Friday, February 20, 2015

A Bleating Heart Liberal

‘Be more like sheep’... [More]
Oh, did I say "liberal"?  I meant "communist" (as if there's really all that much difference, now that the Opposite Day "progressives" have bastardized the word).

What do you mean "Sheep don't have wolf bodyguards"? By the way, "lightning brigade" is a nice touch.

You know what else sheep don't do? Criticize their shepherds.

Anyone who disagrees must be some kind of human rights violator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what we need, some Obummer toilet paper so we can wipe our asses with a likeness of his face. Then again, perhaps I don't really want to be reminded how much in the shitter we really are by seeing his liberty stealing mug every time I go to the bathroom.