Wednesday, May 04, 2016

The ABCs of Propaganda

ABC’s ‘Quantico’ Puts ‘Make America Great Again’ ‘in the Mouth of Terrorists’ to Impact Election [More]
Just like we saw gun-grabbers collaborate with "House of Cards" and Valerie Jarrett "partnering" with Hollywood to shill for Obamacare in its scripts.

Yes, of course it's a de facto admission that everything these vampires do relies on manipulating emotion rather than appealing to reason.


Elmo said...

And don't forget 'Madam Secretary' on CBS. It's about a "BRILLIANT" woman "who returns to Washington, D.C., as a favor to the president, whom she considers a friend". (IMDb)

She's "shrewd, calculating, and extremely determined" ( as she "drives international diplomacy, battles office politics, and circumvents and ignores protocol as she negotiates worldwide issues." (Wikipedia)

Oddly coincidental is that the show started when Madam Clinton began her run for the Presidency.

Kill your television. Use a gun to do it.

David Codrea said...

And the similarities don't end there...