Saturday, February 07, 2015

A Wasted Life

I've spent my life studying this, so I won’t return to address idiots with lame, stupid, ignorant arguments and inane insults. [Comment must load]
I'm glad you're impressed with yourself, Sophie. My reactions to that statement are "You didn't learn much" and "Good, but you're projecting."


Robert Fowler said...

I'm not a lawyer, hell, I've never played one on TV. I have however read a lot of the documents that explain the Constitution. Like the Federalist papers.

The Founders were pretty specific on what each right meant. If she can read them and not understand, well, I'm sorry she's so dense. Even going back into old English law you can find explanations on self defense and defense of home and hearth. Where does she think "castle doctrine" laws come from?

I think she need to contact that law school and demand a partial refund. Blackstone and English law make up the basic premise of our modern judicial system. Isn't that what they teach 1st year law students?

You can send someone to college, but you can't make them smart.

Ned said...

I can almost assure you her creds are total bullshit. Just click on her Disqus link to read some of her other posts.