Tuesday, January 13, 2015

With Friends Like These

“I don’t think making background checks limited only to sales that take place in public venues like gun shows and stores is going to stop the type of sales that lead to criminals buying guns,” said Baker, who supports the Second Amendment right to own a firearm but favors reasonable restrictions in obtaining guns, including universal background checks. “To have real teeth and dissuade people from selling guns to criminals, all firearm sales should require a background check.” [More]
Translation: "I favor 'shall not be infringed' and advocate prior restraints by the very people specifically prohibited from imposing them. And having them destroy you if you don't obey."

Yo, Patty-cake: the Doctor would like to have a word with you.

[Via Mack H]


Ned said...

Typical doublespeak du jour: "I support the 2nd Amendment - you know, no infringements - except for these..."

Ned said...

When some idiot says: "I support the Second Amendment, but..." you know the idiot doesn't support the Second Amendment.