Friday, October 19, 2018

We're the Only Ones Unrepeatable Enough

Florida Carry has been assured by the Miami Beach City Attorney and Police Department that they now understand the statutes, and attendees will be treated with respect. [More]
That would be tomorrow. Make note of the new start-off point.

Kind'a reminds me of my repeated attempts with successive Ohio Attorneys General to make sure their enforcers knew the damn rules.


Anonymous said...

I see three officers committing aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, who are acting OUTSIDE the scope of their authority (and are therefor PERSONALLY liable), because that statute has been on the books for several years - and any good prosecuting attorney would use the old, time-worn phrase "they should have known" about the statute, since that's one of many they are paid to enforce. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" (though a maxim referring to the COMMON law) would be what a judicial officer would say to any of us peons, the same should apply to their dumb-as-a-post LEO minions.

Longbow said...

Its Thuggery.

"How dare you bear arms in my presence! You're not a member of The Gang!"