Monday, November 06, 2017

Texas Church Shootings Bring Calls for ‘Gun Control’ Before Facts are Known

As has come to be expected, the lack of announced facts from investigating authorities has not stopped commenters to various news stories and on social media from laying blame on guns, on gun owners and on the National Rifle Association. [More]
This is what I could document from corroborating media sources as of last night.


Anonymous said...

Supposedly he's a Vet with a DD and prohibited from owning firearms. Apparently the existing gun laws don't work, so we need more gun laws that don't work.

Henry said...

Is Texas one of those states where guns are blanket prohibited in places of worship? Or was this particular church a GFZ? Because either would cast this incident in exactly the opposite light than what Dear Shannon craves.

Jeffersonian said...

Henry, according to a recent VCDL alert:

Texas state law prohibits guns in churches.