Saturday, August 19, 2017

Trump Media Detractors Ignoring Democrat Promoter of Pershing Pig Story

While it’s true lack of verifiable sourcing makes passing on such stories problematic, it’s interesting to note how the “news” fabricators now reveling in another perceived exploitable embarrassment for a president they loathe are pretty quiet about one of their own who passed on the Pershing stories. [More]
Let the Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule commence once more?


Anonymous said...

2 things.

Does anybody really trust Snopes or Politifact anymore? Anybody?

Lard is easier to get than pig blood. Just sayin'.

tjbbpgobIII said...

It is just possible the soldiers did this n their own, the general may not have had any dealings unless just after the fact. I have heard several versions of this story, I don't know which (if any) to believe.