Tuesday, September 11, 2018

That's Gratitude for You

Millionaire Jim Carrey Declares, ‘We Have to Say Yes to Socialism’ [More]
Yeah, listen to the crazy guy.

Still, it helps explain why:
He’s apparently made good on his plan ... to become a U.S. citizen in order to vote in American elections. The move was ... a gesture of thanks to the country that transformed him from a penniless immigrant into a famous kajillionaire. 
He was so grateful he even wrote his own Pledge of Allegiance.

Not that a "pathway to citizenship" that pays no heed to "secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" has anything to do with that "single issue," as "funnyman" Carrey so ably demonstrates.

1 comment:

Henry said...

“But that word—the Democrats need to get a plan to fight this slander of, ‘Socialism, you’re going to be living in Venezuela,’” said Maher. “And I don’t see it yet.”

Venezuela, Ukraine, Siberia, Treblinka, Mao’s China, Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea. See it YET, you socialist moron? Probably not — some people never see the light until it shines through the bullet holes.