Friday, May 18, 2018

Dripping with Irony

More Californians were diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis in 2017 than ever before, marking the third year in a row that the state's sexually transmitted disease cases hit a record high, officials said. The trend is mirrored nationwide... [More]
Republicans and NRA members all, I suppose...


Henry said...

Not a whisper in this article about AIDS. I wonder why?

David Codrea said...

I believe this belongs here:

Chas has left a new comment on your post "Whether Permitting":

Contraceptive? Contraceptive? Really, David! We already have a contraceptive. It's called "5.56mm". It's just that the leftists don't like the way that it's applied!!! But it works, hysterically well! Though in latter days, in .303:

Anonymous said...

It's the Mutton Guns!

Ban them!

Ma Duce