Wednesday, September 19, 2018

An Honest Mistake

Her lawyer, Jayne Weintraub, said after her suspension on Monday that Honowitz made an honest mistake, forgetting to pay for the mascara and lipstick she meant to purchase. [More]
Yeah, that must be why she put them in her purse.


GaryM said...

She's worked there for over 29 years. They'll drop the charges and she'll retire. She should be charged and if convicted be fired and lose her pension.

Henry said...

I dunno, aging is a bitch. Especially when I’m distracted by an ongoing crisis, I will sometimes catch myself putting my socks into the wastebasket instead of the hamper, putting the box of cereal in the refrigerator, or the like. This woman shelled out $120 at the register, what would she have been “saving” by swiping the cosmetics? Maybe a graceful retirement is the only remedy called for here.