Monday, August 28, 2017

And the Full Feral Retard Award Goes To...

On Dec. 20, he wrote “I got my 9″ wit (sic) full clips. Mixed with poison hallows, regular hallows and strait meadle (sic) jackets.” When asked by text where he got the weapon, Trinh allegedly texted: “A yistol (sic) shop.” [More]
The fruits of "progressivism"...

And yeah, the "Authorized Journalists" missed a few "(sics)."


Drake's Place said...

Selfie's with stolen merchandise. LOL and shaking my head...stupidness+selfies with stolen merch = you deserve being arrested.

GaryM said...

In the not too distant past, some Urban Youths posted a video of themselves prancing around the yard with firearms. The local cops saw the video and recognized the actors as felons and their location. Hilarity ensued followed by bookings in the local hoosegow.