Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Coming of Age

Trump has discussed raising the minimum age for gun purchases: Report [More]
You have to wonder how much is just noisemaking or if the guy really thinks we have no other choices.

[Via several of you]


Anonymous said...

He has to say something. That works as well as anything else.

Longbow said...

So, what is being proposed is:

An 18 year old is not an adult.

An 18 year old is not responsible for himself.

An 18 year old cannot enter into ANY lawfully binding contract.

An 18 year old cannot be conscripted.

An 18 year old cannot be tried on any criminal charge as an adult.

An 18 year old cannot vote in any election of public officers.

Does that pretty much sum it up?

Henry said...

Hey, he can “discuss” anything he wants, as long as he makes the right decision. Democrats have been screaming for a “national dialog” for decades, after which they do what they damn well please anyway, and so can Trump.