Friday, January 29, 2016

Physician, Heal Thyself

I saved a patient's life by telling him about seat belts! He'd never heard of such things before! And now I'm going to give you a prescription on guns! [More]

What? My qualifications, certifications and credentials establishing competence? And you want to know about malpractice coverage should my unqualified advice result in a negative outcome...?

Why...why...why I'm a DOCTOR!

And we know about everything.


Henry said...

The more I see articles like this on websites that clearly fear allowing their readers any opportunity to comment on them, the more convinced I am that the big win for our side is imminent. Indeed, I suspect that the recent aggressive attitude of drop-all-our-previous-pretenses-and-ban-everything we are seeing from the Evil Empire is nothing more than a terminal convulsion. Let’s all hang in there.

Unknown said...

Under the heading of "What you, as a patient, can do to reduce gun violence, injury and death:" he says "For starters, make decisions based on currently available information." I first thought maybe he wrote this back in the early nineties by some of the debunked and outdated statistics he was using, but the date on the article is Jan 28, 2016. Maybe he should take his own advice.