Wednesday, December 09, 2015

History Repeats Itself


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen for the remainder of Obama's term in office. If he could have done anything by executive fiat he would have by now. He has no backing, not in the military and not in congress. Certainly not with the vast majority of the American people. In fact the only thing any of his pronouncements seem to do is spark yet another silly "ammo & gun" panic. Obama has proved to be the greatest windfall the hard right, and the weapons industry have ever seen. He has also been the worst mistake "the establishment" has ever made, setting the globalist agenda back decades, if not crippling it forever. I fear "the establishment" will try for a "limited" world war to try and stamped the sheeple into world "governance" far more than I fear the now obviously toothless Obama.---Ray