Friday, September 18, 2015

Taking Out Walls

Guns are part of American recreation and culture, and many people want them for home defense. My grandfather, of blessed memory, grew up in Pennsylvania and was part of that culture. He hunted regularly and belonged to the National Rifle Association. He told me he canceled his membership when the NRA insisted on the right to own assault weapons. He explained to me, "If you shoot an assault weapon in home defense, you'll take out a wall of your house. If you shoot a deer with it, there will be nothing left of the deer to bring home. It just doesn't make any sense." [More]
He forgot the part about heat seeking ammunition cooking them from the inside...

With the resources available to learn the subject matter, there is really no excuse for this, other than Kapo Mezler is an ignorant, lazy and foolish man.

1 comment:

FedUp said...

Would a Rabbi lie about his sainted grandfather, or was his grandpa an effing idiot?