Thursday, January 03, 2019

Too Little Too Late

So, will 2A community reach out to the legal immigrant community to properly educate them on their rights in this country and to shape future pro-2A voters, or will the 2A community continue to pander to anti legal immigrant sentiment and drive these future voters into the open arms of the Democrat party. [More]
First, pointing out verifiable observations is not pandering.

By all means, they should have been outreaching all along. But you can't treat causes by trying to treat effects, and the paradigm shift won't be enough to alter outcomes in a major way.

After all, who controls the public education establishment their children will be indoctrinated by as well as the media and means of mass communications to do that? Who controls cultural and entertainment platforms? What is their sentiment toward an armed people, besides blocking, limiting, conflating and banning?

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