Friday, September 21, 2018

Not a Rhetorical Question

Want to make federal employees easier to fire? [More]
You bet. And this idea has MERIT.

But it could stand a better prognosis.

Then again, that would require Republicans acting like they had a majority and importantly, constituents letting them know they expect that.

So I guess the question becomes "How badly do you want it?"


Anonymous said...

They could start with the Agency that sounds like a convenience store.

Anonymous said...

I want it bad.

I also want a limit on time of .gov employment and a cap on salaries at 20% below the private sector. Government employment is workfare and if you can not improve yourself enough in 10 years to work in the private sector you should have to pick up litter beside the highways at minimum wage

Maybe if you work for .gov you should not be able to vote until we citizens are done paying your way. .gov employess should DEFINITLY NOT be able to earn millions on the side and NO Lobbying for 10 years after your work for .tyranny.

I also want adhering to socialism, communism or islamism to be listed as cause for termination.