Wednesday, December 07, 2016

No Matter How You Slice It

Pizzagate... [More]
No worries -- VOX (that "progressive" voice we've come to trust so), tells us it's just another totally false conspiracy theory, that is, "fake news" being promulgated by white supremacists, that is, by Trump supporters, with a dose of "Russian hacking" for good measure.  That way, when the terrm appears in P3M, it will be to deny, dismiss and ridicule, plus it gives the colluders all the excuse they need to keep it buried.

I won't be surprised to find some of the stories are ridiculous fakes. But I also won't just assume those behind them are what they want the world to think they are.

Where we "extremists" need to be extremely careful is in deriving "guilty" convictions without the requisite proofs. Unfortunately, ginning up angry mobs based on mere accusations seems to be the way of the virtual world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot dismiss the charges based on the art work the podestas and the pizza place display alone.