Tuesday, March 06, 2018

I Didn't Hear THIS on CNN

I don't know about blaming Obama/Holder, but it certainly warrants corroboration along with loads of questions about what was done about it, why, who made the decisions, and why we're just hearing of this now, and not from any LE or media sources.

[Via Michael D]


Michael Ford said...

Nothing with regard to this event surprises me. Its a massive failure of the Coward County SO and the school system. Period. And if we can spread the blame to zero and holder that's a bonus.

riverrider said...

I heard this the first day and then it was stated they didn't know why he was expelled, then later it was stated he had a knife and some bullets in his pack. the backpedalling continues....

David Codrea said...

You specifically heard "gun"?


DAN III said...

My question is: Why hasn't a murder trial and the attendant jury been convened" ?

Cruz has admitted guilt. Just the fact that TPTB are not discussing a immediate and quick 17 count murder trial, tells me this criminal event allegedly and admittedly perpetrated by Nikolas DeJesus Cruz, is a creation of the Deep State and criminal left.

Try Cruz. Immediately.

Too Tall Paul said...

Cruz had 180 rounds left when he abandoned his mission to shoot out a third story window and snipe the students and teachers down below. He only failed because the windows were hurricane glass otherwise this mass murder would have been more massive. This is,of course, unverified but even if it is true we would be the last to know. There are some accounts that Cruz was wearing Kevlar armor. If this is true we would be the last to know. We do know Cruz walked right out of the building and through the perimeter that was established by the Broward Cowards while the murders were still happening. As in the Vegas Massacre we will be the last to know.

How are we to develop ways to stop and more importantly prevent these atrocities when we are the last to know how it happened?