Wednesday, December 05, 2018

A House Divided

The drum being beaten throughout the media is that for Republicans to win they’ll need to abandon their core constituencies and adopt the Democrat platform – on immigration, on guns, on redistribution of wealth, on traditional values, on you name it. [More]
The way things are going, you don't want to see what a unified house would look like...


Mack said...

I don't see that Guns Magazine accepts comments. Or am I missing something?

A very sobering commentary.

One has to wonder: will the RINOs ever learn their lessons?

David Codrea said...

The site has been redesigned and it looks like some kinks still need ironed. A reader asking them would have more impact than me doing it. And you can always submit a letter to the Crossfire section and maybe get national ink.

Anonymous said...

"...they’ll need to abandon their core constituencies and adopt the Democrat platform..."

I was under the impression the Republicans had done that already.