Waldrop is conflating “automatic rifles” with semiautomatic firearms, and that’s been a move straight out of the gun-grabber playbook since the Violence Policy Center’s Josh Sugarmann explained the tactical deception back in 1988...[More]Why don't they know it's a lie? Or do they, and they're counting on the readers not knowing?
Thursday, November 30, 2017
There’s No Excuse for Paper to Host Demonstrable Falsehood on ‘Automatic Rifles’
Let Them Eat Cake
"That's what you have security for," she says dismissively. [More]And Kim Kardashian has plenty.
The sisters at least sound receptive.
I'd like to say it amazes me that she gets gushing agreement from admirers who are too stupid to realize she's essentially telling them their lives aren't worth protecting, but then again, for anyone empty enough to be a "fan," nothing surprises me.
Besides, considering the numbers, losing a handful won't affect her bottom line (does she have any other kind?) one bit.
[Via Jess]
Disregard? For Now?
HPD will not enforce order requiring marijuana card holders to turn in guns [More]We just talked about this here.
Question: Can those subject to the seizures take the "will not be enforced and should be disregarded" assertion as sound legal advice, or if police are dispatched to their residences on other matters will the records be matched to obtain a warrant?
[Via George Pace]
Much as I Hate to Admit It, They've Got a Point
UNIVERSITY DEMANDS PEOPLE BE WARNED ABOUT SEEING A CROSS - Officials fret just viewing it will cause 'emotional trauma' [More]Sorry to side with the Prozis, but WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage proving that concern is valid:
There oughtta be a law...
Calling All Suckers
But I'll be honest with you. [More]Why start now?
I wonder if Johnson approves of this guy using a name he has worked hard to establish to fund...what, exactly?
I think I'll ask him (again).
Naked Apparatchiks
The toiletpaper of record removes all pretext of objectivity. [More]
At least they're consistent.
[Via Michael G]
But...But...But 'Single Issue'...
Maria Espinoza, founder of The Remembrance Project, joins Grant to discuss how her organization is helping to raise awareness about the price of illegal immigration. [Watch]And they managed to totally avoid the part that's relevant to RKBA.
He did it! He missed the barn!
[Via Matthew L]
Stop and Go
Is that anything like "Snatch and Grab" at gunpoint? [More]
Cindy Bass is a racist redistributionist who hates hardworking people of Korean heritage for the relative success they have achieved via industriousness.
[Via Michael G]
Cindy Bass is a racist redistributionist who hates hardworking people of Korean heritage for the relative success they have achieved via industriousness.
[Via Michael G]
'Right Turn,' Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
Oh look: What WaPo would have us believe is a "conservative perspective"...[More]
So what must that make those of us "to the right" of her, which isn't hard to be.
[Via Mack H]
They Should Have Stopped By Here First
A group of 32 Chinese nationals who invested in an electric car company founded by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has sued McAuliffe and other key figures involved in GreenTech Automotive, claiming they were lured into a “scam” under false pretenses. [More]Shoot, I've got a whole archive showing what a fraud this guy is.
[Via Mack H]
Leftward Tilt
Is Chief Justice Roberts A Secret Liberal? [More]It's either that or some Dolly the Love Ewe photos have surfaced.
[Via Michael G]
Domestic Enemy
"Republican" Peter King... [More]
Not to start an argument about the whole "permit" absurdity that has been foisted on us, but because of his given reasons added to his total record and noting who he's standing in solidarity with.
NEVER give directly to the GOP because they'll end up sharing it with those who will use it to subvert your birthright.
[Via Mack H]
Speaking of Abominations
Remember this: I hate you because you shouldn’t exist... [More]Life imitates art:
Dang. There's never a "gun buyback" around when I get inspired to turn in my "weapons of war."
Wanna see what inspires Rudy?
[Via Michael G]
Deemed to be 'Offensive'
The RCMP announced Monday it will expunge any data on religious and cultural practices collected from Muslim refugee claimants who had crossed the U.S. border at a popular informal crossing in Quebec. [More]Keep it on that side of the line and I don't care.
It can be kept on that side of the line, can't it? And we can stay "rigorous" on ours?
[Via Michael G]
A Little Horse Trading
House committee approves NRA-backed concealed carry bill ... The members also approved a less controversial bill 17-6 to boost authorities' compliance with the federal background check system. [More]Out of committee does not a victory make, and we can see something not all of us consider "less controversial" had to be offered up to move things this far. Everybody may want to tone down on the jubiliation and figure out what's going to need to happen next to up the odds:
All Voters are Equal But Some Voters are More Equal than Others
Election officials and policymakers are being browbeaten by national activists and Twitter bots to dump an agreement between states to compare voter lists for identifying duplicates and potential fraud. [More]Hey, we mustn't "disenfranchise" illegals, criminals and the dead...
Besides, if preventing "haters" from assembling and speaking is a form of self-defense, how much more justifiable is preventing their votes from prevailing?
[Via Michael G]
Despite Little Evidence of Success, Australia Continues to Expand Gun Control [More]So if you guys know"gun control" doesn't work, how come you keep greenlighting it?
[Via Jess]
What are They Waiting For?
NRA Hasn’t Rated Pro-Gun Roy Moore vs Pro-Gun Control Doug Jones [More]That's because the Lairds of Fairfax prefer to sit atop the hill watching others take the risks while they treat in secret with Longshanks.
What? The accusation controversy has nothing to do with that "single issue"? Hey, this is the "pragmatic" thing to do!
Besides, there'll be time enough to take credit if the man is vindicated.
[Via Keith B]
Somos Los Unicos Non-White Enough
While the remaining members of the group sat on the curb, one teen can be heard in the video recording asking why he’s being detained ... That’s when the officer responds with “Because you’re white,” and walks away. [More]Nice to see he now has regrets. Any bets on it being because he was caught and can't deny the recording?
And of course he won't be fired. Now imagine the same scenario with ethnicity reversed.
Imagine a similar reason being given for a disciplinary justification in a private sector job.
[Via bondmen]
Yes He Should
Smith Should Back Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act [More]Any bets on if he will?
This is why I say only support worthy individual officeholders and seekers, never a party that will share its take with your enemies. And let them know why.
Up in Smoke
The Honolulu Police Department has told legal marijuana users who own guns that they must turn in their weapons within 30 days. [More]Nothing less than their birthright is what the cannabis users are trading for a mess of pot when they allow their lives to be ruled by power junkies.
HPD will not enforce order requiring marijuana card holders to turn in gunsPer George Pace: "They won't require existing card holders to turn in their already registered guns (i.e. ALL guns in Hawaii), but will not issue any future 'permits to acquire' (ALL guns in Hawaii require a 'permit to acquire' prior to acquisition) to anyone holding a medical cannabis card."
What to Do if You're One of the Anti-Gun Elites Confronted by Your Victim
Call security, of course... [More]
What better way to show you're “embarrassed and ashamed" and that you hope you "can make it up to them and gradually regain their trust”?
The Golden Spike
Why did NBC smother Ronan Farrow’s explosive, months-long investigation into Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual assaults and predatory behavior — an investigation undertaken by one of its own employees? [More]Why is a "revelation" that the media routinely smothers stories that don't serve its interests "news"? And more important stories than who their resident pigs are...
Case in point, this from a month-and-a-half after Mike and I first started trying to uncover what happened in Gunwalker and get them to notice...
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Speaking of 'Discredited'...
The decision to use video from a discredited ultra-conservative group... [More]"Discredited" by whom and in what way that invalidates the evidence being presented, "reporter" Sam Levin?
And speaking of evidence, I don't suppose you have any outside of SPLC-influenced media distortions to back your claim of Oath Keepers being a "militia group"?
Garrison Feel 'er
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is terminating its contracts with Garrison Keillor and his private media companies after recently learning of allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him. [More]Funy how people who can't -- or won't -- control themselves are so bent on controlling the rest of us.
Bet he wishes he could'a sent her to Lake Ho Begone...
Why the NRA Should Support a Constitutional Militia
That is part of our Constitution, and that particular part of our Constitution is totally ignored by those folks who are running our government.[More]As long as it is, and as long as the "gun lobby" legal arguments focus exclusively on "self-defense," the "weapons of war" argument will continue to be successfully used by the antis at the state level (and beyond once the cultural terraforming becomes overwhelming).
Then again, how many gun owners do you think have thought through what a Constitutional Militia would require of them, especially in terms of discipline and submission to authority?
Oh Look: Something Else to Sweep Under the Rug!
Former Intel IG: Threatened, Warned About Exposing Hillary Emails [More]So what does he want? Special treatment?
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Failing Enough
A whole series of failures have been so far been discovered in police investigations into Amri before his deadly attack at Breitscheidplatz Christmas market. Amri was a Tunisian national who Germany had been trying to deport for months before the attack. [More]At least they're consistent. As for trying...
[Via Steve T]
Assume Morrissey’s Lethal Hatred Extends to Trump Supporters
When some national socialist sympathizer calls for the death of Donald Trump, we need to ask ourselves what it is about the man Morrissey hates so much. The answer is the policies Trump says he stands for. That means Morrissey hates those who agree with those policies. Trump is the symbol for all those who chose the vision of America he articulated over what Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders offered. [More]And if he could push a button to eradicate such “vermin”? “For the safety of humanity,” right?
Good Guys with Guns
The gunman killed one employee and paralyzed a second. That's when the employees at Schlenker Automotive fought back with equal force... [More]But...but...but... the gun-grabbers ridicule that.
They'd rather all the victims had been unarmed. Then just think of all that ownderful blood they'd have had to dance in!
[Via several of you]
The CMP Loophole
"The GAO investigation showed that privatization meant the end of Army controls on gun buyers, so even felons could purchase M-1 rifles." [More]Really?
When I got mine through the DCM in 1995, I needed to get fingerprinted by the police, get my purchase certificate notarized and fill out a National Agency Questionnaire DD Form 398-2 authorizing Defense Investigative Services to obtain criminal history record information.
It's almost like article author Pat Elder has an agenda or something.
[Via Roger J]
We're the Only Ones 'til Death Do Us Part Enough
The document says she was very intoxicated and admits to the shooting. It also says she gave various accounts of the incident and in one version of events, stated that her husband tried to strangle her. [More]I can't tell you how many times me 'n the Mrs. have done the exact same thing.
[Via bondmen]
Of Real Interest
“They might cloak their advocacy in the public interest, but the real interest of these Internet giants is in using the regulatory process to cement their dominance in the Internet economy,” he said. [More]I'd say the real interest is to cement dominance of Internet discourse, and the economic part will follow.
We're the Only Ones Securing Enough
It was an audacious scheme: an attempted inside job at the office of a federal watchdog agency, where the cops, the authorities said, became the robbers. Three employees in the inspector general’s office for the Department of Homeland Security stole a computer system that contained sensitive personal information of about 246,000 agency employees, according to three United States officials and a report sent to Congress last week. [More]Quis custodiet 'n all that.
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Robots Are Coming for Jobs of as Many as 800 Million Worldwide [More]But don't worry: Our tech lords have a solution.
Sing it, Rex.
Sour on Lauer
What's with all these media types who are ostensibly champions of women's rights turning out to be pigs? [More]
Oh, that's right: "Progressives." Opposite Day.
Lest anyone is tempted to counter with "Roy Moore," not only are the allegations unproven, but significant reasons have emerged to question them. Get the level of corroboration necessary to bring down a Rose or a Lauer (but evidently not a Franken or a Conyers) and we'll talk.
Oh, that's right: "Progressives." Opposite Day.
Lest anyone is tempted to counter with "Roy Moore," not only are the allegations unproven, but significant reasons have emerged to question them. Get the level of corroboration necessary to bring down a Rose or a Lauer (but evidently not a Franken or a Conyers) and we'll talk.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Enough Blame to Go Around
Family that lost 9 in Texas church shooting files wrongful death claims against Air Force [More]They blame the Air Force, the Air Force blames lack of training...
The one person to blame is dead. If ancillary blame is to be apportioned we could keep this going to include why the only person prepared to meet the monster head on was outside the church.
[Via Bluesgal]
Once in a Lifetime Deal
If Republicans blow this opportunity, it is unlikely to come again. [More]"Centrist" spoiler Lee Busby is on a sabotage mission to make sure it's blown.
They Sure Do Use a Lot of Fancy Words to Say We Got Small D***s
Instead, we demonstrate that white men in economic distress find comfort in guns as a means to reestablish a sense of individual power and moral certitude. [More]I wonder what F Carson Mencken and Paul Froese tell their wives, assuming they, you know, have them.
I Saw This Plot on Star Trek a Few Times
Ladies, Remember Men Are Dangerous. Now Share A Bathroom With Them And Don't Carry A Gun [More]Masterfully done and irrefutable -- Bravo!
He illustrates the types of paradoxes that prompted Nomad, Norman and Landru to self-destruct.
But then again, if those he exposes were capable of recognizing logic, they wouldn't be Opposite Day "progressives."
[Via Michael G]
'It's a Constitutional Issue'
What? Whiny, well-heeled "progressives" who subvert real Constitutional issues not paying the "fair share" they expect everybody else to shoulder? [More]
[Via Dave Licht]
How to Self-Destruct
The Washington Post on Monday night published a detailed account of an apparent attempt to deceive Post reporters into believing a made-up story of a woman who says she had an abortion after Roy Moore, who is now the GOP Senate nominee in Alabama, impregnated her when she was 15. The woman was seen walking into the headquarters Monday morning of Project Veritas, a political operation that employs deceptive tactics in attempts to embarrass journalists and expose alleged bias. [More]O'Keefe essentially just neutered his organization by allowing this ill-conceived, dishonest and clumsy operation to proceed. They've done some good work in the past but this is the one "Aw shit" that will erase all the"attaboys" and make Veritas a target for Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule from now on.
UPDATE: See what Project Veritas is saying.
The Right to Arm Bears
Beware: Brown bear armed with two guns on the loose in Siberian region [More]If this is one of those fake news/satire sites, I don't see a disclaimer.
[Via Steve T]
A Common Thread
Investigators notice pattern in St. Louis area gun store burglaries [More]Let me guess: People from families that align politically with Democrats?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Training Enough
Monday night’s seminar, which will be will be led by lieutenant Brad Kelling of the St. Louis County Police Department and is free and open to all congregations. [More]Who wants to bet returning fire will not be on the agenda?
[Via bondmen]
Motives Behind ‘Model Gun Background Check System’ Go Beyond ‘Commonsense Safety’
So obviously, if PICS can’t do the job on its own, those backing “gun control” will need to impose further restrictions. And when those fail to work, demands will be made for more. [More]Gee, maybe if we throw a scrap of flesh to this circling pack of jackals they'll go away and leave us alone -- instead of being encouraged to move in for more.
Would You Like an Apple Pie with That?
Burger King manager filmed screaming at customer for taking too long to orderThe only place I can find this story is from Faux News, which -- as longtime readers know and for reasons of its own -- denies access to links from Blogger. Paste the preview quote into a search engine and it'll come up.
Or cut our the middleman and go straight to the video post on Facebook.
OK, but what the hell does any of this have to do with anything relevant? Scroll down through the handful of comments to this one:
Jeez, real sympathetic and tolerant, George. Real excusing of unconscionable behavior. Real understanding of the dynamics of having kids in the car. What would you have done to this pregnant woman and her children? What would the most of her problems have looked like had you been behind her road... uh ... drive-through raging?
In short, what kind of big man are you?
This kind:
Scrolling through his other posts, his banner art makes sense. If a screaming lunatic came up to her car, she'd have been perfectly justified in making him back off -- with a gun, if necessary.
Ding! Fries are done.
Another 'Pro-Gun Democrat'
In case you've seen some stories about Trump's CFPB appointment being messily contested, this offers some good insights into what's going on and why. [More]
Short answer: Cordray is a Democrat. In spite of his having gotten "pro-gun" creds from NRA and Buckeye Firearms, the party will tolerate his wandering from the reservation as long as it enables him to be in an advantageous position to support Democrats and help advance their overall agenda.
I wrote a piece years back that only exists now in the Internet Archive. That in turn linked to other stories where Cordray had played on the gun-grabber side of the street. For whatever reason the page appears briefly and then vanishes with a DNS server error message. Here's the link -- I'll see if I can get in another way, but this is really outside any skill set I have. If any of you know how to capture the page, please help.
UPDATE: Thanks to WarOnGuns Correspondent Henry Bowman, the page has been resurrected:
Why Didn%27t OH AG Sign Letter Opposing Semi-Automatic Firearms Ban by David Codrea on Scribd
A Question of Worth
Is the damage to society from the misuse of guns worth the freedom to have guns? [More]I just came across this piece. It's very good and very worth sharing.
Monday, November 27, 2017
They Blow Up So Fast These Days
ISIS brides returning home and raising the next generation of jihadist martyrs [More]Now don't ask anything hateful, like how they got to where they're returning from in the first place.
First You Cry
I got into cordial banter with the woman at the supermarket checkout counter and she called me "Hon." Waitresses have done that, too.
The rage, the shame and the feelings of helplessness just won't go away.
Supreme Court Again Ducks Second Amendment by Refusing to Hear Gun Cases
The absence of further High Court action since 2010 and the lack of any explanation for declining to hear these cases mean we can only speculate on the reasons. Are judges who favor easing up on infringements waiting for a retirement or two from their ranks before they’ll deem it safe to move forward, or does this mean the majority owes its first and foremost loyalties to an establishment that thinks this business of an armed populace has gone far enough? [More]As Dr. King observed, a right delayed is a right denied.
Marine Colonel Announces He’s Running Against Roy Moore: ‘Hold My Beer’ [More]Really? And he's announcing it on the leftist Daily Beast?
And he was a Kasich guy in the primary? And "described his political leanings as centrist"?
Don't look for any unequivocal definition of where he stands on any issues of importance. The guy is here for one reason only-- to get enough useful idiots sidetracked to throw the race to the Democrat.
Is Life So Dear or Peace So Sweet?
... the entire opening statement given by Ryan Bundy, to the jury, on November 15, 2017. [More]I guess we'll now see what those people are made of.
It's Not About Guns
Giffords group asks web hosts to shut down ‘ghost gun’ sites [More]That and they're going after muzzleloaders.
It will never be enough for those obsessed with controlling everything. It never can be.
[Via Neil W]
A-Rated Lindsey Graham
“I think most Americans want to get these DREAM Act kids a more certain life. Let’s do it in December, let’s do it for the good of the country, let’s take care of a lot of problems at one time to show the country we actually can function,” Graham said on CNN’s “State of the Union." Graham and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) earlier this year revived discussion around the DREAM Act, which would offer a path to citizenship to young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. [More]Neither one will address these concerns. Nor will any of their apologists.
Good thing for us this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Otherwise, the Lairds of Fairfax would never be able go get away with this.
We're the Only Ones Scrubbing Enough
State police investigated for scrubbing report after judge’s daughter offered sex for leniency during DUI stop [More]Is that all they had to scrub?
[Via Jess]
'Cracks in the System'
It really doesn't occur to them that plugging all "loopholes" means no one would get through? [More]
[Via Jess]
Well Doesn't That Just Explain Everything?
Though I hadn't admitted this to myself earlier, it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth. [More]Just the "progressive" whose opinion on the subject I'd value...
Sure had to wade through a lot of virtue-oozing BS to find out the guy is certifiable, although in retrospect there were clues...
"The first time I was hospitalized for acting on suicidal ideation" suggests there have been others, and the admission "I take medication to help. But I've only been taking it for about 10 years" makes me wonder if question 11.f. resulted in complete candor and a rational decision to proceed with a transfer.
And "Dad," who knew his history, didn't find it strange?
I can imagine this being a posthumous article titled "I bought a gun to kill myself and did, thanks to lax gun laws." And I can imagine the comments from appreciative "progressive" readers being equally congratulatory and supportive.
[Via Jeet]
Where the Only Thing Lower than Our Prices is Your Safety!
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[Click to enlarge] |
“I thought I was going to die,” she said, remembering her frantic struggle to keep up with those fleeing as employees shouted, “Run! Run! Run to the back!” ... The off-duty officer “was shopping, just happened to be there when all of this occurred,” Borchers said. “Thankfully he was.” [More]No thanks to Costco. If it were up to them, there'd be dead customers and employees.
[Via Steve T]
No Excuse
He thought he saw a deer and fired his pistol. Now his neighbor is dead. [More]Meanwhile, this idiot shot a truck and used the same excuse.
This kind of crap makes me real receptive to Fudds for Gun Bans.
[Via Steve T]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime - Gun crime rises in England despite gun bans [More]Told ya-- we ain't seen nothin' yet.
[Via Jess]
Joy, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
The irony of a liberal African-American political commentator calling for the disenfranchisement of a minority population group appears to be lost on MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid. Reid labeled rural Americans “the core threat to our Democracy” and called for the abolition of the electoral college to limit their ability to influence elections and government... [More]How do we sleep at night?
[Via Michael G]
When Black Friday Comes
Black Friday Gun Checks Skyrocket, Piers Morgan Has A Meltdown [More]If he keeps going on like that he going to pop his Rapex.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Persuasive Enough
The teenager who claims she was raped by two NYPD detectives while under arrest detailed to The Post Friday how cops barged into her hospital room and “aggressively” tried to coax her out of bringing assault charges against their colleagues. [More]I'd think if "at least nine officers showed up to the hospital," it would have been noticed, and it doesn't seem credible all would have had "official business."
[Via bondmen]
A Sense of Entitlement
A "pet peeve" of mine: People who are not only unapologetic and remorseful for their bad deeds, but actually in-your-face about it and treat you like the offending party. I remember a special on crime from years back where the moronic thug actually justified his ultraviolence by blaming his victim for not immediately complying with his robbery demands. [More]
Pending a cure for such aberrations, the only productive use for them is being examples for what happens when you cross certain lines.
[Via bondmen]
Skank Hath Its Privileges
Meghan Markle ‘gets royal protection’ amid reports Prime Minister briefed on wedding [More]"Subjects," not so much.
Or you Yanks, either. She agrees with Piers.
But don't worry, some "gun violence" can be forgiven.
What did Mr. Paine say about "royalty"?
Any bets how long it will take her to affect a British accent?
Peace in the Hood, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
If the neighborhoods continue to have accessibility to the guns, the shootings will keep happened [sic], Griffin expressed. [More]Think of that for a moment-- their own guy just said they can't be trusted with full enfranchisement of the birthrights of free men.
No matter. I knew it was the guns' fault.
Nothing a rally and disarming you and me won't resolve.
Deus ex Machina
Brain implants to 'change moods controlled by AI' begin HUMAN TESTS [More]Great news -- that way, our "friends with benefits" won't have to block unacceptable sentiments (albeit there's already a workaround for that). Or decide who lives and who dies, although such judgments are to be expected from a "god" made in man's own image...
And just wait 'til you see the benefits of "birthright citizenship," making us one big happy family.
Not that we're there yet. This stuff is all still being manipulated by the man behind the curtain for reasons revealed by the operative word in the preview quote: "Controlled."
Replace "G" in the acronym GIGO with "T" for totalitarianism and you'll get the idea.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
‘A+’-Rated John Cornyn Continues to Side with Gun-Grabbers
So why is he helping the anti-gunners in their “baby step” quest to completely end private sales and then move on to the next stop on their “slippery slope”? For that matter, why is NRA supporting giving up any ground to people who want it all ...? [More]It’s hardly the first time Cornyn — and NRA — have come out in support of citizen disarmament measures.
Friday, November 24, 2017
How to Become Cannibal Food
Start by thinking anybody at The Week knows what the hell he's talking about. [More]
Oh, I see, "Chow" is a description, not a last name.
[Via Matthew L]
Oh, I see, "Chow" is a description, not a last name.
[Via Matthew L]
We're the Only Ones Overwhelming Enough
Cops Thought a Man Shoplifted a Shirt, So 50 SWAT Cops Tore Down an Innocent Man’s House [More]They probably just needed a hug.
[Via Henry Bowman]
Your Rights are What We 'Birthright Citizens' Say They Are
Angry student steals MAGA hat, demands victim be punished [More]She admits she hates America. It turns out her mother is an illegal.
I'd love to see a poll showing her generation of cultural terraformers will not just overwhelmingly support Democrats, but an even more radical agenda.
I'd also like to see Mom deported now that Daughter has outed her, and not just as a matter of policy.
[Via Wirecutter]
We're the Only Ones Cooking the Books Enough
Is the LAPD Manipulating Crime Numbers to Make City Seem Safer Than It Really Is? [More]Now come on-- only 81% of cities are safer...
[Via Michael G]
The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men
The Switch to Outdoor LED Lighting Has Completely Backfired [More]Imagine that. "Progressives" achieving Opposite Day results...
[Via Matthew L]
The Shape of Things to Come
Huh. Seems like we were just talking about tangentially-related issues.
Does the egghead at the end of this clip really think this will be stopped by some sort of global government agreement?
[Via Florida Guy]
Another 'Gun Safety Law' Success Story
Militants armed with guns and explosives stormed a crowded mosque in Egypt’s restive northern Sinai on Friday, killing at least 235 people and wounding 109 others in the deadliest attack in the country in recent memory. [More]Does it get more "commonsense" than this?
Put That Man on a Pathway to Citizenship
MS-13 Members Stabbed Maryland Man, Decapitated Him, Tore Out Heart [More]Why have people like this been allowed to be here again?
[Via Michael G]
That Would Actually Explain a Lot
According to Fox News, he also told members of the House Intelligence Committee to look for "a wide-ranging, multi-faceted Russian conspiracy that included the infiltration of the NRA." [More]I guess it's possible, but as long as we're speculating, I'm still leaning toward being compromised in a different way.
UPDATE: Looks like more fake news, or in this case, Faux News.
[Via Jess]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise Part Two
On hearing about the fire he allegedly told a friend “I have done something wrong.” [More]Once that mindset is created, they've won.
[Via Michael G]
From Don to Tusk
Group Lobbying To End Trophy Hunting Ban Is Alarmingly Close With Ryan Zinke [More]"Alarmingly"? I thought Gunkapo Greg just got done assuring us Team Totalitarian was cool with hunting...
If they really wanted to increase species populations, they'd encourage breeding as livestock to supply the market demand for commodities like ivory.
Instead, animal conservation is actually impeded by ruthless blackmail tactics employed by "progressive" groups like the Opposite Day "Humane Society." They'd rather have bans and taxes to pay for exclusive "Wildlands" access by the elite.
King's deer, you know...
It would be unethical for me not to disclose my real motive here is to be able to legally sell my Center for Biological Diversity gorilla hand ashtray on eBay.
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
Woman on horseback whips the hell out of hunting ‘saboteur’ who grabs animal’s reins in angry clash [More]Looks to me like he got the appropriate response to an assault he started. So naturally, the Sussex police refer to him as "the victim" in their report.
[Via Michael G]
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