Tuesday, May 31, 2016

About the Gorilla

Many have blamed the boy's parents for 17-year-old Harambe's death [More]
When elder feral son Uday was little, he was something of an escape artist. I know from experience how quickly they can make an out-of-nowhere move that places them in danger and catches you flat-footed.


Kent McManigal said...

The crotchfruit was overheard telling his mom that he wanted to jump in with the gorilla. She should have either physically held onto him at that point or taken him elsewhere. Especially if he has a history of escaping.

Maybe shooting the gorilla was the only option at that point- I wasn't there so I don't know- but that mom should be paying restitution to the zoo for her negligence resulting in loss, not suing the zoo.

@jumpinjonnydee said...

I find it confounding that modern Progressive parenting includes the idea that you can have a rational argument with a 4 year old. If I had told my dad I was going in there, and he told me "No, you're not" and I had said "Yes, I am" his response would have been "we're going to the car and leaving". Many times he reminded me that he was bigger, made the rules and thus he got to win

Today, Progressive parents seem to think a child can be reasoned with. They do not have the developed brain for reason. Control has to be exerted for their safety. Yes, you have to be the bad guy, the heavy, the buzzkill. So what? Give them a long life in which to hate you for it. It's for their own good
@jumpinjonnydee aka JohnnyDerp

Anonymous said...

Darwin was an optimist.