Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Four Strikes Against Him

Gun Rights Provocateur David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied [More]
But he presumes himself qualified to instruct adults and redefine the relationship between government and the people. By force.

The more these "Lord of the Flies" castaways reveal themselves, the more normal people see them for what they are and are repulsed.

[Via Neil W]


Henry said...

Didn’t apply to Berkeley or Oberlin, apparently. Ah well, his loss. He’s too busy savin’ the world, like Spiderman.

Anonymous said...

He wouldn't have applied to those University of California schools if he couldn't claim residency in the state. Not getting into any of those lower tier than UC Berkeley one tells us he's not too bright when it comes to academics.

(Yeah, Berkeley is crazy, but it's still the best public university in the nation, has a number of STEM departments on a par with the best private schools.)