Red scare in the Vermont power grid... [More]
You know, fake news.
Anything to "delegitimize."
Funny, how the Opposite Day "progressives" accusing Trump of wanting to start World War III are doing everything they can to stir up outrage against Russia, and calling him Putin's puppet when he holds out for evidence before embracing the "conclusion" being pushed by his political enemies.
Notice how they're pretty much the same people who condemned him for not pledging sight unseen to accept the initially-reported election results as valid and final?
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Taken to Task
There's a fundamental flaw in your argument (that I pointed out here, a year and a half ago when you first raised the alarm), namely that you don't seem to understand the "arbitrary" criteria that would land someone on SSAs reporting to NICS. [More]This came at a bad time for me but it merits being addressed. Bear with me, it'll be a few days, probably after the weekend.
Have I Got a Gal for You!
Mexican man charged with rape had 19 deportations, removals [More]Tomas, meet Sara.
What? She's too old for you?
Don't worry, she's enabling your ability to meet someone younger, and feeling very good about herself in the process.
Best in Tech?
Smart guns? [More]
Why, seeing as how they still haven't come up with a workaround to insurmountable challenges some of us have been making for years.
Why, seeing as how they still haven't come up with a workaround to insurmountable challenges some of us have been making for years.
What Would Podesta Do?
Hmm, looks important, I'd better click on that.
And then blame the Russians.
I still don't know what that guy from Ghana wanted with my PIN, but when that pans out it's so long, suckers!
Money Can't Buy Me Love
Per Don Turner via email on the latest Question 1 development:
Bloomberg background check law in Nevada. Money doesn’t buy competency, thank goodness. Per NV Constitution, the legislature can’t touch the new law for three years. Happy New Year!
There's a Scratch for That Itch
However, other militants are itching for a new battle... [More]I'm assuming they've done a better job this time vetting provocateurs and CIs, seeing how outnumbered defendants were by snitches at Malheur...?
Obama Takes Parting Shot at Gun Owners with Social Security Disarmament Ruling
Americans who have not been adjudicated as posing a danger to themselves and others are being denied a fundamental right without the due process that would be afforded criminal suspects. Nor is it clear how rights could be restored, and how anyone in need of financial affairs assistance would even be able to afford a challenge or be in a position to try. [More]Those in power positions representing themselves as “the government” want to disarm the citizenry and this is one way to make incremental gains toward that goal using a divide-and-conquer strategy.
We're the Only Ones Two for One Enough
A Weatherford police officer is on administrative leave after shooting another officer and the man he was trying to arrest during a traffic stop Thursday night. [More]Bag one get one free...?
[Via William T]
The Trappings of Authority
We already saw how people are conditioned.
What do you do when men wearing high-visibility jackets knock on your door, as per this incident in Piers Morgan Paradise?
[Via Jeet]
What do you do when men wearing high-visibility jackets knock on your door, as per this incident in Piers Morgan Paradise?
[Via Jeet]
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid
He put the gun up to his eye, looked down the barrel, and pulled the trigger to see what would happen... [More]Who better to instruct The WaPo readership on gun politics than someone who can't even touch a confetti gun without a disastrous and wholly unnecessary and idiotic negligent mishap?
[Via Michael G]
Think How Much Time We'd Save if Juries Could Do This
Van Doninck is convinced the eagle was poisoned after eating the remains of wildlife killed with lead ammunition. [More]And after jumping to such a conclusion based on agendized inference that ignores other potential sources, rather than on actual evidence, it's probably also safe to say it was Russian lead ammunition.
[Via Florida Guy]
Controlling the Narrative
"EU countries should set up independent bodies — co-ordinated by Brussels and modeled on the system of antitrust agencies — which could quickly label fake news, remove it from circulation and impose fines if necessary." [More]Not just "authorized journalism," but enforced "authorized journalism"...
Coming soon, to a global partner near you.
Captain's Log Supplemental
- An unexplored F&F connection?*
- More on F&F*
- Jose Menendez has a big "but"
- Greased lightning
- Pizzagate XV
* I've had people contact me over the years with the F&F/cartel alliance connection, but when I tried pursuing it never had one of my sources able to offer confirmation or even basic awareness. I'm not saying it never happened -- I'm just saying I have not been able to get any kind of corroboration, and the amount of traffic and the comparative handful of semiauto guns in question seem hardly enough to effect what is being claimed. Mike shared my opinion and my concern that this is used by some to discount what we do have sources for-- that F&F was intended to have U.S. guns found next to bodies to exploit for a new"assault weapon" ban.
Do I believe U.S. agencies are covertly working with cartels and that all the manipulation being discussed is likely? Sure, that seems more than plausible. And do I believe many of the same players could be involved in overlapping activities? Of course.
As for a Hillary connection, regulars here know who the ones formally pressing for more information on the State/ITAR nexus have been been.
Run Adam Run
Adam Laxalt's conclusion that Question 1 is unenforeceable has made him some new friends. [More]
He's good on guns and he's good on the biggest longterm threat to continued "legal" recognition of RKBA.
[Via Mike C]
He's good on guns and he's good on the biggest longterm threat to continued "legal" recognition of RKBA.
[Via Mike C]
We're the Only Ones Practiced Enough
Fired Miami cops joked about using black neighborhoods for target practice [More]Hey, they're just "young kids." Who better to have life and death control over you as they issue orders you'd better not argue with?
'Authorized Journalist' Malpractice Takes Its Toll
Uber driver fired in ‘self defense,’ police say, as Stand Your Ground takes toll [More]So evidently Chalres Rabin has a huge problem with self-defense. Huge enough to repeat the lie that the Zimmerman case was about SYG. And to introduce hand-wringing judgmental hysterics like "a nation besieged by guns" in what he's representing as a straight news piece.
And his Miami Herald editors not only let hm get away with it, they encourage it.
Like the zealots they are, they'll be damned it they change their ways -- no matter the cost. They're convinced it's our fault we don't trust them.
Uber would also rather its driver had been killed. I expect to see him canned soon.
[Via Steve T]
Those Who Do Not Learn History
This is all a matter of destroying our culture and heritage. [More]And yes, it's full-blown cultural Marxism.
'Jeff, Just How Did the Russians Do This?'
Nice assumption set-up in the video, even though the evidence they then provide is anything but conclusive -- and doesn't claim to be. In other words, CBS and the other majors are perpetrating fake news. [More]
And who's the "U.S. official making the "hands up" statement? Why the anonymity, if not to hide a demonstrable allegiance?
The real story here is Democrat incompetence safeguarding information and special interests trying to change the subject. Clicking on a phishing link and changing your password for the perp is the kind of thing I'd expect from a novice or a moron.
It's kind of interesting to watch the "progressives," the media and the Republican elites all doubling down on the kind of self-serving and deceptive crap that alienated so many from them in the first place. It's like they don't know what else to do but continue sabotaging, in the hopes that something will finally restore their "leadership."
UPDATE: Bear has more.
And who's the "U.S. official making the "hands up" statement? Why the anonymity, if not to hide a demonstrable allegiance?
The real story here is Democrat incompetence safeguarding information and special interests trying to change the subject. Clicking on a phishing link and changing your password for the perp is the kind of thing I'd expect from a novice or a moron.
It's kind of interesting to watch the "progressives," the media and the Republican elites all doubling down on the kind of self-serving and deceptive crap that alienated so many from them in the first place. It's like they don't know what else to do but continue sabotaging, in the hopes that something will finally restore their "leadership."
UPDATE: Bear has more.
Killing Him with Kindness
And with that one statement, Obama lost the diplomatic war with Russia. [More]Putin just told him he's not worth bitch-slapping because he doesn't consider him a man.
The childish exit tantrums and denial of rejection pretty much confirm that.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Don't You Just Love a Man in Uniform?
People really can be conditioned sheep at times. [More]
It's why armed "Only Ones" don't generally result in the same mass hysteria...
[Via Michael G]
It's why armed "Only Ones" don't generally result in the same mass hysteria...
[Via Michael G]
Tales of the Bizarro World
Deported Immigrants Get Taxpayer-Funded Grants From Obama Administration [More]Now just try defying the IRS -- or not getting a tax stamp for a NFA gun.
Sorry, I don't remember which one of you sent me the link to the report a few days back.
Put Up or Shut Up
How about some, you know, evidence...? [More]
That goes for you, too, Lyndsey Grahamnesty. No one wants to create a perception of Trump illegitimacy more than Establishment Republicans. Betrayal from within the Party is the greatest political danger he faces.
That goes for you, too, Lyndsey Grahamnesty. No one wants to create a perception of Trump illegitimacy more than Establishment Republicans. Betrayal from within the Party is the greatest political danger he faces.
On the Money
As for me, I have increased my membership to patron. I will make extra donations to the NRA so they have what they need to fight back with. Mr. C, would it help to make extra donations to GOA, CCKBA, etc or just the NRA? [More]I typically stay out of comments under my articles -- I figure I've had my say, and now it's time for the readers to have theirs. At times I make exceptions if it looks like clarification or a direct answer is appropriate, but otherwise I steer clear -- even though the temptation to defend myself is sometimes great.
What I more often do is post comments meriting further discussion here, where a wider readership can see them, and also to keep from derailing the conversation I'm inviting readers to have under my article.
It's no secret that even though I'm an NRA Life member, I gravitate toward GOA more than any other national group. That said, as this question relates to responding to legal attacks, I'd make sure to earmark such donations to help fill the legal warchest of whichever group, not just give to the organization as a whole.
So if this article inspired a donation to NRA, make it to the Civil Rights Defense Fund. CCRKBA has a different mission, one of education -- the "legal" arm for court challenges is SAF. GOA does its legal work though Gun Owners Foundation.
And as we saw in last night's late-breaking story from Nevada, some of the most critical work is being done at the state level. Find your state group(s) and see where they need help.
While money is critical, don't forget: So is participation.
We're the Only Ones Counting Enough
Without that information, police and policymakers say, they can't gauge the full extent of gun violence in America. [More]And then what?
Looking at the track records of those decrying a lack of information, it's obvious they want to be able to use criminal abuses to "justify" edicts that will only disarm peaceable gun owners.
They're looking for headlines and hysteria.
Here are numbers we don't have as well: A breakdown of perps by party preference.
Why Didn't He Just Give Them What They Wanted?
Homeowner uses gun to bring down armed home invaders [More]It looks like what they wanted was his life.
Everyone at Bloomberg's The Trace, of course, would prefer him dead than armed and standing his ground. And preferably shot to death, so they could dance in the blood and point at guns.
[Via Bad Cyborg]
Shannon Demands Attention
So why give it to her? [More]
As long as the elites keep throwing money in her direction, it won't be used for something that might work.
[Via Mack H]
As long as the elites keep throwing money in her direction, it won't be used for something that might work.
[Via Mack H]
Welcome to the Hotel California
So much for the old paradigm working. [More]
Then again, I'm admittedly biased. And a troublemaker.
[Via Florida Guy]
Then again, I'm admittedly biased. And a troublemaker.
[Via Florida Guy]
Smearing Poop on the White House Walls
Last week, the Obama administration put the finishing touches on a new policy that would deprive recipients of disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) of their Second Amendment rights. The administration will now characterize those citizens as "mental defectives," thereby having their ability to own a firearm subject to the federal Gun Control Act. [More]The guy's doing what he can to express his contempt on his way out, isn't he?
I see comments and concerns were disregarded. This is my shocked face.
Hey, we can't let those damn "populists" have a say in "our democracy," can we?
When Trump takes over and orders this rescinded, the individuals behind this "decision" need to be identified and replaced if still there.
[Via Steve T]
Volunteer Busybody
Elaine Gillen then filed a public-records request for the names of these archers ... [More]Then I'd say Elaine Gillen has opened herself up to all kinds of scrutiny.
[Via Michael G]
The Road to Hell...
... is paved by "progressive" environmentalcases acting as useful idiots for the wealth and power transfer beneficiaries. [More]
They're literally making it impossible for anyone not part of the Big Club to survive, let alone compete.
I'd have posted the name of the damned Assoc. Air Quality Engineer. As WarOnGuns Correspondent Rough and Ready notes, "(name withheld to protect the apparatchik who has never signed the front of a paycheck)."
They're literally making it impossible for anyone not part of the Big Club to survive, let alone compete.
I'd have posted the name of the damned Assoc. Air Quality Engineer. As WarOnGuns Correspondent Rough and Ready notes, "(name withheld to protect the apparatchik who has never signed the front of a paycheck)."
Doing the Job the Big Boys Won't Do
The ruling did not overturn the ban but rejected arguments invoked by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, in which judges ruled that stun guns were not protected under the Second Amendment because they “were not in common use at the time of the Second Amendment’s enactment.” [More]In other words, the treasonous robed PsOS would ban everything developed after.
Regulars here recognize lawyer Stamboulieh's name, right?
[Via Len Savage]
Media [Star]Gatekeepers
Scientists pick up deep space signals which could PROVE aliens are trying to contact humanity ... The region where the signals are coming from ... is located about 3 billion light years away from earth. [More]Reality ain't these guys' strong suit, is it?
Who better to "inform" the rest of us?
They do the same stupid sh** with everything else, including, of course, guns.
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' with Lots and Lots of Money
George Soros Conjures Hitler In Attack On 'Ascendant Populists', Warns "Democracy Is Now In Crisis" [More]If that doesn't contradict itself right there, I don't know what does.
And the only way to avoid Nazi contol is through national socialism...?
Besides, didn't he say those were “the happiest times of my life”?
Too Many Chiefs
"We have always looked to Bears Ears as a place of refuge," Begaye said. "The rocks, the winds, the land — they are living, breathing things that deserve timely and lasting protection." [More]Sacred grounds, eh? Except "progressives" are also quick to go on the warpath under the banner of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."
Peel back the layers just a bit and see who benefits from such environmentalcase "victories" -- energy producers unburdened with such chains. They don't have to worry about rock carvings, either -- they can just blow them up.
Congratulations on putting the kibosh on prosperity opportunities, though, Russell. I don't suppose you'd care to own any of the outcomes of "progressivism" for those you purport to speak for...?
I don't blame you-- Jesse and Al don't, either. They just get more indignant and louder when they could use a refill.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Nevada AG Will Not Enforce New Law after FBI Declines Question 1 Background Checks
“[T]he recent passage of the Nevada legislation regarding background checks for private sales cannot dictate how federal resources are applied,” Kimberly Del Greco of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division informed the Nevada Department of Public Safety in a Dec. 14 letter, meaning the FBI would not allow intermediaries to run background checks as required by the Act. Based on a resulting department clarification request to Laxalt on how to proceed, the attorney general concluded “citizens may not be prosecuted for their inability to comply with the Act unless and until the FBI changes its public position and agrees to conduct the background checks consistent with the Act.” [More]The best laid schemes o' mice an' Michael Bloomberg, that is, o' rats...
Obviously NRA's Fault
Bloomberg seed money-funded The Trace said it, I believe it that settles it, right? [More]
I wonder why they don't provide for comments...?
Curious-- their top referral sites are pro-gun:
No doubt you'd find a similar pattern of motivation among key word searchers and social media links. Meaning the ones reading and passing along links to their crap are ... uh ...
Well, at least I know how to handle future Trace links.
I wonder why they don't provide for comments...?
Curious-- their top referral sites are pro-gun:
No doubt you'd find a similar pattern of motivation among key word searchers and social media links. Meaning the ones reading and passing along links to their crap are ... uh ...
Well, at least I know how to handle future Trace links.
The Website Went Off
Nevada accidentally leaks thousands of medical marijuana dispensary applications - The data includes their dates of birth, home addresses, citizenship, and driving license and social security numbers of the applicants. [More]Oh sure, trivialize criminal negligence by calling it an accident. Our bad!
We're sure this wasn't intentional?
Every one of those people is a "prohibited person," forbidden by the feds to own a gun. And now they're at even more risk.
[Via Jake S]
Welcome Chi-Coms!
I have no idea why the spike in visitors from the People's Republic, because Blogger's counter sucks. I used to have Stat Counter and Site Meter, but when they ran into their own internal glitches it would sometimes shut this site down.
I just hope my new visitors don't run afoul of Jingjing and Chacha.
I just hope my new visitors don't run afoul of Jingjing and Chacha.
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' Reasonable Contention
The county contends the law is a reasonable way of maintaining public safety and is in keeping with U.S. Supreme Court rulings on gun rights and with historical regulation of commercial gun sales. [More]Of course they do. They're professional liars.
[Via Dave Licht]
Heating Up the Ol' Fake News
The thought strikes, if the energy wealth transfer cabal burns enough "denier" heretics at the stake, they just may raise that carbon footprint enough to cause a chart spike and make their case for real... [More]
Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of Truth
- The new center will “track and evaluate counterfactual narratives”.
- The new center will identify “emerging trends” in “disinformation,” including “information obtained from print, broadcast, online and social media.”
- The new center will use “covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations”.
- The new center has 10 million dollars to pay select members of academia and journalism to “proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies,” and “to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation,” –as defined by the center.
- The new center will pick winners and losers in academia and politics: “The Center is authorized to provide grants or contracts of financial support to civil society groups, journalists, nongovernmental organizations, federally-funded research and development centers, private companies, or academic institutions.”
- The new center will compile and evaluate information that has been gathered by those whom the center funds. [More]
Fighting "fake news" with fake news, I see...
How very Opposite Day "progressive."
These people are obsessed with hating freedom.
Confirming a Conundrum
'I HAVE CONFIRMED EVIDENCE' Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims US-led coalition forces have ‘supported ISIS’ [More]So seeing as how Turkey is a NATO ally, if they retaliate militarily against those forces, Obama will be treaty-bound to provide support.
It'll be nice to finally get that out in the open.
And Remember, Our Diversity is Our Strength!
Of the nine Northern Virginians who were arrested, all but one were in their teens and early 20s. They included a police officer, a Starbucks barista, Army soldiers, bankers and a cabdriver. Four of the nine graduated from Northern Virginia high schools, one with honors. Two attended Northern Virginia Community College. [More]So they've already been treated with welcoming tolerance, inclusion and acceptance, and they still want to kill us?
Think. There's gotta be something else we can surrender and offer in appeasement...
Submit. Yeah, I know that works against the whole "diversity" thing, but it's the Opposite Day "progressive" thing to do.
Show Your Love for Cultural Terraforming
It's a great big beautiful tomorrow...[More]
These guys truly believe they're above it all. I guess considering the excesses at their fingertips from their point of view, and all the useful idiots and sycophants who line up to do their bidding, that's almost understandable.
These guys truly believe they're above it all. I guess considering the excesses at their fingertips from their point of view, and all the useful idiots and sycophants who line up to do their bidding, that's almost understandable.
No Nazis Allowed
I guess the national socialists running Café 8 ½ don't need the competition. [More]
If you're on Facebook, you can tell them what you think of their tolerance and their embracing of diversity here.
Fortunately for all, no gay wedding cakes were involved, but the thought strikes -- if a "conservative" restaurateur put up a "No 'Progressives'" sign, I'd expect the ethics of that crowd to result in "customers" going in with the express purpose of "finding" disgusting things in their food, not to mention anonymous "tips" to the health department.
The moral thing to do, of course, is to walk away.
If you're on Facebook, you can tell them what you think of their tolerance and their embracing of diversity here.
Fortunately for all, no gay wedding cakes were involved, but the thought strikes -- if a "conservative" restaurateur put up a "No 'Progressives'" sign, I'd expect the ethics of that crowd to result in "customers" going in with the express purpose of "finding" disgusting things in their food, not to mention anonymous "tips" to the health department.
The moral thing to do, of course, is to walk away.
We're the Only Ones Tracking Enough
But the vast data those readers generate continues to alarm civil liberties advocates, troubled by the possibility of police tracking people’s movements, and now a legal challenge is headed to Virginia’s Supreme Court to determine whether the police can keep the information indefinitely — or not at all. [More]Hey, if you're not going anywhere we're interested in, you've got nothing to worry about.
Say, I wonder if correlating locations would be enough to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant...
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Got Your Back Enough
Newly released dashcam video shows off-duty Fort Worth officer shoot man in back as he walked away [More]This ought to do wonders for race relations.
On the plus side, all community heroes made it home at the end of their shift. Despite charging that non-obedient troublemaker with "aggravated assault on a public servant"...
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
AstroTurf Harassment Campaign against Gun Owner Rights a FACT
What this is, obviously, is a lashing out at the results of the November elections, and an attempt by the monopoly of violence lobby to gain in “friendly” jurisdictions what was denied them at the polls. It is further an attempt to worry and harass in a “thousand cuts” strategy, hoping to drain reserves and even “win” through selecting targets that will be hard-pressed or not inclined to fight back. [More]It's a good thing Hillary's not making the federal court appointments. How's that for understatment?
'Progressive' Reconciliation Day
...a moonbat died of moonbattery... [More]Yeah, when when every day is Opposite Day, it's like that.
[Via Michael G]
Wishful Thinking
Gun-Owning Leftists Are a Good Thing; Here’s Why [More]Why, because they'll see the light?
It's hardly the new phenomenon the media -- and some in "our" camp -- are making it out to be. And decades of experience tell us otherwise.
My Cop Masters
Oh yeah, nice hit piece, Codera. Pretend the Left is totally disarmed so your cop masters can sleep easy while they disarm those who would protect the people of Ferguson. [More]You keep believing that, "ErikO." All of it.
It's to my advantage for opponents to be as ignorant as possible.
Like these guys. Note they overwhelmingly avoid the central question of who they support politically, and instead go right into predictable insults?
An Armed 'Liberal'
Kevin Keith Krohn, 59, posted on Facebook “I’m just glad Obama didn’t take all our gunz! I see a good use for one now”... [More]Ah, another "pro-gun Democrat"...
[Via Tom Skoch]
This Ridiculous Idiot Again...
Outrage at Prince Charles: ‘Normally at Christmas’ We Think of Jesus, This Year Remember Mohammed [More]Mr. Paine tolds us all we need to know about such characters.
Killing the Messengers
Nothing more clearly crystalizes this sad state of affairs than the U.S. government’s ruthless war on whistleblowers who expose severe constitutional violations by those in power. [More]Same as it ever was...
[Via Dan]
Learning from the Best
ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012. [More]Gosh, then why wouldn't we believe the Democrat operatives among them about foreign intereference in our affairs?
[Via Dave K]
The Year in Review
Mass shootings in America — a sad trend continued [More]
I guess the conclusion we're supposed to draw from this is that nothing will work except total disarmament. We need more gun free zones," more defenseless victims.
At least that's the Opposite Day "progressive" narrative we're supposed to buy into.
"Only Ones" exempted, of course.
Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful
48 Shot, 11 Fatally, In Christmas Weekend Shootings In Chicago [More]If only they would disarm you and me.
Hey, remember after the Heller ruling when Obama said "I know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne"...?
He's still never told us what exactly it is that works there.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
‘The Fashion of Islam’
...the fashion is really vibrant... [More]Particularly for women who choose to buck convention.
Not that the elites have to worry about that.
Where to Begin...?
Question sent via Facebook messenger in re "Situational Obliviousness or Happy Coincidence?":
Innocent victims could also end up digging out of an expensive legal hole if the gun they report later turns up at a crime scene, and conversely, perpetrators could abuse such a reporting system to have it on file they reported their weapon stolen.
What if you don't check your guns daily, and it's been gone for longer than 72 hours? Which cities have already enacted such edicts and not even used them to prevent, solve or prosecute one crime? Ask him who else has already tried it and what their success rate has been, and don't let him get away with dancing around with a non-answer.
And noting the best legal advice available, don't talk to the police, why would Franks require his constituents to do so, especially without a lawyer? Can they all afford one?
You could point out all of this and no doubt more, but I might be inclined to just ask one question of him or of any politician proposing this:
Where do you get your constitutional authority to require this of the citizenry?
Then insist on an immediate and specific answer.
[Via David H]
I am a constituent of Bruce Franks, Jr in St Louis. He visits my cafe frequently. If I were to bend his ear about the flaws of that 72 hr bill, what would you recommend I point out to be the most persuasive in 5 minutes?I suppose you could point out how such a system would be useless without registration, and without requiring each gun owner to keep an inventory by serial number, or you could point out how they could end up incriminating themselves if it turns out the gun in their possession was not obtained through an FFL, or how if they're "prohibited persons" themselves, requiring them to self-report their possession is a violation of their Fifth Amendment right. So right off the bat, criminal constituents are exempted.
Innocent victims could also end up digging out of an expensive legal hole if the gun they report later turns up at a crime scene, and conversely, perpetrators could abuse such a reporting system to have it on file they reported their weapon stolen.
What if you don't check your guns daily, and it's been gone for longer than 72 hours? Which cities have already enacted such edicts and not even used them to prevent, solve or prosecute one crime? Ask him who else has already tried it and what their success rate has been, and don't let him get away with dancing around with a non-answer.
And noting the best legal advice available, don't talk to the police, why would Franks require his constituents to do so, especially without a lawyer? Can they all afford one?
You could point out all of this and no doubt more, but I might be inclined to just ask one question of him or of any politician proposing this:
Where do you get your constitutional authority to require this of the citizenry?
Then insist on an immediate and specific answer.
[Via David H]
The Gun Went Off
Ooops! Ooops! Ooops! [More]
Don't you just hate it when that happens with your revolvers?
What? Intentional?
And there's cultural precedent?
What are you, some kind of hater?
Don't you just hate it when that happens with your revolvers?
What? Intentional?
And there's cultural precedent?
What are you, some kind of hater?
Monday, December 26, 2016
Rush by ‘Liberals’ to Buy Guns Refutes 'Progressive' Narrative and Raises Hypocrisy Questions
That means if it’s a choice between the Second Amendment and Hillary, guess which one loses. [More]You can tell a lot about a person's sincerity by examining their priorities.
That Depends upon what the Meaning of the Word 'Abridged' Is
[T]he scene is now set for the US government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the government deems to be "foreign propaganda." [More]Yeah, I'm sure we could justify that in light of "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." After all, just look what we've been able to do with "shall not be infringed."
When Native Americans were arms dealers... [More]What, no squaws for common sense thunderstick safety groups sprang up, demanding to do it for the papooses...?
That reminds me of one of my favorite movie exchanges of all time.
[Via Michael G]
Dog Bites Man
Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns [More]"Now"? How about "always"?
All kinds of evil, irresponsible and negligent choice consequences kill more people than inanimate objects, which on their own kill no one.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Not Knocking It Enough
Ray Rosas is a free man tonight after a jury of his peers found him not guilty of shooting three Corpus Christi police officers on February 19, 2015. On that day, early in the morning, CCPD executed a no-knock search warrant, forcing entry into the home without first knocking and announcing they were the police. [More]Sounds like reason prevailed once government was taken out of the decision-making process...
[Via William T]
A Likely Story
An actor who played a bit part in an independent gangster film and used a prop pellet gun without a New Jersey gun permit likely won’t have to serve a prison term. [More]I guess there are no grownups in charge over there. Or sane people.
[Via William T]
The Hole Book
Teaching Kids Gun Safety In 1908 (Lots of Images) [More]You mean such lessons can be taught with humor and without hysteria...?
[Via Florida Guy]
No 'One Size Fits All' Solutions
Flashbang bra holsters can fit some. [Watch]
But not all.
Ain't no such thing as "foolproof."
Ultimately, it boils down to quality of conduct.
[Via Florida Guy]
But not all.
Ain't no such thing as "foolproof."
Ultimately, it boils down to quality of conduct.
[Via Florida Guy]
And Remember, Our Diversity is Our Strength!
“Have you ever wondered what it really means to be white? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably ‘no.’ But here is your chance!,” reads the course description. “In this class, we will ask what an ethical white identity entails, what it means to be #woke, and consider the journal Race Traitor’s motto, ‘treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.'” [More]Naturally the same Opposite Day "progressives" promoting this call whites racist, and by happy coincidence want to see them disarmed.
Gee, I wonder why.
Meanwhile, Over at the Rogues' Gallery
An alderman indicted on corruption charges while he sat in a City Council meeting is merely the latest in a rogues' gallery of elected officials to face such allegations in Chicago, a city that over the years became saddled with a national reputation for corruption. [More]What they really need is a ban on "gun lookalike cellphone cases."
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
Missing the Point?
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For Everyone's Safety?
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That's not just promoters and venues and Fudds putting a happy face on selling out to ignorant insurance policies? No need for Fletcher to weigh in?
They can't just require carried firearms stay holstered unless needed? Or is it because they really don't trust Americans to be armed?
Thanks for making the antis argument for them. If I were a gun-grabber, I would grab on to every gun show that makes this crap argument (that would be most of them) and throw it back in the faces of rights advocates.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas
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The rest of my home office, doing double duty for Christmas.. |
My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world.
Merry Christmas.
Now: What in the world are you doing here?
It's Christmas. And if you don't celebrate it, indulge those of us who do.
Go be with the ones you love. If there is no one you love, go fix that. Go do something loving for someone.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Disarming Potential Victims so Murderers They Welcome Won't Have to
EU agrees new gun rules in face of terrorism [More]But it's not that they're anti-gun.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Dogged Enough
Court: Police Can Shoot A Dog If It Moves Or Barks When Cop Enters Home [More]Using that "standard," all dogs are fair game.
I suspect if someone did a chart showing dogs killed by "law enforcement," you'd see it go up sharply over the years.
Defend yourself against one of theirs at your own risk.
The Wizards of Oz
Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since [the 1996 ban and confiscation]. [More]Pay no attention to the gun-grabbing frauds behind the curtain.
[Via Neil W]
Damn Russian Hackers
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[More] |
Dark Helmet: So the combination is... one, two, three, four, five? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life! That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage! ... President Skroob: That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage.[Via WRSA]
'These are Merkel’s Dead'
Canary in a coal mine for the U.S...? [More]
Not if suicidal "progressives" have their way:
Then again, while trying to get more information on the aftermath of the supposed Tunisian truck killer story, I found all I need to know about the priorities of the West from the "Most Popular" sidebar articles over at The Sun, particularly from entries with titles like "16 AND PREGNANT STAR DEAD."
They're not just Merkel's dead.
Not if suicidal "progressives" have their way:
“Germans should not let the attack on a Christmas market in Berlin undermine liberal values,” ran the headline on the Washington Post editorial Dec. 22.As opposed to:
“They hate and kill us. And nobody protects us. Our leaders betray us. We need a political revolution. Islamic immigration is an invasion, an existential problem that will replace our people [and] erase our culture.”And those who agree with the first opinion and bring in even more want to disarm us.
Then again, while trying to get more information on the aftermath of the supposed Tunisian truck killer story, I found all I need to know about the priorities of the West from the "Most Popular" sidebar articles over at The Sun, particularly from entries with titles like "16 AND PREGNANT STAR DEAD."
They're not just Merkel's dead.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
#DumpStarWars Distracts from ‘Rogue One’ Citizen Militia Theme
Such a rebellion, of course, requires an armed citizenry banding together as a militia, which, as per previous “Star Wars” movies, is exactly what is happening in “Rogue One.” Protagonist Jyn Erso demands and appropriates a weapon, noting her accepted retention of it is a sign that “trust goes both ways.”
Bingo. [More]That’s hardly a theme mainstream propagandists are inclined to acknowledge.
Pretty in Pink
And though some may say a pretty pink pistol isn’t as menacing as the silver or black models, cops stress the pastel handguns are no less lethal. [More]Who "may say" that? Anyone who knows what they're talking about, and would thus be fitting sources meriting mention in what's purported to be a "news" story?
This is the quality of "information" the move to marginalize alternative media is designed to reduce things to.
[Via Mack H]
A Great Virginian
Khan has written positively about sharia law. Other laws “must always be subordinated” to Islam’s, he wrote while living in Saudi Arabia in 1983. He also made money representing wealthy foreign clients trying to secure U.S. visas for themselves and their families, in a program critics say is “riddled” with fraud. [More]Sounds like he'll fit right in.
[Via Mack H]
A Right Delayed
On 14 December, 2016, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court ruling in Silvester v. Harris. In the original decision, the District Court ruled that requiring a gun owner who had already passed a background check, and who either already owned a registered gun or had a concealed carry permit, was an infringement on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The Ninth Circuit held that a 10 day waiting period was a “reasonable safety precaution”. [More]I guess this is an advance, but come on. Prior restraint "background checks," registration and permits are not infringements?
The damn black robes go through more perverted contortions than are alluded to in the Marilyn Manson rib removal urban legend.
Beginning on December 15th, the anniversary of U.S. Bill of Rights ratification, and running through the Holiday Season, The Origin of the Second Amendment document collection and The Founders' View of the Right to Bear Arms history - the authoritative books on the subject of the Second Amendment's history according to Alan Gura - will be half price at Amazon. [More]I just found out about this. We've talked about these books before. In my opinion, they are indispensable resources for all informed advocates.
While the Gettin's Good
Mexican ambassador urges immigrants to apply for US citizenship [More]So revoke his credentials.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Let Us Cut Your Drive Time!
Uber driver in Michigan stabs passenger five times [More]That explains the anti-gun policies...
[Via Steve T]
Who will Check the Checkers?
Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes [More]
'Forced Flat'
A young woman, driving home late after work, is targeted for a robbery. Followed by thieves, they shoot out her tire and approach her where she pulls over. Totally unaware and dazed, the victim exposes herself to harm, not prepared for the unexpected. On foot, she seeks shelter and assistance. [More]
This week on "Stop the Threat"...
If You're Not Doing Anything We Secretly Deem Wrong, You've Got Nothing to Worry About
Yahoo Inc's secret scanning of customer emails at the behest of a U.S. spy agency is part of a growing push by officials to loosen constitutional protections Americans have against arbitrary governmental searches, according to legal documents and people briefed on closed court hearings. [More]Hey, someone's gotta protect us from the Russians...
Doing the Job Pro-American Presidents Won't Do
Yesterday, President Obama has designated vast portions of the United States’ Arctic Ocean as indefinitely off limits for future oil and gas leasing. [More]Because posting pictures of polar bears that will make urban "progressives" feel good is more of a priority than securing the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
So the Shoe Can't Go on the Other Foot?
“If the Trump administration is already singling out scientists for doing their jobs, the scientific community is right to be worried about what his administration will do in office. What’s next? Trump administration officials holding up lists of ‘known climatologists’ and urging the public to go after them?” Halpern asked. [More]Trying to burrow in, are we? And upset about being rooted out?
[Via Mean Betsy]
Situational Obliviousness or Happy Coincidence?
Robbers take car, gun, phones from State Rep.-elect Bruce Franks in St. Louis holdup [More]Pretty convenient timing. I sure hope him pushing for a stolen gun reporting law doesn't have anything to do with this.
Beggin' Your Pardon
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A "progressive" solution. |
Obama Grants 153 Commutations, 78 Pardons to Convicted Felons [More]I see some are upset that many were "gun criminals."
Unless they used them to hurt somebody, don't be, unless you like the sound of a bell tolling. The sole issue here ought to be whether or not hungry tigers are being let out of their cages, not whether excuses to put you in one are being defended by the "enforce existing Intolerant Acts" crowd.
What's the Constitutional federal authority for gun and drug edicts, again...? At least with booze they went through the motions of enacting an amendment.
[Via Mack H]
Trying to Recreate the Happiest Time of His Life
The ‘Staggering’ Campaign of Liberal Billionaire George Soros to Swing Local Prosecutor Elections [More]Just like the self-anointed god did to Arpaio.
I'll bet he can't wait to turn his new crop of Oberreichsanwalt wannabes loose on gun owners.
Ah, those were the good old days, eh George?
[Via Mack H]
Leadership Transition
Received via email from DRGO:
After founding Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership 23 years ago and acting as its director since then, Timothy W. Wheeler, MD is retiring at the end of this year from the day-to-day operations of the project ... As of January 1, the leadership team will consist of Arthur Przebinda, MD—Project Director: The primary contact person for media or business inquiries, as well as administrative, financial and operational oversight. Robert B. Young, MD—Executive Editor: In charge of all editing functions concerning DRGO’s blog and other written content, as well as oversight of DRGO’s social media.The other members of the leadership team are: John Edeen, MD Membership Director; Sean Brodale, DO
Outreach Director.
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