Tuesday, January 02, 2018

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Conservative' Is

Like many conservatives, I had grave concerns about curtailing the New York City police department’s controversial tactic of stopping and frisking potential suspects for weapons. [More]
Here's "conservative" Kyle giving Democrats pointers on how to beat Republicans.

Of course, what National Review considers a "conservative" has always had very little to do with the Bill of Rights.

I could never watch founder and gun-grabber Buckley without expecting his tongue to shoot out and catch a fly.

[Via Michael G]


Chas said...

Conswervative: A person who pretends to be a conservative, so that he can "swerve" to run you over when you expect him to actually be a conservative.
See Also: Liberal

FedUp said...

"Conservatives" (neo-conservatives?) support police, no matter what the police want to do to the rest of us.

Liberals (not to be confused with Progressives, but Progressives are usually falsely called Liberals) support freedom.

Progressives support Communist totalitarianism. They're the only ones more dangerous than the Copsuckers.