Wednesday, April 13, 2016

'How's Mike?'

I've been asked that a lot since my last update.

I'm in touch with his family. I'm told he went to the hospital yesterday and that he will call me.

If and as he can. Anything else would not be helpful or considerate. He knows we're concerned.

If and when I know something I can share, I will.


daniel said...

Thanks, David.
It's some comfort to know that someone is in touch.

I can only wish I was closer.

Doug Rink said...

Appreciate you keeping us informed.

JohninMd.(Help!?!!) said...

Thank you, Brah. Share the feeling when I check SSI, at least once daily, hoping... (Sigh) I hope he knows we care, for his sake and the family's....but wishing won't feed the Bull-Dog.

Jon Dough said...

I sent some funding yesterday... wish it could be more...
No "T" shirt needed -or asked for. He has already given his all...

Claire said...

Thanks, David. Please let Mike know how much we all care and how often we think of him. People on my blog have been asking how he is, but I'm sure nobody wants to bother him. So it's great that you're doing this.

Charles N. Steele said...

Thank you. Please keep us informed. I pray for him and his family. Please pass that on.

Capn said...

Thank You David for being the "point man" on this detail.
All best wishes to Mike, Rosey and family.