So what can be done? In a just world, he’d be impeached. There certainly are grounds for it. Here’s how to get that process started. [More]Revenge is a dish that's best served cold. Here's how.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Judge’s Courtroom Rant against Guns Warrants Filing Citizen Complaints
We're the Only Ones 'Til Death Do Us Part' Enough
A former Gladstone police sergeant accused in a 2011 murder-for-hire plot involving his wife visited one of his co-defendants at least once a week, always in uniform, and would let himself into her home unannounced, according to testimony Thursday. Several witnesses spoke of the relationship between Lynn Edward Benton and Susan Campbell during the former cop's murder trial in Clackamas County Circuit Court. Benton, Campbell and Campbell's son, Jason Jaynes, have all been charged separately in the death of Debbie Higbee Benton, who was found shot, beaten and strangled inside her Gladstone beauty salon on May 28, 2011. [More]The important thing is, he made it home at the end of his shift.
I have another development from "Only Ones" Oregon coming up in just a bit.
Erasing History
It's what Stalinists do.
Stalinists like Joe Morrissey.
Who wants to control your guns...
...but not his own.
That's evidently not all he can't (or won't) control.
What a steaming coil.
That he's actually in the lead shows just how contemptibly degenerate the "progressive" electorate is.
[Via Mack H]
Stalinists like Joe Morrissey.
Who wants to control your guns...
...but not his own.
That's evidently not all he can't (or won't) control.
What a steaming coil.
That he's actually in the lead shows just how contemptibly degenerate the "progressive" electorate is.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Getting Up Early to Beat the Crowds Enough
A Harris County grand jury has indicted a former Metro police officer for assault, following a violent baton beating of a man at a light rail terminal earlier this month. [More]Y'know, that title oughtta be a t-shirt.
Oh, wait...
[Via Jess]
And Thank You for Your Service
'New low': Dead vets left to 'decompose' in VA morgue for weeks without burial [More]You understand how much Democrat administrations are looking out for you, right, AstroTurf Veterans for Hillary?
This links to Google because the propagation geniuses at Fox News won't allow direct links, at least from this blog.
[Via Jess]
If you See Something Say Nothing?
I've added an update to my Trump piece on Oath Keepers to address an ALL CAPS-using email critic who thinks I'm stupid for bringing up his 2A debate disconnects.
Stewart weighed in as well with a great analogy about throat-cutting.
Stewart weighed in as well with a great analogy about throat-cutting.
JoJo Krako News Control
In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics... [More]See, it says "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."
We're not Congress!
Who's interferin'?
We're takin' over!
The Feds...
We're the Only Ones Overblown Enough
A cop took a deal in relation to charges of sexually assaulting a teenage girl and will not receive a felony conviction, will not have to register as a sex offender, will only serve a year in jail, and still currently has his law enforcement certification. [More]And if the boyfriend or the girl had defied him and tried to defend themselves, he could have literally gotten away with murder.
Oh, and don't you just love his ...uh... mouthpiece?
"Cory Cooper is a family man, and he put his family first."I agree. They ought to have front row seats at the hanging.
Also of seeming relevance:
The sex act lasted a few seconds, prosecutors say.Sure, go for it, Gomer.
[Via Michael G]
Joe Miller Conference Call
Wanna talk to him?
Please join me on a conference call Friday night at 5 pm, Alaska Time (9 pm Eastern), giving an update from the campaign, and I'll be answering your questions.
The dial in number is (408) 650-3123 and the access code 316-534-957.
I also wanted to reach out and remind you of Friday night's critical FEC fundraising deadline. I really appreciate and value your support!! I need your support right now more than ever. Please chip in a generous contribution to our campaign's “United for Liberty” Money Bomb by midnight Friday!
Another 'Pro-Gun Democrat'
Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland is releasing a new ad attacking Sen. Rob Portman for his opposition to Democratic gun control measures. [More]Hey, wasn't he one of those NRA A-rated "pro-gun Democrats" Jorge was using for cover (looks like he removed it) and the useful idiots are buying into?
Kind of like Kirsten Gillibrand and "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid? Or how about Jon "No guns for you when you go to the Post Office" Tester?
Calltural Terraforming
Cellphone companies will have to support Spanish messages under the new rules. [More]I'm just waiting for the "alert" system to include a five-times-a-day call to prayers reminder.
A Last-Ditch Bid
Republican attorneys general are making a last-ditch bid to block the Obama administration from ceding U.S. oversight of the internet’s domain name system, filing suit in federal court ahead of an imminent deadline for the hand-off. [More]That's because the gutless and complicit Republican-dominated Congress waved it and other betrayals through in the budget CR.
GOA explains why this poses such a grave danger. If NRA has issued any warnings, would someone please share the search terms that will find it?
UPDATE: Oath Keepers has a lot more.
Politically Charged
Let's hope the homeowner doesn't receive a bigger, more shocking and potentially deadly charge. [More]
He should have identified the neighbor. Punks like that deserve to be outed and shamed at every opportunity.
He should have identified the neighbor. Punks like that deserve to be outed and shamed at every opportunity.
Ad Hominem Alert
GunsAmerica defends continuing to employ Jorge Amselle by attacking the ratings of a website criticizing his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. [More]
So popularity determines validity? Somebody should have told Giordano Bruno.
Nothing like proving you have the bigger d!ck to settle an argument.
Nice try, Paul Helinski. Now if you'd care to address the real issue, perhaps you will answer the questions about what Amselle's reasons mean for RKBA that no one else has been able to:
So popularity determines validity? Somebody should have told Giordano Bruno.
Nothing like proving you have the bigger d!ck to settle an argument.
Nice try, Paul Helinski. Now if you'd care to address the real issue, perhaps you will answer the questions about what Amselle's reasons mean for RKBA that no one else has been able to:
- Can you produce credible data – not opinion, not anecdotes – something that can be independently validated, that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and legally, with CURRENT culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners?
- Can you show us your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will then be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts?
- And can you demonstrate how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts and reverse gains made to date?
If you can't, you're admitting you are giving aid and comfort to someone who is helping to destroy not just RKBA, but the Constitution and the nation through Democrat deluge immigration. Your choice and your right. Just as it's the right of we lesser people who don't enjoy your magnificent ratings to bear that in mind when assessing the relevancy of your opinions.
Another Mark in the 'Plus' Column
U.N news agency scrubs tweet calling on Americans abroad to 'end Trump' [More]That's about as good an indication that the establishment order is upset about things as I've seen.
"Fundamental transformation" was supposed to go without a hitch.
Justice You Can Bleed With
The protesters stopped vehicles, broke car windows and knocked a motorcyclist off his motorcycle, according to Lt. Rob Ransweiler of the El Cajon Police Department. [More]That'll teach 'em...
... or will it? They'll probably still vote for "Only Ones"-ensuring gun-grabbers and cultural terraformers.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Gun Writer Feeling Backlash after Choosing Hillary and ‘Immigration’ over RKBA
If you can’t [honestly answer the questions], and if you still think that shouldn’t be a deal-breaker for who you support, you’re part of the problem and arguably more dangerous to gun owners who trust you than any Democrat. [More]Those who have reserved their hostility for the messenger will make up phony excuses and accusations to keep from even trying.
We're the Only Ones Inquisitive Enough
Police officers across the country misuse confidential law enforcement databases to get information on romantic partners, business associates, neighbors, journalists and others for reasons that have nothing to do with daily police work... [More]Hey, if you don't have anything to hide, what's the problem?
[Via William T]
Rest Assured!
Our hands are kind of tied, but make no mistake, we want to make sure that everybody has confidence that people casting ballots are eligible. [More]Yeah? How?
What a goddamn joke.
"Integrity of the process" my ... eye.
[Via Keith B]
We're the Only Ones Arguing Over Semantics Enough
But for the past 15 years, the FBI and ATF have disagreed over what is a “fugitive from justice,” which would disqualify a prospective buyer from legally obtaining a firearm, the inspector general report said. [More]None of which does a thing about the truism.
[Via bondmen]
Been Nice While It Lasted
Looks like establishment Republicans are getting ready to do what they do best. [More]
[Via Michael G]
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Over in 'The Land of the Free'
How does that Opposite Day "progressive" media meme go again? Something about "violent Trump supporters"...? [More]
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
So When Do Grant and Rob Attack Them?
BREAKING: NRA Cuts Ties to Clinton Supporter and Gun Writer Jorge Amselle [More]Gee, I guess it's a little late at this point to try covering my tracks...
[Via several of you]
Our story so far:
School Orders Student Who Made Anti-‘Gun Control’ Video to Get Psych Evaluation
The anti-defense zealots are not just against guns, they’re against the idea of guns. And in true Soviet fashion, any who challenge official doctrine become candidates for the gulag under the pretense of “mental health.” [More]There’s a reason why they call us “gun nuts.”
Profiles in Apathy
‘Veto Gunmageddon’ petitions fail to gather enough signatures [More]Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised.
A Chippie Off the Old Block
Daddy’s Issues ... Archive video exposes Weiner in-law [More]Who better to be a primary adviser and part of the inner circle, with access to everything?
And They Say There are No Stupid Questions
Fundamental transformation will deal with this anyway. [More]
That and slow suicide via gullibility, laziness, apathy and degeneracy.
[Via bondmen]
That and slow suicide via gullibility, laziness, apathy and degeneracy.
[Via bondmen]
He Doesn't Want Your Business
So don't give it to him. [More]
I'd actually be more afraid of hair from that beard falling in my food. That and criminals seeing such a willingly victim-rich environment.
I'd actually be more afraid of hair from that beard falling in my food. That and criminals seeing such a willingly victim-rich environment.
I Hate to Say I Told You So
Gun Writer Jorge Amselle Supports Hillary Clinton for President [More]Uh-oh, looks like it's too late to cover my tracks even if I wanted to.
Oh No! Dodge City Over Fender-Benders!
You can be a Second Amendment-cherishing American and still question what Missouri lawmakers were thinking. [More]No you can't, liar.
Or wait a minute-- maybe you can: Where do they get off thinking they have any say in the matter?
[Via Mark L]
3½ Minutes
It takes less time than that to realize that Lewis Diuguid is a shill -- all I really had to see was the old standby lie that no one "wants to take anyone’s guns away. They want common sense gun laws..." [More]
Who's interferin'? We're takin' over.
Just ask Jojo.
[Via bondmen]
Who's interferin'? We're takin' over.
Just ask Jojo.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Unloading Enough
Authorities say a federal agent accidentally shot a deputy’s leg at the sheriff’s station in Lemon Grove while unloading a handgun that was seized by a joint task force Monday. [More]I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me.
[Via William T]
A Right Delayed
As you may be aware, several counties around the state, including Mecklenburg County, have been using bureaucratic loopholes and high-demand for guns as an excuse to severely delay the issuance of PPPs and Concealed Handgun Permits (CHP). [More]Instructions to contact the governor and attorney general are included.
Near as I can tell, self-made losers and freaks are in a rage about people too intimidated and brainwashed to dismiss them as such. [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Trump Debate Responses on Guns Make Unacceptable Concessions
And there’s the rub, because NRA has promoted “kinder, gentler” Republican versions of watch lists, and endorsed the politicians offering them. While words like “due process” are thrown around as some kind of reassurance, the fact remains that a fundamental right is being denied to citizens who have not even been charged with a crime, let alone convicted. And what real terrorist, assuming he went to an FFL in the first place, wouldn’t view a NICS denial as a good indication that he’s been made? [More]The man's advisers aren't doing him any favors.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Couldn't Happen in a Nicer Place
Louisiana's chief legal officer said Tuesday that crime has increased in so-called "sanctuary cities" that pledge not to pursue or prosecute illegal immigrants. [More]What did they think was going to happen?
Keep voting in "progressives," idiots.
Name That Device
Hillary is concealing something. [More]
Who'da thunk?
After careful consideration, here's my best guess.
[Via Florida Guy]
Who'da thunk?
After careful consideration, here's my best guess.
[Via Florida Guy]
Good Question
Shouldn’t the Presidential Debate Ask About Guns We Already Have? [More]Yes, they should. But they won't unless thousands of voices mobilize to demand it. I'd start by sending the link to this guy, but if it's just me and a handful doing it, nothing will happen.
One point I did not understand, or if I did, I don't agree with:
Some pundits trifle with what a packed Supreme Court might concoct, and the nefarious quakes the new boss might initiate in the halls of bureaucracy, now more influential and certainly quicker than Congress. Those gnats hardly matter...While I don't consider myself a "pundit," I don't see that as trifling or a gnat at all. It's the whole reason immigration / amnesty / pathway to citizenship is the single greatest threat we face, not only as gun owners, but as Americans who believe in the Constitution. So what did I misread?
That took all of five seconds.
Guess He Didn't Get the Memo
Gunman kills Starbucks patron after credit card was rejected [More]Jeez, and Howard asked "respectfully" and everything.
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Over at the BLM Protest...
I guess nobody clued Rayquan in on the reasons for the event... [More]
Sure glad to see those "prohibited persons" laws working!
[Via Keith B]
Sure glad to see those "prohibited persons" laws working!
[Via Keith B]
The Thin $Green$ Line
This is an archive of a conversation, saved here for posterity (in case someone tries to cover his tracks by deleting the thread.) [More]Why would I want to do that? Turns out I was right.
All you, Grant Cunningham, and you, Rob Pincus, did was praise a Hillary supporter who earns his living off gun owners, ignore facts, insult me and then slam the door on "reasoned discourse."
Pretty transparent ad hominem diversion there, Grant, but go ahead, run away. I presume you've also attacked all lobbying groups, including NRA, for using candidate questionnaires? Unlike NRA political position questions, which you must view as McCarthyist in order to remain consistent, mine merely ask if anyone can produce sourced data to conclude the Democrat platform on Jorge's stated main issue (over RKBA), immigration is not a direct threat to gun ownership and carry laws, despite all credible polls and real world experience saying different. You won't answer the questions because you know you can't.
No I'm not. That's the major danger supporting Hillary presents, and I see you're avoiding answering the questions, too. First, Jorge himself admitted "For the record the article is almost entirely accurate," and you responded by praising him and continuing your "sensationalist" devoid-of-fact speculation. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know I did no writing for SSI and I provided venues to publicize Mike's work.
You both fight like "progressives."
Backstory:Monday, September 26, 2016
NFL Gutlessness on National Anthem and Guns is Divisive and Dangerous
Sure as individuals, on their own time and dime, they’re free to make the case for just about anything they want ... But they’re not on their own time and dime. They are wearing uniforms with team names and logos. They are representing a team and an organization. The forum they are privileged to participate in is not about them and what they want. [More]When you cede control you lose control. It's as simple as that. Which is why we dare not surrender self control of our rights.
The Debate
Just got done watching. First impressions, which I'll revisit in detail tomorrow:
- Hillary did not appear as ill as some were expecting.
- Trump raised two points of due process concern I've covered before and will elaborate on: Stop and frisk and the "terror watchlist."
I've never claimed Trump is any kind of savior, and have not shied away from including the bad with the good in my commentary on him, as any comprehensive reading of past concerns will bear out. What I state with certainty (barring one or both not being able to continue) is that if Trump is not elected, Hillary will be. Nothing I can do about that, it's just the way it is.
Now I have to get to work on something I need to finish before my day is over.
Taken to the Woodshed
Basing a blatant hit piece on an unverified forum thread started by someone hiding behind a code name is not remotely responsible, let alone respectful. It's a cheap shot. [More]Oh, I don't know. In case you didn't know, that's how Fast and Furious initially got exposed, along with plenty more threads to be pulled. What I will admit to -- and apologize for up front -- is my title should have ended with a question mark. I regret now that I did not think of that at the time I posted.
Still, you know for a fact 'Gunwritr,' with over 10,000 posts to check for consistency, and who is apparently well-known enough, is lying in this one? Especially when he indicates there were witnesses? Does anyone have proof he's making it up? If so, I'd be happy to find out the allegations are false and issue a retraction and apology, because proving one writer is lying about another might actually be a bigger scoop. If it is a lie, I'd think Mr. Amselle's lawyer would be demanding one from 'Gunwritr,' because that his livelihood that's being impacted.
And just to be clear: You're saying if something of interest to gun owner rights advocates comes across the transom, I can't call the link to reader attention with a disclaimer that your post and thread are conveniently ignoring?
With the caveat that I have not personally verified this, if true, I can't think of any reason why gun owners would continue to associate with someone betraying them so completely and profoundly.If it's true, can you?
And it's not like this and this don't strongly suggest corroboration. Let's see -- a gun writer makes claims of interest to gun owners -- which I present under a caveat, and I provide further links that strongly suggest there's something to those claims ... so what exactly did I write that you can prove is false?
If anyone here thinks immigration as practiced by Hillary is not a direct threat to RKBA, feel free to actually directly and unequivocally answer these questions.
UPDATE: Looks like I was right. And the professional trainer class is going full Fudd on me.
UPDATE: The Thin $Green$ Line
UPDATE: Looks like I was right. And the professional trainer class is going full Fudd on me.
UPDATE: The Thin $Green$ Line
Sign of the Times
Just don't expect Trevor Noah to be intellectually honest enough to admit the equivalency. [More]
[Via Michael G]
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Misplacing Enough
Police might not know where their guns are, and the law says that's OK [More]Well sure. Because when they end up getting used, that only increases the demand for us to be even more "Only."
[Via Bluesgal]
But Shannon Says This Never Happens...
Woman With Concealed Carry Permit Saves Multiple Lives After Stopping Department Store Shooter [More]
[Via Keith B]
UPDATE: Looks like I fell for it. Thanks, Mark L.
The Question on My Mind about Houston Strip Mall Attacker
What did the ex-assistant DA believe in, or can this rampage really all be explained by his being "disgruntled," nuts and evil? [More]
So far, backstory facts are from complete -- his social media presence appears limited to LinkedIn, and if he's active in political advocacy, for a guy who drove a Porsche he doesn't appear to have had money to spare for campaign contributions, at least that a quick search on Open Secrets reveals.
So far, backstory facts are from complete -- his social media presence appears limited to LinkedIn, and if he's active in political advocacy, for a guy who drove a Porsche he doesn't appear to have had money to spare for campaign contributions, at least that a quick search on Open Secrets reveals.
You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee
Well, you do, at least until it's time for the masks to come off after you've lived the good life courtesy of your tax mule victims for a while. [More]
The Pajama Boy Effect
Who among us doesn't look to male models as the ideal for what it means to be a man? [More]
Racism Against Whites Only: Is That Eugene Robinson's Agenda?
Gun rights for whites only: Is that the NRA's agenda? [More]Oh look -- more "progressive" talking points that ignore racist roots and Deacons, while disparaging courageous blacks who embrace RKBA as sellouts and Uncle Toms. And if you disagree, you're the racist.
Nope, no projection and nothing Opposite Day about that.
And there's a reason this tool self-identifies as a "reporter" rather than an editorialist and propagandist. Deception is what these people do..
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer!
'Britain can NOT stop the march' Furious Martin Schultz hits back at UK over EU army [More]Just like the good old days!
Subhumans to Be Eliminated in Germany, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”. Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world. [More]Please tell me the source for this is the German equivalent of The Onion.
Anti-Freedom, Anti-Life ‘Progressive’ Continues Democrat Tactics of Obstruction and Subversion
You know how the Democrats are always telling us “Nobody wants to take your guns”? Schakowsky does, and wants “everything on the table.” And she not only has our “assault weapons”[sic] in her sights, she’s also “against handguns. [More]Nobody wants to take your guns? Sure they do. And then they want to kill you. But don't take my word for it -- take theirs.
It's what totalitarians do.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
I Weep for America
Bread and Circuses: There's an app for that. [More]
We're all gonna get just what they deserve.
We're all gonna get just what they deserve.
The Enemy Within
Jorge Amselle is a writer for the firearms industry, such as Tactical-Life. During conversations at an industry event in Florida both Thursday night and Friday morning he stated to me, with a number of other industry professionals present and listening, that he Supported Hillary Clinton for President and was going to vote for her. He felt other issues such as immigration (he's Hispanic) were more important than the Second Amendment Stated Obama hadn't been bad for the 2A and Hillary would be basically a third term. He stated he would rather see Hillary Clinton appoint justices to the Supreme Court and not Trump. He stated he was not a single-issue voter and the 2A was not at the top of his list. [More]With the caveat that I have not personally verified this, if true, I can't think of any reason why gun owners would continue to associate with someone betraying them so completely and profoundly.
[Via RH]
I guess it's true. I see he's not above being deceptive about abortion to stump for Hillary. And yeah, this pretty much confirms it.
UPDATE: Seems this post has upset some people. I'll get to this as I can. In the mean time, I note no one has actually produced anything that refutes the claims, and some appear ready to allow Hillary to have it and support left-libertarian cultural terraforming.
UPDATE: Taken to the Woodshed.
UPDATE: The Thin $Green$ Line.
Handed the camera to younger feral son Qusay on way home from breakfast when we passed this happening (near? at?) Russell Equipment in Twinsburg. Not that I expect this to be of concern to readers here-- this is just a parking place with one convenient url so I can share them with folks who may be interested without having to send attachments.
Video One
Video Two
Video Three
Video Four
Video One
Video Two
Video Three
Video Four
It's Almost Like There's a Surprising Pattern Emerging Here...
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Surprise, surprise, surprise:
Surprise, surprise, surprise:
And as for a different standard from the media and other "progressive" opportunists, who are still harping on Trump for not disavowing David Duke fast enough:
Surprise, surprise, surprise:
Surprise, surprise, surprise:
And as for a different standard from the media and other "progressive" opportunists, who are still harping on Trump for not disavowing David Duke fast enough:
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Need You Ask?
A gunman who was last seen armed with a rifle remained at large Saturday morning after four women and a man were fatally shot Friday night at a shopping mall about 65 miles north of Seattle... [More]Who could have predicted this as well?
Cascade Mall in Burlington, WA – A Gun-Free ZoneIf only they would disarm you and me...
Friday, September 23, 2016
The Problem with Leaders
The problem with leaders is that we need them. Sometimes. The problem with leaders is that, with all of us humans having been born and bred into hierarchical, authoritarian structures, we monumentally fail to see when we don’t need them. [More]Claire Wolfe helps clarify what doesn't have to be a paradox.
[Via Mike H]
Backdoor Amnesty
Haitian immigrants cross border through Mexico, claim asylum for quick processing and entry [More]From their point of view, why not take advantage of it, if the door is intentionally left wide open?
And no, of course there are no sanctions placed on Mexico for its part in facilitating this.
Funny-- I remember donating blood and being asked if I'd traveled to Haiti, because that's a disqualifier. So does that mean a contaminant population is being ushered in with no screening?
And what's the deal with the Clintons?
Thursday, September 22, 2016
So Let's Get Crunchy! Go Team Houston!
Email shows federal immigration bosses in OT push to swear in new citizens 'due to election' [More]Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Go Team Grover!
Who Will Guard the Guards
Hey, it was a youthful indiscretion. [More]
Now that he's more fullyindoctrinated matured, he makes much better choices (and don't you think "progressive" Snopes would have rated the Islam allegations "False" if they could, instead of resorting to a lame Bart Simpson defense?
This is like a bad goddamn joke.
And these are the "Republicans" who helped. Oh, look, along with Lamar Alexander, Richard M. Burr, Daniel Coats, Tom Coburn, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mark Kirk, John McCain and Marco Rubio, I see Lisa Murkowski also voted to put this guy in charge of foreign intelligence, rather than lead in the fight to expose him for what he was and is.
I wonder if Joe Miller can get any mileage out of that?
Now that he's more fully
This is like a bad goddamn joke.
And these are the "Republicans" who helped. Oh, look, along with Lamar Alexander, Richard M. Burr, Daniel Coats, Tom Coburn, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mark Kirk, John McCain and Marco Rubio, I see Lisa Murkowski also voted to put this guy in charge of foreign intelligence, rather than lead in the fight to expose him for what he was and is.
I wonder if Joe Miller can get any mileage out of that?
Looks Like It Worked as Intended
"Allowed" or should it read the mob "opted for self-preservation and were dissuaded from attacking"? [More]
And as for the "gun free riots" rule, read what GRNC has to say about that.
And as for the "gun free riots" rule, read what GRNC has to say about that.
Sipsey Street Irregulars Blog Closes Operations
The closing of Sipsey Street Irregulars marks the end of an era. My opinion is Mike did great work there that deserves a place in the national memory as long as the nation exists to remember. That should be enough. [More]I try to address some of the speculation and quell some of the rumors. If you're a friend, this will do. If you're not, think what you like.
Poker Run
![]() |
Photo via CCDL |
Connecticut Citizens Defense League is having its Fourth Annual event this Saturday. Click here for details.
And click here for the gallery from last year's run.
The War Candidate
Nor has the Democratic Party candidate for president this year, Hillary Clinton, sought peace. Instead she has pushed America into successive invasions, successive efforts at “regime change.” She has sought to prevent Americans from seeking friendship or cooperation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by characterizing him as “another Hitler.” She proclaims herself ready to invade Syria immediately after taking the oath of office. Her shadow War Cabinet brims with the architects of war and disaster for the past decades, the neocons who led us to our present pass, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, in Ukraine, unrepentant of all past errors, ready to resume it all with fresh trillions and fresh blood. And the Democrats she leads seem intent on worsening relations with Russia, for example by sending American warships into the Black Sea, or by introducing nuclear weapons ever closer to Russia itself. [More]And most importantly, she'll bring the war home by bringing in and sustaining the invaders.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
We're the Only Ones Recorded Enough
You`re about to see disturbing police dash camera video that has never been released; it involves former St. Louis Police Officer Jason Stockley, who`s now charged with first degree murder because of what happens on this video. [More]You know what needs to happen next.
Yeah, we need to find out who the whistleblower is who gave the dashcam video to the reporter...
[Via bondmen]
Coming Soon, to a Kibbutz Near You
‘70% of European Jews won’t go to shul on High Holy Days despite heightened security’ [More]That's OK-- the ones who will vote to perpetuate the madness here are secular and don't go anyway. Either that or sheep with no sense of history.
A Bug or a Feature?
The researchers were able to remotely control the braking system, sunroof, door locks, trunk, side-view mirrors and more [More]Kind'a makes me want to go out there and get one of those RFID-controlled "smart guns"...
Coming Soon, to a Hood Near You
Now imagine the reaction if the situation had been reversed. [Watch]
And if you allow "profiling" to influence your decision to approach or avoid, guess what that makes you...?
And if you allow "profiling" to influence your decision to approach or avoid, guess what that makes you...?
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Among the Many Unanswered Questions
Among the many unanswered questions about the condition are what causes it, how best to treat it and how long the paralysis lasts. [More]I can think of one question that doesn't even look like it's being asked, at least, publicly.
What a Sick @#!*
Disgraced former lawmaker Anthony Weiner had a months-long online relationship with a 15-year-old girl whom he asked to dress up in school uniforms and be part of “rape fantasies,” according to an explosive report Wednesday. [More]And this guy doesn't think you and I can be trusted to exercise self-control.
Is YOUR Republican Congressman an Establishment Sellout?
And they say there are no stupid questions. [More]
Y'know, it would help if they printed the names on these things. Some signatures are so illegible I can't tell who they are.
Here's hoping I end up owing my guy an apology, rather than vice versa:
UPDATE: Looks like I didn't scroll down far enough. Guess I'm used to seeing names under the sig line. And nope, my guy has some 'splainin' to do.
Y'know, it would help if they printed the names on these things. Some signatures are so illegible I can't tell who they are.
Here's hoping I end up owing my guy an apology, rather than vice versa:
UPDATE: Looks like I didn't scroll down far enough. Guess I'm used to seeing names under the sig line. And nope, my guy has some 'splainin' to do.
What Goes Around Comes Around
Some in Alaska's establishment GOP not so secretly worked against Joe Miller in 2010 to back Murkowski. And now they expect everyone to eat it and like it in 2016.
Some won't play that game.
[Via Mack H]
Some won't play that game.
[Via Mack H]
End of an Era
Sipsey Street Irregulars is closing down. [More]
It's sad news, but not unexpected, and unavoidable, really. Without going into details I am not at liberty to share, I support Matthew in his decision to pull the plug.
I was not only there for the birth of the blog, I'm the one who badgered Mike into starting it. We collaborated closely throughout on stories and developments that only time will tell how much of a difference was made. My opinion is he did great work there that deserves a place in the national memory as long as the nation exists to remember.
For the present, the archive should remain. I do not know how long Blogspot will allow it to remain with no update activity -- perhaps as long as visitors come.
UPDATE: Several of you contacting me are, as Mike used to say, "leaping to illusions." This much I can tell you: Matt's decision was not because he was being pressured or intimidated. And don't buy into the creeping disinformation, posted by people who flat out don't know what they're talking about, for reasons only they can say.
'We Out Like the Taliban!
What, you mean hostile to and destructive of civilization...? And might that have anything to do with your particular station in life, or is it all because of "racism"? [More]
Curious how, as a voting bloc, the demographic overwhelmingly favors the party of "Only Ones"...
Curious how, as a voting bloc, the demographic overwhelmingly favors the party of "Only Ones"...
Years in the Making
"The vetting process, while not perfect, is a very, very stringent, and it can take almost up to two years for a single refugee to make it into the country," he said. [More]So you'd say it's rigorous...?
I see that "two years" claim parroted a lot. I wonder if there's much of a difference between "can take" and "generally does take." And in any case, do you know who was admitted into this country "almost up to two years" prior to acting out?
Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Dueling Reid/Rubio Terror Bills Betray Constitution, Defy Reality, Trample Rights
It evidently doesn’t occur to either Republican or Democrat oath-breakers that terrorists and criminals have options other than gun stores and 4473s, and that if one did have a transfer denied or delayed, you might as well also tell him he’s been made and the government is closing in on him. [More]So both Reid and Rubio think the solution to this is more “gun control”? Are they out of their minds, or is some other dynamic at play here?
We're the Only Ones Erasing Enough
Oakland Police Say They Accidentally Deleted 25 Percent Of Their Body-Cam Archive [More]Any POV shots in there...?
[Via William T]
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