Sunday, December 23, 2018

Queen to Queen's Level Three*

Mr. Spox
Some have used our October 2017 statement to claim that NRA supports ATF’s final rule, but as NRA-ILA’s Executive Director Chris Cox noted only days after our statement was issued, “We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything.” [More]
So it must be our bad?



Henry said...

“We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything.”

"But while other groups are actively suing the government over this, we're content just to sit back and watch how this all plays out. Meanwhile, watch out for the REAL threat to our rights...!"

Yawn. Chris Cox is fast becoming the pro-rights version of Robert Brennan (see

Drake's Place said...

David, taking a moment before things get all too busy wishing you and your readers a Merry Christmas.