Thursday, January 14, 2016

It Never Rains, It Pours

Michael W. Dean has problems of his own, and some pretty severe ones from the looks of things. [More]

If you know who he is, then you know if you've received value from his work, and you know what to do.

If you don't, you can pretty much see my interactions with him here and here, and see my review of his book here. You could always buy or watch something you will get value from.  At the very least, what'll it cost you to spread the word?

No, this isn't turning into The War on Life's Setbacks. I just happen to believe that faithful allies deserve consideration, and the market for meaningful freedom -- the kind that comes with weighty responsibility -- appears to be in a bit of a slump compared to the market for vain, trivial and preponderantly destructive distractions.

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