Thursday, October 26, 2017

So You Really Can't Stop the Signal?

The University of California at Berkeley study, funded in part with money from a $2.3 million National Institutes of Health grant and released on Monday, found a 70 percent spike in deaths and injuries from firearms in California communities within one- to two-hour driving distances of Nevada gun shows. [More]
What? "Gun control" doesn't work because only the "law-abiding" abide by the law? If only we could impose California-style edicts everywhere, in Everytown then human nature would change? And meanwhile, we can scream about "home rule" like stuck pigs at any easing of federal infringements?

What I want to know is what the hell is the National Institutes of Health doing doling out millions in tax plunder for Berkeley-driven subversion, and what the hell is Trump appointee Eric Hargan doing about it?

[Via Jess]

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