Friday, March 16, 2018

How Do You Say "Chutzpah" in Spanish?

Illegal Alien Acquitted of Murdering Kate Steinle Sues Feds for ‘Vindictive Prosecution [More]
This is actually a good thing if you think of how it will be perceived by the average person.


rexxhead said...

Doesn't seem to be a real link at "More"...

David Codrea said...

Sorry, fixed.

Henry said...

“Garcia-Zarate is alleging… that he is being subjected to double jeopardy — being tried for the same crime twice.”

Maybe Stacey Koon can ’splain to him how that works. Sucks when the same system catches an actual dirtbag, doesn’t it.

Longbow said...


In some places, a lazy person, but originally meant a man with more balls than brains.

FedUp said...

Did he think this up on his own, or did a bigger dirtbag with a law degree put him up to it?