Friday, April 07, 2017

'Illegitimate Justice!' Cries to Begin in 3...2...1...

Judge Neil M. Gorsuch was confirmed by the Senate on Friday to become the 113th justice of the Supreme Court [More]
I've already expressed my concerns, so all I have left to say is best expressed by Capt. Mallory:
You're in it now, up to your neck! 


Anonymous said...

Already started, about the time you were posting this.

Chas said...

With any luck, Trump will get to replace a few more anti-American, leftist, government supremacists with people who support our rights as Americans, instead of the current crop of communists masquerading as liberals, who are trying to destroy our rights, and us along with them.

Unknown said...

Friday the 113 (cue Jason stabbing sound effect)...