Tuesday, April 03, 2018

What's a Little Polar Shift Among Friends?

“I don’t know how I can responsibly look at those young people and not say ‘We need to do something,’ ” Warner said... [More]
Yes, something must be done!

Say, gang, I've got a swell idea. Let's eradicate the Second Amendment!

You know, that issue I used to get an "A" rating on until I no longer needed it...

Happens quite a bit, don't you think...?  Probably because I just don't understand three-dimensional chess.

Or betrayal...

[Via Jess]


Ned said...

Vidkun - is that you?

Henry said...

Hanging your hopes for your freedoms on Republicans is like putting your 401K in a lottery ticket fund.

Anonymous said...

Why don't more of these 2A experts know about US v Cruikshank?

or is all this a case of plausible deniability or willful ignorance.