Friday, August 31, 2018

We're the Only Ones Standing Aside Enough

Chapel Hill police chief told officers to 'stay way out' as Confederate monument was toppled; one officer put on leave amid concerns over tattoo [More]
Yeah, well, not putting themselves on the line is kind of an "Only Ones" trademark, as Columbine and Parkland demonstrated.  So is taking the politically expedient course, as the manufactured tattoo "controversy" demonstrates.

The "progressives" don't want anyone opposed or not useful to them to be employable. They don't want them to eat.  Surprise.

Nobody thought this would be limited to "social media," did they?

So trumpeting the SPLC characterization of Three Percenters helps win herd approval for the economic ostracizing. And I'm sure the Town Manager and Council will have no interest in understanding what the philosophy really stands for, or would dare to correct the record if they did.

[Via Michael G]

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