Friday, March 27, 2015

'Gun control' politician compares cops to ISIS, says he’d shoot them first

Project Vote Smart shows Chambers voted against passage of concealed carry legislation. He inserted an amendment into one concealed carry bill requiring permittees to “carry concealed the maximum number of pistols for personal protection due to paranoia and stark terror.” Unsurprisingly, he “was rated 0% by National Rifle Association (Candidate Positions on Gun Rights).” And it’s not just that he supports so-called “gun-free zones," he actively works to expand them. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a lunatic who mistrusts cops so much he wants them to be the "only ones" with guns!  With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.


Unknown said...

Chambers may be 5 kinds of jerk when it comes to pro-gun topics. Fortunately or otherwise, he also has a point which you seem to be encouraging us to ignore.

No, cops don't burn down villages, they simply wreck and burn down individual houses. They do indeed rape children, women and occasionally young men, as witness the increasing prosecutions for such against officers committing such crimes on duty and in uniform. Sickeningly, it's all too frequently done to people who have called the cops for help. Kiddy porn is one of the increasingly common abuses uncovered and prosecuted against cops... frequently with evidence from their department provided laptops. SWAT raids against non-hostile targets are now so frequent that we're getting conditioned to the idea that whenever anybody breaks down your door you must roll over and submit instantly because it must be the police. Such raids are now occurring at a rate of over 50,000 per year nationwide. This at a time when violent crime is at its lowest rate since the 1950's. Oh, and do we even want to think about the totally fascistic and despicable practice of asset forfeiture?

The fact that he's protesting predatory police practices and policies is, of course, utterly racist and anti-gun/freedom at it's core. Or is it?

David Codrea said...

"It’s true that police abuse does exist, and in some places is rampant, as the 'Only Ones' stories compiled by this column and The War on Guns blog document."

Those link to thousands of examples of said abuse I document almost every day.

Yeah, that's me "encouraging you to ignore it," Tim.