Monday, November 13, 2017

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome isn't Enough for You Guys?

Mila Kunis Trolled Vice President Mike Pence and Now Some Pro-Lifers Are Boycotting Jim Beam [More]
That's because she's from the part of the family that wasn't aborted, with "global relevance to our Make History™ campaign."

You'd think coming from a Jewish family that emigrated from the USSR that she'd have more reverence for history that's already been made -- and more respect for the culture her family chose to become part of.  Instead, she's a Hillary-supporting gunkapo, as is her "raw talent" husband.

Plenty of other cheap rotgut out there, although I prefer going up a notch. Regardless, it won't cause any hardship for me to give my business to someone who doesn't give aid and comfort to the enemy.

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