Sunday, November 04, 2018

A 'Commonsense Gun Safety' Expert

The finger, Scott supporters add, is not on the trigger.  [More]

The weapon was unloaded, he said.

And then we have:
The "captive" is actually another American soldier in what was intended as a comic image, Scott said.
Ha f***ing ha, moron.

See, George here is all about "Common Sense Gun Reform." So naturally he has a huge "but."

Funny: He took the gun-burning video down? At least you've got to admit burning things people have a right to and then erasing history are consistent "progressive" positions.

Fortunately, at least for now, you can't stop the signal:

So I take it George is a deer hunter?


Anonymous said...

At the very least, no orange flag is a red flag.

Anonymous said...

"What a maroon!" -- Bugs Bunny