Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Terror Watchlist Increases Odds of 'Gun Violence'

But moments later Santelli said the situation became tense when police thought his name was on the national terror watch list. “He pulled out his weapon immediately and I was immediately staring down the barrel of a 45-caliber weapon," Santilli recalled. "He was very, very concerned. He was visibly concerned as well. He said hands up. I was extremely compliant.” [More]
In other words, he could have been killed over a false positive due to a misread name, kind of like those wrong house raids, and every bit as up close and personal...

You guys still interested in "compromise"...?

1 comment:

FedUp said...

Please, please tell me the charges will be thrown out because the search was illegal...

Even if he was on the watch list, that is not grounds for holding him at gunpoint and conducting a warrantless search. And he has nothing but praise for the professionalism of the douchebag who did it to him?

Maybe I should retract my first statement. Santelli should go to prison for being a blatant copsucker.