Monday, March 20, 2017

Interstate Legal Attack on Range Leaves More Questions than Answers

Someone knows their taxpayer privacy restriction workarounds. They know how to harass. And they also know how to make resistance drawn out and expensive... [More]
Rural "progressives" with a California Democrat mouthpiece demand every place be like "everytown"  -- especially if firearms traditions run strong. I connect some of the dots. It will be interesting to see the picture develop further as others start looking into things.


Anonymous said...

People like that 'neighbor' who have gotten on my shit list somehow found some KUDZU planted in their yard. Kudzu is known as "The vine that ate the South" since it just grows and grows. Extremely difficult to get rid of it and some I planted 10-15 years ago is still going strong. My experience is to not just react to an attack (in the courts etc.) but to go on the offensive and deliver something they cannot forget about. KUDZU can be found all over the Southern states and it doesn't take much to get the point across. If I lived in California, I would be happy to 'decorate' the lawyer's house/office with the stuff and let him wonder what just ate his house.

Anonymous said...

Just heard about this from a VCDL update. Disgusting.

Chas said...

The left doesn't want us to have suppressors, and they don't want us to make any noise either. Why is that?