There are plenty of smears against Barbeau, notably by those who make a lucrative living off ad hominem insinuations like the Southern Poverty Law Center. There’s also no shortage of gun owners ostensibly “on our side” who will argue this isn’t the right case to back, and they’ll cite Barbeau’s own words and actions, being exploited by SPLC and others, to throw him under the bus. [More]All the noise about the wrong guy and the wrong case aside, what this really boils down to is this: Is it a right or not? As long as people in power can enforce infringements, what do you think?
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Schuyler Barbeau Gun Case Pits Principle Against Precedents
Meet the New Neighbors
Why not take a dessert platter over and say "Howdy"? [More]
For some reason 1960s TV comedies exploiting the stereotyped hilarity of cultural misplacement come to mind, with shows like "The Beverly Hillbillies" and "Green Acres."
They, of course, wouldn't dare submit a pilot these days for "Jihadi Junction"...
[Via Matt F]
The Most Dangerous Time
The Oregon Legislature has announced that “sine die” is “imminent.” [More]Oregon gun owners: You know what that means and why it's important to know, right?
Well I put links in these things for a reason.
Beck and Feuer Exemplify Gun-Grabbing Oath Breakers
In true Opposite Day fashion, Feuer’s and Beck’s “progressive” stance is actually one desperately clinging to the past to maintain L.A.s “may issue” permit system. That generally means “may not” as far as commoners are concerned, ensuring the only non-law enforcement citizens allowed to “legally” carry are well-connected political elites and celebrities. [More]Funny how they use the word "dictate" to describe laws that would impede their tyrannical infringements.
The Voice of Reason
Sarah Silverman Mocks Jesus, GOP in Netflix Promo [More]Gee, I wonder why she won't mock Mohammed...
I guess being a dysfunctional bedwetter and serial passaround doesn't make her totally crazy.
Fault Lines
In a blog post on the Oath Keepers website, David Codrea weighed in on the heated politics of the incident, and addressed the idea that the attack in Portland was “Donald Trump’s fault.” [More]Thanks for the cite and the link.
Those of you who haven't read it yet will see I addressed more than that.
We're the Only Ones Available to Start Immediately Enough
Officer Loehmann was instead fired for lying on his employment application in 2013 ... Before joining the Cleveland police force, Officer Loehmann worked for a smaller police department, in Independence, Ohio, where supervisors recommended his termination, citing instances of insubordination, lying and an “inability to emotionally function.” [More]I hear Frank Rizzo's looking for talent.
Progress, Opposite Day 'Progressive' Style
49 shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend — and that's a sign of progress [More]I told you more feet on the street would make a difference!
Forget it Jake...
Oath Breakers Gonna Break Oaths
PORTLAND TRIES TO STAMP OUT FREE SPEECH [More]Nobody actually thought this was just about the Second Amendment, did they?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Decommissioning Enough
St. Louis decommissioned its Thompson submachine guns about 60 years ago. [More]Lemme know when you guys want to sell one that works.
That said, it's preferable to see them "giving back to the community" instead of scrapping them, like totalitarian vandals destroying public property with impunity do.
[Via bondmen]
Think Again
For the five hundred or so Americans who die from unintentional gunshot wounds, the product safety model might make some sense. [More]Bull. If the product is defective, there are remedies.
To go beyond that is to cede an opening for this:
There you have it, their true goal, laid out in black and white. The only acceptable guns are those which can be handled in complete safety by fools. Forget responsibility and accountability. Forget training and judgment. Forget the fact that life is fraught with risks and benefits and tradeoffs. Forget individual freedom and inalienable rights. Unless a drooling moron can hold the gun in his toes and gnaw on the barrel and yank back on the trigger with his (presumably opposable) thumbs in utter and oblivious tranquillity, it must be banned.[Via Matt F]
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Texas Antifa Group to Protest Statue of Sam Houston [More]Keep pushing. Keep alienating.
[Via Michael G]
No Argument from Me
'I ain't fit to live': Police say Mississippi gunman kills 8 [More]Looks like he couldn't be trusted without a custodian.
Funny how that works out.
Cue the Moms.
[Via Steve T]
Jumping Bail
In Texas, Judges Waive Bail for the Indigent, Distorting the Constitution [More]It's not like he's opening a cage and letting out a maneater. In this case, it's apparently for driving without a license, for which an arrestee "would otherwise be released"?
I guess my main problem with this is how would it be equal protection to make me pay? That and requiring a license in the first place and taking people hostage who don't comply, which is a whole 'nother set of arguments.
[Via Michael G]
Wouldn't Surprise Me One Bit
California Christians Must Now Register Bibles As Assault Weapons [More]Sure, it's tongue-in-cheek. But it's not like some of us haven't thought the same thing.
[Via Matthew L]
Help is On the Way
Kansas City’s deadly weekend highlights need for urgent action on crime prevention [More]Not to worry. Sly James will be hiring a bureaucrat to give him an added layer of insulation. Between that and his partnership with Bloomberg, what could go wrong?
[Via bondmen]
I Just Dropped in to See what Condition His Condition Was In
T.L. Davis relects while going through the needed steps to heal, and reveals he's one of the few strangers who can stare down feral sons Uday and Qusay when they're not on the leash (albeit they had just been fed). [More]
I'm Sure It's Just an Oversight
Kathy Griffin's upcoming tour dates page suddenly won't display. How else are we to thank those commercial venues in advance for standing bold in the face of controversy?
Fortunately, Google cache comes to the rescue!
Here's how you can thank each and every one:
- Veterans Memorial Auditorium / @centforthearts / FB
- Uptown Theatre / @TheUptownNapa / FB
- Sunset Center / @SunsetCenter / FB
- Community Arts Center / @CAClive / FB
- St. George Theatre / @StGeorgeTheatre / FB
- State Theatre / @StateTheatreNJ / FB
- Bergen PAC / @BergenPAC / FB
Glad to help!
UPDATE: One down. Six to go.
Domestic Enemy?
John Brennan sure looks like one. [More]
The question mark is in the title because we are supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty. That said, why is there no official investigation?
The question mark is in the title because we are supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty. That said, why is there no official investigation?
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Ask the Candidate
Rob Quist responded to my AmmoLand piece and seems genuinely surprised "Vote for Fudd" was not a winning slogan. [More]
Feel free to engage.
Perfect Timing
CNN Guest Goes Nuts, Blames GOP for Breakdown in Civility, Implies They Support Violence [More]Realizing after her I was "merely mocking" non mea culpa didn't work, like a coward Griffin deleted related tweets, taking all the responses telling her how full of sh!+ people think she is.
And now she's recorded an excuse-making "apology," desperately hoping that will make it all better.
Forgive and forget, right? Just like the "tolerant" left?
What is it about them and decapitated Republican presidents?
Here's the thing-- the contempt isn't just for the man-- it's for everyone who shares core values with the man. In this case, it is for millions of Americans in all those "red" areas who gave Trump an electoral victory because they were counting him doing what he promised in the campaign.
If you're one of them, that decapitation was meant for you.
We know for a fact corporate advertisers are gutless. I wonder how many will be willing to stand up to double standard accusations if they don't drop sponsorship/hosting of Griffin for everything she does in the foreseeable future?
[Via Mack H]
With RINOs Like These...
A bill I drafted about the sale or transfer of firearms has received a great deal of attention. [More]Not so much the bill as you being an enemy inside the gates. And it looks like those replying are on to you.
I suggest letting @PAGOP know that any further support they provide Santora will be seen as aid and comfort.
There's a surplus of Republicans in the PA House, so tossing one seat if this lump runs again won't hurt them one bit-- meaning if you're a District 163 gun owner and you still help him stay in power, your disarmament is on you. And under no circumstances should he be considered acceptable for higher office.
The People Have Spoken
It's just that the politicians aren't going to listen unless there's an "or else" attached to things. [More]
I can't wait for the next jihadi-initiated slaughter so I can learn what a racist I am for harboring doubts and concerns I'd like to see alleviated before "we" proceeed any further.
Mirren Gidda, 'Authorized Journalist'
A member of the Oath Keepers militia ... members of Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters—which the Anti-Defamation League describes as “anti-government extremist movement[s]”... [More]I don't suppose it would do any good repeating what should be common knowledge to any "real reporter" interested in doing two minutes worth of actual seeing for themselves instead of just parroting leftist smears...
Nah. Consider the source.
If Newsweek were interested in the truth, they'd have been in the running for a shot at reporting it.
Not 'If' But 'When'
“This will happen at some point. Plate tectonics isn’t turning off,” Jones says. “When it happens, we’re not going to have water. It’s going to take six months to get water back in all of our houses. We could lose electricity for the whole western U.S. We’re going to have no transportation. City-wide fires have the potential to burn down the city.” [More]Enjoy all those "sanctuary" refugees when it does happen.
What? You're planning on the rest of us taking you all in?
If the resources are limited to where choices will need to be made, who should get priority?
Montana Gun Owners Dodge Bullet with Gianforte’s Defeat of Quist
Quist made fair a question that’s been asked before: Can there really be such a thing as a “pro-gun Democrat”? [More]How can you truly be "pro-gun" if you then turn around and support the likes of Obama and Hillary?
While the “mainstream media” and the rest of the usual suspects continue to demonize individual gun owners and the NRA, you don’t have to be a rabid hoplophobe to question the NRA. [More]But if you do, prepare for blowback.
Star Wars
'Space Aggressors' Train US Forces for Extraterrestrial Conflict [More]If "they" have interstellar technology, resistance probably would be futile, and instead of a war, it would be an effortless wipeout. Sorry to sound defeatist for a change, but imagine the D-Day invasion against ancient Rome, or the conflict probably being even more one-sided.
I think it was Arthur C. Clarke who postulated on the mathematical improbability of interstellar war. It went something like imagine two side-by-side stacks of postage stamps 500 feet high, representing the beginning of life on the bottom stamp and the present day on the top, and everything in between representing gradual levels of advancement.
The only possible even-sided conflict would be assuming technological development started and advanced simultaneously in both stacks and that the antagonists meet when both are at the identical level -- a stamp above or below would be the difference between a Civil War army fighting a World War I army. Two stamps difference could be the latter vs. King George's Redcoats. You start getting three, four or five layers of difference and the technological advantage only widens.
Imagine intelligent beings with star drive hundreds of years ahead of us. Or a thousand. Or a million.
The odds against an even match are astronomical. A more likely outcome would be ants vs. you with a can of Raid.
Prediction: If we ever do avoid killing ourselves off and reaching for the stars, as would have the "space invaders," we will have developed beyond the current popular notion of doing so through a Star Trek-style "space UN." That -- and motivation via coercion -- will seem as antiquated and unrealistic as "A Trip to the Moon."
Note how technology seems to advance more quickly in an environment of more relative freedom. Me, I'd rather continue the climb from where I am than from starting at the bottom again.
[Via Florida Guy]
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
Report: 23,000 jihadis living in Britain [More]You're not a jihadiphobe, are you?
Good thing none of this has anything at all to do with that "single issue."
Truth Bending
NRA TV says the Manchester bombing happened because of “gender bending” and gun control [More]No, that's not what they said.
But that Salon would make one aspect of a wider argument (and a true one) appear to be the central premise should not surprise anyone.
And as for the "artist" my friend Laocoön calls Areola Grande, it figures "progressives" would approve of an overprivileged "celebrity" who asserts "I hate America" while licking and spitting on donuts intended for sale to the public in a shop owned by people working their asses off.
Who doesn't Areola hate?
The people who kill her fans, apparently.
Just ask her fellow pop diva, Katy. You know, the one all for you being defenseless who employs a "hot" bodyguard.
[Via Matt F]
The Third Way
None of this is subtle, but Quist’s break with the Democratic Party platform hasn’t produced a peep from the activist left; the gun issue wasn’t even raised before decided to endorse him. Are progressives knowingly practicing hard-headed electoral pragmatism? Or, as is more likely, are they ducking a divisive and frustrating issue for as long as possible, until another horrific mass shooting produces a fresh wave of outrage? [More]No, they're just being their usual devoid of principle lying sacks, saying and doing anything for political power.
[Via Mack H]
Plastic Fantastic
Models from the world's first agency for 'modified humans' have spent $3 MILLION between them on surgery to look like characters such as a Ken doll, Britney Spears and an ALIEN [More]Based on the pictures, I'd want my money back.
I guess it ain't right to judge pursuit of happiness, but jeez. Why does the death of the West come to mind?
I once had work done by a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon.
I was horsing around/wrestling with elder feral son Uday when he was about 10 or so, and decided he'd earned a tickle. Big mistake. The foot lashed out to my nose as a reflex and it sounded like chicken bones splintering -- the wife heard it clear on the other side of the house and came running.
She was crying, he was crying, everybody was crying but me, because I was busy holding him and consoling him and letting him know that it wasn't his fault and I wasn't mad at him.
Bottom line, the Beverly Hills guy is who the insurance sent me to for repair work. It was funny walking around in public with the bandages on and both eyes bruised black and green from internal bleeding -- funny because I got some looks that registered disapproval based on the presumption that I was someone who gets into fights, and the further presumption that I lose them.
At least that's what I presumed.
I was standing in front of the mirror inspecting the damage, concerned because the dressing under my nose pushed it up like a pug, and I was afraid I wouldn't recognize myself when the bandages came off.
"He better not have made me look like Meg Ryan!" I complained, and it took a second to understand why the wife thought that was funny.
[Via Steve T]
We're the Only Ones More Likely Enough
Permits have been revoked for firearms-related violations at rates of thousandths of one percentage point. Civilian permit holders are less likely than police officers to be convicted of a firearms violation. [More]The pros make it look so easy...
[Via Keith B]
Despised by the Despicable
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[More] |
There are all kinds of legitimate reasons for being Publius, as opposed to just being a demonstrable pussy.
We're the Only Ones Impressive Enough
Police arrested an off-duty city correction officer who pulled out his gun in a Hell’s Kitchen restaurant to impress two women — then accidentally shot himself in the finger and one of his companions in her right foot, officials said Wednesday. [More]Lord Vader would like to weigh in:
Bang! Bang! Eric's Silver Bike Lock Came Down Upon His Head
Since his arrest last Wednesday, Clanton has been sitting in an Oakland jail pending a $200,000 bail. According to East Bay Times, the courtroom was packed with members of the press and protesters, some of whom cried for his release. [More]
Rose and Valerie, screaming from the gallery,
say he must go free
(Eric must go free)
The judge does not agree and he tells them so, o, o, o...
I'm sure if someone had the musical talents and the time they could come up with a pretty decent parody.
Seems Appropriate
A Portland, Ore. burrito shop shuttered a week after being featured in an article, amid accusations of cultural appropriation. [More]Take that argument to its logical conclusion and both sides of the transaction ought to be shut down.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Portland Attacks Won’t Be Stopped by Smearing Conservatives as White Supremacists
And the best way to scare off or otherwise neuter critics of that policy of national suicide is to label and ostracize them as racists. [More]That tack effectively buries the argument that, as with everything else it is supposed to do, government’s immigration policies ought to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…”
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Armed American Radio Tonight
I'll be joining Mark Walters tonight for all of Hour One, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll be discussing:
- A Memorial Day rememberance of my Uncle Nick which some of you may remember from an earlier tribute.
- How "Spreading 'Lies of Omission' Can Be a Good Thing."
- And more.
Hour Two will feature Alan Gottlieb. Dave Workman will be on in Hour Three.
Go to the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Blunder Woman
Texas Theater's Women-Only 'Wonder Woman' Screening Is Infuriating Fragile Men [More]There's a difference between being infuriated and pointing out hypocrisy. As for being fragile, coming from trivial "progressives" self-identifying as "too fab," that's rich.
As long as sex is a legitimate factor in voluntary commercial association, you have to wonder how fragile they'd be if, say, a Christian baker refused to produce a "gay wedding" cake.
In re the "exclusive" screening, I'd liked to have seen some monkeywrenching male patrons tell the theater they self-identify as women and dare them to refuse admittance. Now that it's over, there's nothing to stop a bunch of guys from doing the same thing though, with the restrooms at Alamo Drafthouse. En masse.
And while we're at it, let's see how fragile the little Too Fab bitches are over this:
Poll Position
Hi! We're researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We are conducting a study to better understand audience evaluations of media coverage of gun regulations and gun rights. [More]I got this link as an off-topic comment to an earlier post, and didn't OK it because of the "Comment House Rules" (they're in the sidebar). Please send tips via email ( or via the Contact Form, also in the sidebar.
I'm not sure how the CSGV-affiliated "study" team hopes to have any kind of reliable results, because they gotta know RKBA advocates are gonna jump in. Maybe they wanted it to be kept secret?
[Via Fred]
We're the Only Ones Indecent Enough
DeKalb sheriff suspends himself after indecency arrest [More]If he beats the rap he ought to sue the department!
[Via William T]
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income..." [More]And from whom will the wealth be transferred? I don't suppose participation on the producing end will be optional? Or that strings will be attached to the receivers?
While it might be tempting to conclude this Opposite Day "progressive" multibillionaire does not understand basic economics, I'd argue that he does, and more importantly, that he understands control.
As for his self-confessed guilt for all his "luck," that's probably because he realizes everything he offers lacks actual value.
The Silent Plague
That's how racists think of you, mongrels. [More]
"Plague." That's even lower than "vermin."
Anybody still think "it" could never happen here?
[Via Michael G]
"Plague." That's even lower than "vermin."
Anybody still think "it" could never happen here?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Out in Force Enough
Chicago Police say they will put an extra 1,000 officers on the street each day during the Memorial Day weekend, which has become one of the deadliest times of the year in the city. [More]So will this be an excuse for union overtime (ka-CHING!) or are they going to flood the streets with out-of-condition/training desk jockeys, as likely to panic as anything if they get in over their comfort levels?
And talk about "pizza gate"!
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
Any bets on numbers?
[Via bondmen]
Speaking of Assaulting Women...
All the best Democrat donor thugs do... [More]
No wonder they don't want women armed.
I wonder if Hillary, Holt, Obama and the party will give the money back?
[Via Michael G]
No wonder they don't want women armed.
I wonder if Hillary, Holt, Obama and the party will give the money back?
[Via Michael G]
Good News for All You 'Progressive' Gals!
Denver Decriminalizes DOMESTIC VIOLENCE To Protect Criminal Immigrants [More]Isn't that tolerant and inclusive, to honor cultural traditions like that?
Hey, will it apply to all? Can we use it to overturn the Lautenberg gun ban?
[Via Michael G]
The Right Snake
Ex-TSA chief John Pistole in talks for top FBI job: report [More]Why does Proverbs 23:32 suddenly come to mind...?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Transitioning Enough
A former police officer is accused of disguising herself as a man to rob a bank in Northern California. [More]But the main point is, that's not just a microaggression, that's appropriation!
[Via Rough and Ready]
Because Nazis Don't Deserve Free Speech!
Rope-selling "capitalist" evidently agrees with Antifa, at least on that point. On ownership of property not so much. [More]
And oh, look: The good nachbars over at USAA would rather side with Media Matters, too.
[Via Laocoön, Jeffersonian, Michael G]
And oh, look: The good nachbars over at USAA would rather side with Media Matters, too.
[Via Laocoön, Jeffersonian, Michael G]
Thursday, May 25, 2017
The Bush Administration Used to Fight for Gun Control, Too
Trump lawyers ask Supreme Court to reject 2nd Amendment claim by men who lost gun rights over nonviolent crimes [More]Remember Ted Olson?
Mr. Quigley would like to say a few words.
New York ‘Common Sense’ Gun Bill Could Get People Killed
"The prohibition would apply to pistols or revolvers manufactured twelve or more months after the effective date of the bill. Design features could include the capacity to adjust the trigger resistance of the gun to at least a ten pound pull, the capacity to alter the firing mechanism so- that an average five year old child’s hand would be too small to operate the gun, or the capacity to require a series of multiple motions in order to fire the gun." [More]Because nothing says "common sense gun safety" like mandatory accuracy impediments!
Good News
“LIES OF OMISSION” PRERELEASE SCREENING A SUCCESS [More]Glad to see things went well in spite of the mishap.
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' Open Mind
I know the NRA’s reputation, but I went to the convention with an open mind, prepared to have my stereotypical notions challenged... [More]You sure can't tell from all the B.S. talking point regurgitation that comes after that claim.
A Poisonous Snake of the Highest Order
This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. [More]
Pournelle admits this has not been verified, but as to the snake charge, I have reason to believe it.
Funny, who Comey finds common ground with...
[Via Michael G]
Taking a Leak
Any bets the same one compromising intelligence operations are also involved in sabotaging the administration? [More]
[Via Michael G]
All Kinds of Contortions
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The statistical gymnastics to get to these numbers are more than just mathematically negligent. They are traitorous. [More]What?
You mean people like me aren't terrorists?
But ... but... but Teen Vogue...
What do I do with the robe? Who will tell Troian? And is the Bloomberg propagandist contest still on?
[Via Michael G]
Protections Vastly Different in Competing Knife Bills
The House and Senate versions appear to advocate for the same goals, with the exception of the repeal of the Federal Switchblade Act in the House version. But a breakdown of details shows protections being offered are not equal... [More]If there's one thing recent events should have taught us it's that not resolving legislative differences between industry and owner interests hurts all.
I keep comment threads focused on the topic of each blog post. I generally don't allow off-topic comments, but occasionally get one that merits attention:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Redirecting the Argument": David, Not part of this thread, but thought you might want to know. Was it you or Mike that was the source of the "anonymous tip" for Sharyl Attkisson's Fast & Furious reporting?
It wasn't me, and I don't believe it was Mike. She and her producer contacted us.
One thing not reflected in her narrative, because she may not know, is that we advised Dodson to speak with her producer to set up the interview:
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And the next day, I advised him to speak with her:
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The Mariana Trench
Bill reviving handgun ban goes to the Senate [More]If they want self-determination, don't interefere with them. But if they want to remain "a dependant territory ... under U.S. sovereignty," then rights and the "supreme Law of the Land" need to be recognized.
Under the latter case, rights violations like cruel and unusaual punishment would not be tolerated. Well, scratch that -- denial of rights is cruel. Unfortunately, noting the present state of continued statist barbarism, it's just not all that unusual.
Redirecting the Argument
“Taking Liliana away from her kids & husband won’t make VA safer,” the governor tweeted. [More]If such culturally terraforming populations keep tyrants like you in power it will.
[Via Mack H]
Freak du Jour
It's not like We the People need to be focusing on anything else... [More]
Uncool me. This is the first I've ever heard of this latest "It thing." I only bring this up now because it looks like we're way past the pH Factor cultural degeneracy indicator's point of no return.
[Via Steve T]
Uncool me. This is the first I've ever heard of this latest "It thing." I only bring this up now because it looks like we're way past the pH Factor cultural degeneracy indicator's point of no return.
[Via Steve T]
A Far Cry
VILLAINS IN UPCOMING VIDEO GAME ARE WHITE CHRISTIAN RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS FROM MONTANA [More]Gotta condition those blue pillers -- who can't tell the virtual world they spend more time in than meat space -- from the real one.
Offhand, the premise reminds me of another "progressive" hate fantasy, Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Overcharging Enough
The St. Louis Police Department has been violating the state’s open records law by overcharging for and improperly maintaining police reports, a St. Louis judge has ruled. [More]Maybe he just doesn't understand the culture...
[Via bondmen]
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Beautiful DREAMers
The Obama administration knowingly let in at least 16 admitted MS-13 gang members who arrived at the U.S. as illegal immigrant teenagers in 2014, a top senator said Wednesday, citing internal documents that showed the teens were shipped to juvenile homes throughout the country. [More]Doing the jobs Americans won 't do...
Meanwhile, Over at the Party of Smaller Government
House GOP Gives More Power to Privacy-Invasive Fusion Centers [More]Now before you go and get all bent out of shape, ask yourself how else we're supposed to get local, state and federal agencies -- especially the ones with guns -- on the same page regarding manufactured "progressive" hysteria and SPLC smears.
[Via Michael G]
Use Your Imagination
That baffled a Democratic IT staffer, who said “I can’t imagine why she’d be that good of friends with a technology provider.” [More]Because she's a traitor?
If it were you or me impeding an investigation with threats like that, do you think the term "obstruction of justice" would enter the conversation?
UPDATE: Looks like she could have bought some time...?
[Via Michael G]
Bloomberg Author’s Group Continues Established Pattern of Manipulation & Deception
We’ve seen that before, during the Obama administration, when top adviser Valerie Jarrett recruited Hollywood writers and decision makers to tailor TV show scripts to plug Obamacare. And we’ve seen it more recently with the Brady Campaign bragging about its influence in getting gun owner control messages inserted in Designated Survivor, and Everytown partnering with House of Cards. [More]As an added bonus, "real reporter" Claire Kirch objects in comments to being called a "flack," and asserts she's a superior-to-me "Authorized Journalist."
A Matter of Priorities
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years [More]Yeah, but Donald Trump said "pussy."
Time for Talk is Over
It's been over for years. [More]
Thanks to most of "We the People," nothing has actually been done. That's because those ceded power have not been conditioned to fear the consequences of self-serving betrayals.
Thanks to most of "We the People," nothing has actually been done. That's because those ceded power have not been conditioned to fear the consequences of self-serving betrayals.
Death Wish
For you, not for her. [More]
She probably thinks her contributions will be recognized.
They have been.
[Via Michael G]
She probably thinks her contributions will be recognized.
They have been.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Mocking Enough
Former Moline Acres Police Chief Cliff Ware has resigned. He told Fox 2 News he was signing “mock tickets,” but that's not what we found during a Fox Files investigation. There were thousands of $125 speeding tickets mailed out to residents. [More]Sounds like it's time for a mock trial.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Giving Back to the Community Enough
Keith Foster found guilty of conspiracy to distribute heroin, marijuana [More]At least you can't say he was "anti-gun" -- for himself.
City leaders are shocked.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
"Progressive" Priorities
Far out!
SCHOOL ZONES Cultivation and dispensary facilities must be at least 600 ft from schools ...Farther out!
(25) The term “school zone” means ... within a distance of 1,000 feet from the grounds of a public, parochial or private school.[Via Dave Licht]
Encouraging Word
We have learned that legislation for constitutional carry, and other pro-gun items, are likely to receive a fresh look from House Republicans very soon, perhaps as early as Tuesday (5/23). [More]If you're from North Carolina, what will you do to increase the likelihood?
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