Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Bogus Argument

In the New York Times, Carl Bogus attempts to taint the Second Amendment by linking it to America’s greatest historical evil, slavery. I say “attempt” because Bogus doesn’t make an argument so much as he insinuates, gestures, and implies perfidy with a wink. [More]
In other words, standard gun-grabber conflation M.O...

And talk about an aptronym...

This HCI board member/VPC advisor with his stale academic fraud keeps being reintroduced every few years to disseminate talking points to a new crop of "progressive" agitators, who believe they're hearing something new.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Henry said...

We’ve all seen the snake-oil marketeers who latch onto a new fad concern and attempt to use it to make their old product trendy and relevant, no matter how tenuous the connection? “Our bacon is gluten-free; our white bread contains no rBST hormones; our detergent is delivered by a diverse trucking company!” This is Carl, to a tee. Next month, he discovers that one of the signers of the Bill of RIghts prosecuted four sodomy cases in Rhods Island, and the beat will go on.