARE These Guys?

That's something I'm trying to look into. [More]

First I've got to find out where they're registered. News accounts make it sound like a DC operation, and I don't see anything listed with various secretaries of state in likely places like New York.  Naturally, the DC corporations website differs from every other I've tried in terms of offering an intuitive way to do an entity search -- perhaps it's there but not obvious to me.  In the interim, I've sent this, not that I have high hopes it will be responded to:
[Click to enlarge]
My guess is we'll find a familiar name behind it -- one with an MO of hiding from the media until he wants something, at which point they all line up to give him all the free advertising a grassroots-trampling billionaire could ask for.

Oh, and Barbara Bollier? There's literally no difference between your public position and Barack Obama's.If I lived in Kansas, I'd make you a special project.  Let's hope gun owners there do, and tell doctrinaire "Republicans" they can offer acceptable candidates or they can go to hell.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to discover which pukes from TX attended and if I paid their freight.

Anonymous said...

From NH, it most likely is Renny Cushing from Hampton.