Gun Owners of America (GOA) today celebrated the Mount Rushmore state for becoming the 15th permitless carry state. [More]Glad my concerns weren't warranted.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Welcome to the Party, Pals!
...Caldara shares some of the “tolerant” feedback he’s gotten from the first video, where he explained why he’s going public and will not comply with the Boulder gun ban. To help with his defense, he has established a crowdfunding campaign...[More]I must confess I wouldn't cry seeing every one of his taunters in situations where they wished they had a gun. The best chance of that happening is for the fools to keep up their disparagement of armed citizens.
[Via cydl]
Unfriendlies with Benefits
Someone needs to tell the plutocrats that their employees are voting, and they aren’t voting libertarian. Heard of Venezuela? Heard of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Heard of California? [More]Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Why Shield Rights Rapists?
On Tuesday, a department director met with me to discuss how the could be of service to me and our Constitutional Protections and Sentencing Subcommittee this year. One of the very first things this person said to me was that if there was a bad bill they would be able to put a big fiscal note on it. A similar statement was made a second time during the course of the meeting. [More]Who? Which department?
Make it personal because, damn it, it is personal.
Pants these arrogant bureaucratic m***********s in public and then let the rest of us slap 'em around.
[Via Felix B]
A First-Tier Sadist
The Democrats’ championing of gun reform is not currently a first-tier story, but a new massacre would likely make it so (although the shooting deaths Wednesday of five people in a Florida bank has barely registered). [More]Probably because he was a former "Only One" taking advantage of a "gun-free zone."
Don't worry, Pull Dickman. Opposite Day "progressive" "commonsense gun safety laws" will make another massacre inevitable and you'll not only have enough blood to dance in, you'll be able to roll in it and smear it all over your chest and face.
But you still won't get the guns.
Hawaii Continues Treating Right to Bear Arms as Occupational Privilege
“They don't know. They don't want to know, because the facts are that it makes no difference at all in crime rates,” Pace concludes. “All it does is intimidate and make more costly and time-consuming the process to acquire a firearm for law-abiding citizens.” [More]Leave it to "progressives" to trash Paradise.
Coming Soon to a Continent Near You
Top EU Court Prohibits Passport Checks on Cross-Border Buses Entering Germany [More]What kind of xenophobic hater would oppose that?
[Via Michael G]
We Represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild
In January, the Andalus Islamic Center of Kastelholm in Helsinki's Puolinharju area, published a message to its followers on Facebook. It featured a picture of two lollipops. One was unwrapped, dirty and covered with insects; the other was not. "This is why the Hijab plays an important role in Islam," it said. [More]Go ahead. Welcome them to Munchkinland.
[Via Michael G]
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Docs Reveal Portland School Administrators Planned & Paid for ‘Student’ Anti-Gun Protest [More]But don't think of it as a tax. Think of it as a fee.
[Via Michael G]
The Grand Inquisitor
Mueller’s hands dirty in old FBI frame-up [More]Mueller's hands are dirty in a lot of things.
Seriously. Look at some of those posts.
[Via Michael G]
Madame Cankerworm and the Culture of Death
Democratic Virginia Del. Kathy Tran introduced “House Bill No. 2495 – Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months” on Jan. 9, the same day as “House Bill No. 2491 — Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.” [More]But don't worry-- Kathy believes in "reasonable" limits on some things.
Why is it in the interests of "securing ther Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" to welcome in foreign collectivists again...?
Meanwhile, home-grown Ralphie-Boy wants to deny care so that birthed babies die.
He wants your guns, too.
[Via several of you]
The 'Progressive' Course is Clear
Trump heard the conservative media outcry, nominates three judges for 9th Circuit [More]Time to dig out some ditzy Marxist hags with recovered memories.
[Via Mack H]
Survey SAYS
MoveOn has the Big Idea of wanting to know who will be most destructive to the Founders' Republic. [More]
[Via Dave Licht]
Do You Come from a Land Down Under?
A furious Melbourne man is spending $1000 per day on armed guards to protect his home [More]Thank goodness the rich have options!
I will say "youths" isn't a very helpful description for alerting the citizenry to a public danger to be on the lookout for.
[Via Train of Abuses]
Through a Glass, Darkly
African-Americans Have a Long History Of Championing Gun Rights [More]Yeah, but an even longer one of undermining them, and whitewashing that with a sprinkling of anecdotes is disingenuous at best.
We are each individuals. Collective praise and collective condemnation are two sides of the same counterfeit coin.
And no, that doesn't invalidate my "pathway to citizenship" /cultural /ideological concerns in the least, at least for people who know how to think things through.
[Via bondmen]
Speaking of 'Fundamental Transformation'...
Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent ... In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. [More]And speaking of history, it will record that every one of the ricebowl gun groups has been silent in alerting their memberships of the danger this poses to that "single issue."
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
What's That Smell?
Shifting Stories Cloud Claims of Alleged Hate Crime Attack Targeting 'Empire' Actor Jussie Smollett [More]Because if it really happened, the only people who would yell "MAGA" would be fellow collectivists trying to make sure blame got placed.
If it really happened.
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' Success
Costly gun buyback event draws critics who say it was poorly organized, waste of money [More]Because nothing screams"commonsense gun safety" like financially incentivizing people who may not know the first thing about guns to handle and transport them!
And if you're a gangbanger busted for weapons possession on Saturday, tell 'em you were trying to take it to the "No questions asked" buyback and they didn't make instructions adequate and clear.
On the plus side, since they know these things don't work and are only done for publicity, it's nice to see a media outlet not falling for it, potentially reducing the attraction for trying such stunts in the future.
And dang -- if only they hadn't run out of money...
[Via Jack C]
The Funny Thing Is
“The funny thing about it is when I tweeted about it, I realized people on both sides hate him,” Klausner said. “Because I guess Republicans hate him because he’s like, you know, not fascist enough, and then obviously people on our side hate him because he’s just a bad person. [More]Couldn't happen to a more irritating pain.
The funny thing is, no matter how much "Republicans" betray their base and try to be like Democrats, it will never be enough and they'll still be called Nazis.
The People's Choice
Judge Ernest Ortega released Hernandez on a $10,000 bond and ordered him to wear a GPS ankle monitor. Just two days later, Hernandez was charged with raping a 19-month-old girl who lived in the same house. Judge Ortega released Hernandez again, this time on a $20,000 bond. That same day, Hernandez was accused of raping a 5-year-old girl, next door. [More]Hey, he got 100% of the vote, so stop attacking "our democracy."
Confessions of an Ex-TSA Agent.
Dear America, I Saw You Naked. And yes, we were laughing. [More]And it's all theater.
But did any of us not already know that?
[Via Michael G]
Lyfting the Veil
Stabbing death of Tempe Lyft driver prompts questions over rideshare weapons policies [More]Take heart-- the corporate geniuses'll let you use pepper spray in an enclosed space!
Get uber it.
[Via Bluesgal]
Go Ahead and Hold Your Breath 'til You Turn Blue
Kids Demand Action [More]It strikes me that every one of the young school shooters was not constrained by adult authority, which instead was replaced by denial and enabling.
It also strikes me that every one of the useful idiots giving credence to this prattle, regardless of age, is disgustingly childish.
[Via Mack H]
By Any Other Name?
“It could be barrier. It doesn’t have to be a wall,” McCarthy told reporters. [More]And no one presses him to describe what he means and how it would work?
Ol' Kev wouldn't weasel-word us, would he?
[Via Mack H]
Not Permitted
A bill allowing South Dakota residents to carry concealed handguns without a permit, also called "constitutional carry," is heading to Gov. Kristi Noem for a decision. [More]Well then it ought to be a shoo-in, right?
But what about the gun-grabber "poll"...?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Sick and Tired Enough
...and if you're the ones that are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, well just know that we've all got your number now, we're gonna be keeping track of all y’all and we’re going to make sure that we hold you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers.” [Watch]I can help with that.
Because some of us are sick and tired too, and reject the lie that exposing and criticizing wrongdoing under color of authority is something we dare not do lest we become targets for retaliation.
And we're especially sick and tired of hearing crap like "epidemic of gun violence" used to demand new edicts that won't make a damn bit of difference on the dangers not just "Only Ones," but we all face.
[Via Matt F]
From the Hallowed Halls of Justice
Ex-courthouse worker pleads guilty to selling guns to felons [More]Statistically, odds are the guy's a Democrat.
[Via bondmen]
The More Things Stay the Same
Border agents seize bags of guns, ammo left on Texas ranch [More]Sounds like "lax American gun laws" to me! Besides, walls are racist.
Anybody feel like we've come full circle?
[Via bondmen]
Air Max, Peace Be Upon Him
Blasphemy! [More]
Dang, the article doesn't tell us where we can sign the petition, and if we can leave any personal words of encouragement.
Good thing it's a religion of peace, or I'd start to worry about a certain prominent Nike spokescommie.
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
Texas Republicans fear Trump could lose the state in 2020 [More]You don't say.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
We're the Only Ones Abused Enough
The St. Louis Police Officers Association call the charges against the two St. Louis Police Officers by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s Office “an unprecedented abuse of power." [More]The story here is that no assumption of trust can be made for any party in the dispute.
[Via bondmen]
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
And Now, the Rest of the Story
My newest book is on Amazon -- Dred Scott: The Inside Story. And it is an inside story. [More]Go ahead and read the fascinating overview. Then buy the book.
And tell a friend.
What Did She Know and When Did She Know It?
Chhabria on Monday said plaintiffs could introduce some evidence of Monsanto's alleged attempts to ghostwrite studies and influence the findings of scientists and regulators during the first phase of upcoming trials. He said documents which showed the company taking a position on the science or a study introduced during the first phase were "super relevant." [More]And who was in charge of corporate influence operations...?
I think knowing if and when she played a part in flacking for this is a legitimate line of inquiry. Make of it what you will that no one in the DSM shares that sentiment.
Person of Interest
Attkisson said she, her husband and daughter first noticed unusual activity with their electronic devices in 2011, after she did a story on Operation Fast and Furious, a failed sting operation in which federal agents allowed firearms dealers to sell weapons to straw purchasers in an attempt to trace the guns back to Mexican drug cartels. [More]Just stick with the story, AP. Leave out the color commentary.
[Via Mack H]
Sorry is Right
I must apologize for the growing belief that it is no longer worth defending our press corps. [More]This dolt is an influential "conservative" journalist and he's just now figuring out the score on the DSM, but he's still not sure?
Lemme know when he's sorry for trying to get Hillary elected.
[Via Mack H]
Speaking of Bullsh*t
What does it tell you about the U.S. Conference of Mayors that there's a place in the room for this celebrity incompetent that doesn't involve bussing tables? [More]
[Via Matt F]
Nothing to See Here - Case Closed
“It wasn’t about MGM, Mandalay Bay or a specific casino or venue,” said Aaron Rouse, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Las Vegas office. “It was all about doing the maximum amount of damage and him obtaining some form of infamy.” [More]See? I knew there was no reason for an ATF technical examination report, or following up on changing stories and timelines, or worries about FBI trustworthiness, or rumors about Saudis and about insurance policies disallowing terror attacks, and all the other paranoid conspiracy theories being floated.
Thanks for putting it all in perspective and our minds at ease, Agent Rouse! Can we all turn in those bump stocks and go back to sleep now?
This Kolkhoz is Your Kolkhoz
Footage Of Shirtless Bernie Sanders Drunkenly Singing With Soviets In ‘88 Surfaces [More]Telling, that Schmooze finds this endearing.
What Have We Learned?
By their own admission, at least 47.42% of these school incidents did not occur at school or at a school-related event. [More]Leopards don't change their spots, do they?
Don't you just love being forced to pay a bullet fee for shots taken at the Second Amendment?
The Smear Racket
Google May Face RICO, Defamation Lawsuits Due to SPLC Partnership, Lawyers Say [More]Don't tease me like that.
[Via Michael G]
Remember, You Can't Spell 'Hate' without 'HAT'
MAGA is becoming a symbol of white supremacy [More]"Progressives" really don't have any original ideas, do they?
[Via Michael G]
You Can't Have One Without the Other
After loosening gun laws, Italy now strengthens its self-defense laws [More]At'sa nice!
[Via Keith B]
What's Not to Smile About?
Just look how he'll repay you!
And if Bill Stanley and Frank Wagner had voted, the bill would have passed.
What was it Goldfinger said...?
[Via Mack H]
Wrong Attribution
AmmoLand News has taken them to task in the past for “despicable deception.” [More]No, that was Alan Gottlieb in a SAF column mirrored at AmmoLand. They host all kinds of diverse opinions, as the recent NRA "rift" series showed.
I personally am not a defender of NAGR, but what I am a defender of is accurate reporting. And this is not the first time I've taken exception.
Speaking of Collusion...
Former Democrat: Mexican Mafia Paying off Democrats to Keep from Building the Wall [More]As a caveat, I know nothing about this site or the person making such claims. What I would do if I had such information and wanted it investigated is what Mike and I did when we had scary information that was bigger than us.
[Via Jess]
That's Some Industrial-Grade Weasel-Wording Right There
“You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers,” Kamala Harris says of guns in America. [More]Only Ones' guns can't kill babies and police officers...?
So you can be in favor of the Second Amendment and want to ban and confiscate all guns except those of the standing army?
Will that be before or after the forced imprisonment and brainwashing?
Communists lie to gain power. And then they kill.
[Via Michael G]
Handguns are more popular in US homes, with deadly consequences for children, study says [More]Our made-up numbers say so, so you should believe us! And demand laws!
[Via bondmen]
I Know You Are But What Am I?
Washington Post national political correspondent Dave Weigel referred to President Trump's supporters in no uncertain terms as "rubes" during an appearance on a left-wing podcast Monday. [*]There is a danger, as not knowing who he's up against can induce a provincial fool to attack whereas a wiser man would think better of it. On the flip side, that can work out for his enemies in a Sun Tzu kind'a way.
* Fox News does not allow access to links from Blogger. Go to:
Monday, January 28, 2019
Middle-of-the-Road Yellow Stripers
Now our supposed moral and intellectual betters align themselves with the Left to lecture us that standing up for basic truths in true conservative fashion makes us racists, xenophobes, and dangerous to the republic. Nonsense. But we are dangerous to the establishment. We’ve shown that if all you have is Democrat lite, you do not and will not represent us. [More]The NRO way is the way of death by slow-heating pot.
[Via Mack H]
Now That There's No Chance of It Passing...
GOP senators introduce bill to relax regulations on firearms suppressors [More]While the other side screams "Reciprocity!"
Where the hell were they when they controlled both chambers and the executive?
Oh, that's right, it wasn't time yet.
I've seen that Twilight Zone episode.
[Via Mack H]
Getting Owned
Look beyond the sea of misinformation, the moralizing, the cosmopolitan anti-patriotism, and you will find that immigration is merely an instrument in a larger conflict between those who would prefer to rule us without our consent. [More]And a weaponized instrument at that...
[Via Mack H]
Take My Breath Away
Slate: Kavanaugh’s “Breathtakingly Expansive View of the Second Amendment” Signals a “Constitutional Revolution” [More]One can hope. But I'm not holding my breath.
So Much for Preparing Briefs
Board suspends license of ex-Iowa prosecutor who stole coworker's underwear then lied about it [More]Maybe he was hoping for a split-crotch decision...
[Via Michael G]
What Happens in Vegas
Anonymous donor gives $62,500 to ensure that Las Vegas shooter's guns are destroyed [More]Does he mind if we get a technical examination report first?
Do the FBI or Vegas interests? How about others?
We could believe that the anonymity is because he just wants to be a benefactor and it's out of the goodness of his heart. With all the cards being played close to the vest, I'd lay odds on something being in it for him or those he represents and that he'd rather not have his hand looked at too closely.
Not that I expect CNN to do anything besides prime everybody that it's the right thing to do...
About that Fundamental Transformation
"Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) says the 'Democrat strategy' of importaing a permanent underclass of welfare-dependent foreign-born workers will transform the United States into the left wing, sanctuary state of California." [More]Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
What Can Brown Do to You?
H.R.717 - To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a Federal firearms licensee from selling or delivering certain semiautomatic centerfire rifles to a person under 21 years of age, with exceptions for active duty military personnel and full-time law enforcement officers, and for other purposes. [More]Here were the "Republican" co-sponsors when the same bill was floated in 2018. We'll have to wait to see who signs on this time since Brown is once more claiming "bipartisan support." "Moderate" Dent is gone (thankGod) but Mast and Fitzpatrick are still in power, leading to the logical question: Why?
Pretty Much Nails It
A kulak will be anyone accused of being a kulak. [More]
As idiot One Percenters believing that throwing crumbs to the mob while disarming you and me will find out.
At Least She's Assimilated
They say the mother of two from Ghana failed to stop her then-3-year-old son, Micaiah, from playing with the stove, where the blaze began at 6:51 p.m. that night. [More]So blame and sue others-- it's the American way!
How does their existence here secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, again...?
Say, I wonder if she knows Mr. Franky Samora...
[Via Michael G]
Reaping the Whirlwind
BRACKEN: COVINGTON GIVES A GLIMPSE OF CIVIL WAR TWO [More]While none of us has a crystal ball, "Are you vermin?" and the challenge make this as likely a scenario as any (less the Russkis and/or Chicoms sensing an opportunity).
Good thing Eric Swallowell has nukes, eh, to save us from getting dirty?
UPDATE: They hate you because they're evil and want power.
We're the Only Ones Misfiring Enough
So the gun really did "go off"? If so, PLCAA will not (nor should it) apply. [Watch]
Is this the one where there was some kind of unique training ammo being blamed, or was that a different story?
What gets me is they're making these very serious allegations and still continuing to deploy with the guns, ostensibly endangering themselves and everyone around them if they believe their charges to be true.
[Via Greg K]
You Beta Your Life
Instead, Learn How to Mediate [More]"Obsolete," eh?
What about human nature has changed?
Funny. This "Recommended Reading" feature says nothing about the obvious...
Charges Dismissed in New York Gun Case
The order dismisses nine charges against Rose, including “class C violent felonies of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree (two counts), Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree (three counts) [and] Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Fourth Degree (four counts).” [More]No leftists would be screaming about separating a parent from his children had there not been recordings to contradict police testimony.
Quick Fix
With a new Congress taking the reins, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is slated to announce the Ethics Committee’s new roster any day. Clarke shouldn’t remain on it – and after the way she treated taxpayer dollars intended to help her constituents, those voters should send her home in 2020. [More]Just scream "Racism!" against accusers and the real issue will be buried soon enough.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Unaccounted For Enough
Penzone says inventories are necessary because 50 firearms, including 29 fully automatic guns, are missing or stolen from the sheriff's office. [More]Speaking as someone with many years of inventory control experience in a highly regulated and audited environment, if this is true it is inexcusable.
[Via bondmen]
The Devil is Always in the Details
Democrats Are Newly Emboldened on Gun Control [More]They haven't thought through that the Second Amendment wouldn't be much good if Patriots just surrendered their guns when ordered to.
[Via Roger J]
And the Conflation Continues
Aside from smearing a group that has fidelity to the Constitution and a prohibition on racial discrimination baked into its bylaws as "antigovernment" and "racist," I note a total absence of recognition of the difference between Constitutionalists and national socialists, and no admission and condemnation of identical tactics being used by the "alt/left." [More]
That said, anyone repeating the mantra "our ... children" is a collectivist at heart.
That said, anyone repeating the mantra "our ... children" is a collectivist at heart.
Speaking Truth to Power
"A lot of this, we don’t want to talk about,” Brokaw said. “But the fact is, on the Republican side, a lot of people see the rise of an extraordinary, important, new constituent in American politics, Hispanics, who will come here and all be Democrats." [More]You don't say.
Because if you do, those intent on remolding the Republic into something altogether different will destroy you, and no amount of ass-kissing apologies will save you.
Because facts are racist.
I did get a kick out of "My Twitter acct failed me."
Kind'a like "The gun went off"...
And I do confess a guilty pleasure at seeing what happens to a useful idiot that is not only no longer needed, but is more useful as an example.
This is the guy who popularized the phrase "The Greatest Generation." Their monuments will ultimately need to be torn down, too.
JoJo Krako Due Process
A federal appeals court says police in Connecticut did not violate the rights of an 87-year-old man when officers seized nearly 60 firearms from his home on the belief he was a convicted felon, which it turned out he wasn't. [More]In other words:
Who's violatin'?
We're takin'!
Just to Rub It In
Trump's State of the Union address is still not happening Tuesday despite shutdown ending, Pelosi says [More]Everyone realizes that Trump is but an avatar, and it's not his voice being silenced.
Get used to how the government will treat you when Democrats have that permanent upper hand all the gun groups are ignoring.
We're the Only Ones Darwinian Enough
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[More] |
And how's this for world-class weaselwording?
Police said Thursday that a preliminary investigation indicated that Hendren had “mishandled” the gun. Police Commissioner John W. Hayden Jr. called it an “accidental discharge of the weapon.”[Via Michael G] and William T]
Like Never Before
“We are here because the American Dream and our American democracy are under attack … like never before.” [More]And just which demographic group do you think will be the designated target this communists will set her useful idiot hordes against?
No Skies are Grey on that Great White Way, That's the Broadway Melody
“They are four people, five people, how can I fight them?” he said. [More]Let's ask Lance!
A Blood-Dancing Twofer
Webre said Dakota Theriot had lived with his parents briefly but had been asked to leave and not return. [More]If he was known not to be safe there, where would he be safe?
How convenient for "red flags." And this presents a second opportunity:
Ard said Theriot had recently been in a relationship with Summer Ernest.Yes, let's not forget that "boyfriend loophole"!
Who thinks reciprocity and hearing protection are on the table when we're having so much fun grabbing guns?
Friday, January 25, 2019
Is the Firearms Industry Selling the Guns Which Will Be Used to Enslave Us?
We’ve wandered far from “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” have we not? Likewise, George Mason’s observation that “They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers” seems lost, especially now that the enforcers seem more reminiscent of the “swarms of public officers” noted in the Declaration. [More]How else do you expect them to try and confiscate your guns?
There's a Lesson in Here Somewhere
Elder feral son Uday ate all the chocolate chip cookies the neighbors gave me as a thank you for checking on their house while they were away, so I bought some more and put a sign on the package with one of his childhood pictures behind an international prohibition symbol. I found him chowing down and insolently grinning at me:
This tells us something about signs that say "No" vs. people that don't give a damn. But what?
The Art of the Deal
So basically, almost a million government workers just got over a month's paid vacation?
That's some masterful 4D chess right there.
I can't wait to see how he continues to outfox our enemies on guns!
Survey SAYS...
Specifically, the survey asked people to give their "best guess" on what percentage of Americans owned firearms..."Generally speaking, less knowledgeable people tend to overestimate the size of groups..." [More]So basically we're talking a Mark Dice interview without the humor passed off as "research" to bolster academic creds and persuade politicians a disarmament platform is a winner?
[Via MM]
One Way to Validate...
In the final pages of Compromised, Terry Reed writes that in 1992, several years after working with CIA-connected Robert Johnson, he made the "miraculous find" that "Robert Johnson" was also William P. Barr. Yes, that William P. Barr... [More]You don't suppose anyone in the Senate would be interested in asking him about that under oath, do you?
[Via Ron W]
How Will We Survive?
@HuffPost Opinion -- the entire section -- is being eliminated. [More]So they're shuttering the website...?
Watch finding they now have to work radicalize Marxist sympathies.
[Via Michael G]
Separation of Powers
A federal court has redrawn the map in 11 contested districts in the House of Delegates. This will mean Republicans stand to lose 5 or 6 seats in the House, including the seat of Speaker Kirk Cox and Appropriations Chair Chris Jones. [More]Herein lies the tale.
Bottom line...
[Via Mack H]
The Fix Is In
An Arizona Republican Party internal memo leaked to the Gateway Pundit raises serious concerns about unethical use of party resources and systematic failures that the Deputy Communications Director fears will lead to a loss in 2020. [More]But...but...but...
[Via Tristan M]
An Alternative Proposal
Deerfield Sen. Julie Morrison introduced Senate Bill 107 on Wednesday. It would prohibit a range of rifles, pistols and shotguns and require every such weapon in the state to be registered with the Illinois State Police. Owners would pay a $25 fee for that registration. A person found in possession of one of the prohibited weapons without registration could face a Class 3 felony, which carries a prison sentence of up to five years and a $25,000 fine. [More]Wouldn't it be less hassle for all concerned to just throw Julie in the slammer? Or is five years not enough...?
[Via Neil W]
Is This a Trick Question?
Does the Media Deserve to Be Respected and Believed? [More]Let's talk about what it deserves...
[Via Michael G]
Treasonfest 2019
The first town hall will take place Saturday in Denver and will feature gun violence prevention experts, local advocates and lawmakers who will answer questions from community members regarding gun safety. The other events will take place in Raleigh, Austin and Charleston, S.C. [More]"Town hall" implies all sides will be heard so a community can make up its mind. Who thinks that will happen? Will any also be held in taxpayer-provided facilities?
I just spent a couple minutes looking and the Giffords site sure doesn't make locations and times stand out and scream at you. That leads me to wonder if this is another Magical Misery Tour, where they keep things close to the vest in order not to be outnumbered for their media stunts.
[Via Roger J]
Snitches Get Stitches and Wind Up in Ditches
Chicago Aldermen Dismayed Not by Corruption, but by One of Their Own Cooperating With the Feds - A retiring member of the Chicago City Council wore a wire to record conversations. He's being treated like a snitch…by city leaders. [More]Gosh, and they all seem like such upright community leaders...
Forget it Jake...
[Via Michael G]
A Moment of Truth
Progressives and feminists like me are enraged... [More]I'd have never guessed, being so fragile 'n all. And it's not enough I haven't committed a crime, I must nonetheless grovel, punish and abase myself for "collective guilt"?
When it comes to the indignation of Marxist bitches, I'm with Tommy Lee:
When they bring about the hell on earth they're agitating for, those in non-defended zones will find out first-hand what the males they demand we be replaced by are capable of.
Heart of Darkness
“Our government is shut down for one reason … so the president of the United States can fund a monument to hate and division along our southern border.” [More]With all the mob-inciting going on, will anyone be surprised when the rhetoric escalates into action?
When it does, watch them scapegoat you and me.
Messing with Her Love Life
“No one has asked me on a date. Not one — zero,” the actress continues. [More]How can this be? She comes across as so warm, sane and understanding. And in true Opposite Day "progressive" fashion, if you want to know how to catch a man, ask a lesbian.
Let's Hear It for Our 'Sports Heroes'!
NFL’s first male cheerleaders to make Super Bowl debut in Atlanta [More]The big question: Will they kneel?
No, I mean during the anthem.
I so don't care about anything NFL except to express contempt.
The New Lord Haw-Haw
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Hogan. Right.
This malignant dwarf won't be happy until the Democrats control all.
There's a reason The New York Times gives such "conservatives" a soapbox to stand on.
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