Friday, September 11, 2015

Pentagon Says ‘No Guns’ for Recruiters: Hide Behind Partitions Instead

Marine Corps Commanding General Mark Brilakis says the decision was made because educators, students and parents might not be “comfortable” seeing armed recruiters. As for when military personnel are in their storefront offices, Brilakis says it might also offend the sensibilities of mall shoppers. [More]
Good grief.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the old saying about "military intelligence" is proven correct once again.

This continued stupidity from military high command is not the final word on this - not on future attacks against soft military targets, nor on a certain number of troops refusing to play along with rank stupidity.

Matthew said...

The young men and women who are considering joining the Armed Forces might be "made uncomfortable" by the representatives of those forces being armed?

MamaLiberty said...

Sort of makes me wonder just exactly what they are actually recruiting here... and when do they tell the hapless recruits that they'll be expected to be "comfortable" with guns at some point?

I was a Marine "brat" in the 1950s. Never met a Marine (or any man, come to think of it) who was "uncomfortable" around guns. They were gentlemen then too.