Friday, March 31, 2017

Five Common Piles

And how to avoid stepping in them... [More]

In re "the Golden Horde," I don't see vast herds coming my way, but I can envision opportunistic dangerous bands, which is why I view where I have placed myself as the most suppliable, defensible and amenable to mutually advantageous networking. To get there you have to go off the beaten path and through countless similar areas, plus there are neighbors who are (to my personal knowledge about several of them) equipped and inclined to act morally and rationally. So unless something that turns all that on its head comes along and all bets are off, no "bug out" for me.

Not that capricious fate -- or Mr. Murphy -- care about my preparations, and as Mr. Burns observed:
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men  Gang aft agley...
Still, you gotta work the odds (as long as odds have meaning) and there are much easier and more accessible places for scavengers to forage for cannibal food.

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