It’s not the first time we’ve seen gun-grabbers create what became known as “Astroturf” gun groups. We’ve seen them come and go over the years, and they all share two things in common: Outside special interest funding and a lack of any appreciable grassroots support. [More]Looks like AHSA 2.0 is being released.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Giffords Gun Group a New Attempt at an Old Divide-and-Conquer Tactic
Because They Think It's in Your Nature
I was advised via email that Cabelas now has trigger locks on all guns and the excuse being given is that Bass Pro Shops had a guy come in and commit suicide.
Ain't it just typical for "gun control" to put restrictions on everybody over the actions of one guy? How does their slogan go?
Hey, if ATF can be prevented from examining the inner workings, why not us, right?
[Via Dave Licht]
Ain't it just typical for "gun control" to put restrictions on everybody over the actions of one guy? How does their slogan go?
"It's in your nature."Looking around I find corroboration at Reddit and other forums like The Firing Line and Sig Talk, so it looks like this is old news to those of you who frequent the big box stores and the message boards, which leaves me out.
Hey, if ATF can be prevented from examining the inner workings, why not us, right?
[Via Dave Licht]
Filed Under 'News'
At first, I thought "Opinion" would be more appropriate, but now I'm leaning toward political ad/reportable "in-kind contribution." [More]
Fawning "reporter" Emily Wangen and the rest of The Daily Iowans appear to have bright futures with the DSM.
[Via Michael G]
Taking Their Ball and Going Home
Middlebury student government will disband unless students are allowed to vet invited speakers [More]Promises, promises.
[Via Michael G]
Getting the Breaks Americans Won't Get
The avenues to address such alleged violations in immigration court are “extremely limited” for noncitizens and nonexistent for citizens, he said. [More]Is it really just a Fourth Amendment exception? What about First Amendment "redress of grievances"?
[Via Mack H]
The Wrong Question
Ever notice how we so often ask the wrong question? Which usually leads to the wrong and/or the irrelevant answer. [More]Yes, I have.
[Via Mack H]
Going for Cheap Publicity
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[Via Jess]
There's Gonna be a Heartache Tonight
Heavy gunfire breaks out and terrified civilians run through clouds of tear gas for cover after Venezuela's Juan Guaido calls for military uprising to overthrow President Maduro [More]"Somebody's gonna hurt someone before the night is through."
We'll have to wait to see who.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones 'Keep Your Shirt On' Enough
An FBI official told BuzzFeed News they received multiple reports about the post, but the attack happened before they were able to confirm the poster's identity and do something about it. [More]Policy doesn't require immediately notifying local law enforcement in the interim with a conditional alert just in case?
[Via William T]
Aborted Plans?
Feds investigating alleged armed disruption attempt at U.S.-Mexico border in December: Report [More]Sounds like a lot of smoke but no fire. Truth be known, armed invaders at the border would be a gift. Somebody had to know that.
I have to wonder if the release of such "unsubstantiated" information was done to squelch a plot that would backfire, and/or if somebody is playing "Out the CI."
[Via Keith B]
And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions
Is this lawlessness not only ignored but condoned by our local governments' actions? [More]That ain't the half of it.
[Via bondmen]
What, Me Worry?
N.J. residents are worried about being shot. But they don’t see guns as a big problem, poll finds. [More]Guns aren't the problem.
What is the problem would be minimized if more New Jersey residents were worried about being rendered defenseless by diktat.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Proto-Only Ones Exploring Enough
Former St. Louis County police explorer volunteer due in court on sexual misconduct charges [More]He showed such promise until he got caught.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Not Shocking Enough
Attorney: Ladue officer thought she grabbed her Taser before shooting suspected shoplifter [More]The officer...the officer...the officer...
Aren't 4 W's and an H enough?
[Via bondmen]
Monday, April 29, 2019
Meat of Clay?
Pete Buttigieg Accused of Sexual Assault [More]Despite the prevailing mandate to believe accusers, nothing was done about George Takei.
It's almost like some groups are protected and given a pass or something...
[Via Jess]
Glad I used a question mark...
Sounds like Wohl and Burkman need to be sued into oblivion.
Mystery to Me
The sources said he had converted to Islam, but it was not known whether that was related to the plot. [More]Even Yul is stumped.
Oh, Ho, Ho It's Magic You Know, Never Believe, it's Not So
Taking seriously the supernatural effects of guns has broad relevance for understanding and addressing gun violence globally. [More]"Taking seriously" is one hell of a qualifier.
When Jackals Attack
New York AG Letitia James launches investigation into NRA [More]Wounded prey is easier prey to bring down.
That the wounds were self-inflicted bolsters the case for top-down housecleaning.
We're the Only Ones Suspicious Enough
This assertion of “suspicion” gives him, the AGW, pretext to stop anyone he likes and subject them to an Authority Display. [More]And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.
[Via Wynn A]
We're the Only Ones Risk-Averse Enough
The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office says it will pull back all staff responding to calls for services within the City of Portland, citing “unnecessary personal and professional risk”. [More]So being a Bloomberg town hasn't helped?
Maybe Ted Wheeler could give Antifa armbands and deputize them...
[Via William T]
Can The National Rifle Association Be Saved?
Herschel gives a good analysis, including of the continued denial by the same prag faction that has been giving the Lairds a pass all these years. [More]
What Difference Does It Make?
I know this is from 2016 but I just became aware of it and thought it was fricking brilliant.
[Via Tristan M]
We're the Only Ones 'My Bad' Enough
Attempted murder charges dropped after police discover officer accidentally shot himself [More]You know, "it discharged."
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Leading by Example Enough
Fired for a felony, again for perjury. Meet the new police chief. [More]Setting the tone is important.
[Via bondmen]
Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?
A former federal contractor pleaded guilty on Wednesday to stealing firearms, ammunition and firearm parts from a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives facility where he was a security guard. [More]With rigorous procedures like this in place, who can say with a straight face that gun confiscation to keep them out of the wrong hands won't work?
[Via bondmen]
Completing the Lineup
Anthony Colandro Elected NRA 76th Director [More]I'd say a follow-up in a few months will be in order.
[Via Felix B]
Protected Criminality
A recurring bit of responsibility-dodging I sometimes hear is that "we" need some kind of billionaire on "our side" like Bloomberg.
"Let George do it," the saying goes.
George ain't gonna do it.
It won't happen unless gun owners do.
[Via Garrett A]
Aid and Comfort
Pope sends aid to migrants stranded at the US border [More]Add a "pathway to citizenship" and this "Catholic leader" ought to get a lifetime achievement award for solidifying Democrat rule, meaning full speed ahead on abortions.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
Britain's 'pervasive horror of knife crime' reaches record for number of stabbing homicides [More]This is a job for ... Tommy Lee.
Rearrange that to "a State Unworthy of a Visit."
Donald Trump has been branded a “threat to our world order” and unworthy of a state visit, after he moved to pull the United States from the international Arms Trade Treaty. [More]To paraphrase Rhett Butler, it deserves to be threatened, and often, and by someone who knows how.
SNUG as a Thug in a Rug
The idea is for children to turn in toy guns for something non-violent, like basketballs, dolls, or remote-controlled cars. [More]Basketball... there's something to imprint off of.
A Sop for the Masses
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As for the trampling, we'll do that ourselves.
Rhymes with 'Funt'
Kamala Harris owns a handgun. That's disqualifying for a 2020 Democrat in my book. [More]Mine too, but not for the same reasons.
Interesting that Alan Funt's kid believes a woman making a choice he disagrees with should be disenfranchised from eligibility to engage in the political arena. How very Opposite Day "progressive" of him.
[Via Jess]
First Conviction Prosecuted Under SAFE Act Overturned by NYS Supreme Court [More]I wouldn't be claiming any great 2A victories just yet. The way I read this, it wasn't the state's usurped "authority" that was overruled, it was the way that bitch-slapping punk Schneiderman got the indictment.
[Via Neil W]
They Look Forward to Hearing from You
We note that you are the administrators for the above website and would appreciate your assessment of the above and the use of the website in providing such material. If it is found to be in breach of your policies and procedures, we would ask for this content to be removed from your services. We look forward to hearing from you. [More]Well, since you asked so nicely...
[Via Bear]
A Healthy Sense of Self-Preservation
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An armed off-duty Border Patrol agent who was inside the synagogue returned fire at the shooter, who then retreated in a vehicle before calling 911 and surrendering to police without incident, according to police.I wonder what those who laugh at the "good guy with a gun" meme would have been able to do.
Anybody have a count on how many California "commonsense gun safety laws" were broken? Because I see the blood-dancers are once more loathe to let a crisis go to waste.
UPDATE: Bear is following reports that the gun used to drive away the monster was kept in-house by the rabbi.
The Hatemongers of Record
NY Times publishes clearly anti-Semitic cartoon, deletes only after intense criticism [More]More proof that Opposite Day "progressives" just recycle old ideas.
[Via Michael G]
Speaking of Separating Children from Their Families...
A Tennessee man beat an infant to death after discovering that he wasn’t the child’s father ... Avila-Agurcia is an alias for Carlos Zuniga-Aviles, a Honduran national who has been deported five times. [More]So then he's not "a Tennessee man," is he?
[Via Michael G]
Nothing to See Here
Obama deputy Ben Rhodes: Investigating Origins of Russia Probe 'Waste of Time' [More]Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
All Joking Aside
Joaquin Phoenix Joker Film Collides With Hollywood Disability Uproar [More]Because homicidal maniacs... uh, the differently moraled have feelings too.
If Word Gets Out
The potential lie that could actually destroy Trump ... If it really is the case ... we have no way of knowing ... if they are right about this and their claims can be proven... [More]In other words, they got nothin'.
But what the hell, the mission to smear by innuendo was accomplished.
'Near Church' Shooting
The shooting occurred during a cookout on the same block as Perkins Square Baptist Church [More]Disregard that this was SOP for Baltimore. Gotta build up those category stats the way they do with "school shootings."
Self-Defense is Predation
Right-wing parties are using the issue of immigration to mobilize voters ahead of the next month’s EU election, the European socialists complain. “Political predators preying on migration crisis,” the socialist candidate for the EU’s top job, Frans Timmermans, told French TV network EuroNews. [More]The commies really do have Orwell mastered.
And "candidate"? So they've finally had enough of the Eurorummy?
[Via Michael G]
Yo-ho, Yo-ho, La Vida de un Pirata para MÃ
Witnesses said at least six men armed with guns and knives boarded the rig at 9:30pm and proceeded directly to the third floor to wake up the crew. After locking up workers in the cafeteria, the thieves wandered freely, looting equipment, materials, money and anything of value they could carry. [More]I don't understand. How'd they get guns in Mexico?
[Via Michael G]
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Returning to Roots Best Chance for NRA to Heal Self-Inflicted Wounds
Those calling for such a return want NRA out of politics and focused on being Fudds. They really just want to be able to pass disarmament edicts, elect gun-grabbing politicians and appoint anti-gun judges without any significant organized opposition. Curiously, although unintended by those offering such “advice,” returning to its roots is exactly what is needed. [More]The real roots involved training American citizens to become proficient in keeping and bearing “weapons of war.”
Friday, April 26, 2019
Option 1. A majority of the Board circles the wagons in defense of Wayne LaPierre and his pals and tries to weather the storm. (They’ll fail, and the whole ship will sink.)
Option 2. A majority of the Board fires LaPierre and other executives (or accepts their resignations) and nullifies their contracts, suspends all vendor contracts pending thorough review and renegotiation, and purges culpable members of their own body – demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding NRA assets on behalf of the membership. (Plugging the holes and possibly saving the ship.) [More]While my vote would be for #2, my money would be on #1.
I'd also bet on lawsuits being in the future.
[Via Neil W]
UPDATE- Option 3:
NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Says He Is Being Extorted, Pressured to Resign - Group’s longtime leader says Oliver North, president of the NRA, wants him outNorth is a creature of Ack-Mac, so I'm not looking at this as a development where the prime concern is serving the right to keep and bear arms.
UPDATE- Option 1 it is:
Taking the stage later Saturday, LaPierre got two standing ovations from the crowd of more than 1,000 NRA members...I just hope Patrick didn't hurt his hands.
Trump at NRA Leadership Forum
It's live at this point but you can back it up to where Chris Cox introduces Mike Pence.
It figures they'd introduce "great champion of the Second Amendment" Donald Trump with Lee Greenwood singing about how rights are given...
And whose idea was it to end his speech with "You Can't Always Get What You Want"?
UPDATE: He's withdrawing from the Arms Trade Treaty and some idiot threw a phone onstage.
Out of Balance
“You know what? I didn’t even know what a bump stock was,” said Patrick Callahan, 61, from Wyoming. “I have no problem with a bump stock being banned, to be honest with you. I think there’s always balances.” [More]Even most NRA members think it's about bump stocks and remain oblivious to the greater danger.
[Via Bear]
The original mission was to train warriors to effectively shoot in a war. [More]Yes. Exactly. Perfect rebuttal.
Despite what contemptible gunkapos would have the ignorant believe...
No Accident?
If the catastrophic fire at Notre-Dame de Paris was a simple accident, why has the French government forbidden state-employed architects to give any further interviews about the fire? [More]Next, you're gonna be telling me we haven't been told everything about Las Vegas.
So Much for 'Settled Science'
The universe is expanding faster than we thought, and no one knows why [More]The first thing that came to mind was the line "'T is clear enough the Elephant Is very like a tree!"
Green New Deal, anyone? At least we know that's been settled. Right?
Stockholm Syndrome
The Supreme Court of Sweden has ruled that a rape conviction is not a sufficient reason to deport a non-Swedish citizen... [More]I've been working Tommy Lee pretty hard lately.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Upholding Tradition Enough
Boone is the 11th South Carolina sheriff indicted or accused of criminal activity in the past decade. The accusations have included using inmates for personal work, running a scheme to create fake police reports to help fix credit problems and protecting drug dealers. [More]
See, that's not the whole barrel...
We're the Only Ones Roadside Assisting Enough
Former officer gets 25 years in shooting death of stranded motorist [More]Hey, he was just being active...
[Via Roger J]
Blame Trump
Oyer referenced President Donald Trump multiple times, comparing her client's racial slurs and targeting of Democrats and the media to similar views that the President has taken ... "Donald Trump uses similar epithets in his everyday language and tweets," Oyer said. [More]And by default, if you agree with the agenda he campaigned on, she's talking about you.
They all are.
[Via Jess]
A Model Inmate
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Well according to this, Frank, he was a model prisoner. |
Bishop argued to the parole board that his client was a "model inmate" and posed no threat to anyone in the community. [More]Yeah, all the time he was under 24/7 custodial care he didn't shoot anybody.
Social Justice Warrior
It looks like a real one this time -- the good kind. [More]
It's nice to see a candidate for office who gets it and isn't afraid to explain to those who don't. I like what I'm seeing from Eddy Justice, and while I haven't found a campaign website yet, you can learn more about what he believes from his Facebook and Twitter pages.
The Opposite Day "progressives" have swindled too many useful idiots into believing "innocent until proven guilty" is a dangerous and radical idea. Justice's article on "red flags" does a good job explaining why that's the true radical danger.
[Via bondmen]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Proven' Is
Reed, who lost a nephew to city gun violence, said it's time to try something new and that this is a program proven to work. [More]Information on who the nephew was and what he was doing does not seem readily available in the reports I've seen that repeat this claim.
And if it's been "proven" then it's not "new." I'm wary of proponents attributing causation for murder fluctuations to a program dependent on trusting the word of gang "leaders" that they'll be good.
[Via bondmen]
A Situation Rich in Target Opportunity
International thieves from Chile are suspected of committing hundreds of burglaries across Southern California after obtaining visa waivers to enter the United States, authorities said. [More]Based on what the politicians Californians elect encourage and discourage, I'm with Tommy Lee on this one.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Active Enough
“Actions are better than reactions,” Noor continued. “If you are reacting, it's too late to protect yourself." [More]Sweet. You could use that "justification" to kill just about anybody.
Sounds like we need us some LEO-only "Scorch Your Ground" laws...
[Via bondmen]
You CAN Stop the Signal?
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Funny. Attack pieces on RKBA don't seem to have these problems...
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Aural Gratification
Mueller report contains claim Russia taped Bill Clinton having phone sex with Monica Lewinsky [More]Whoever has that tape could make a fortune if they set up a site where they charged people to hear it. I'd want to play it fast so it sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks. And post it to Hillary's Twitter feed.
[Via Keith B]
Court of Contempt
A Massachusetts District Court Judge and Trial Court Officer were indicted today in federal court in Boston on obstruction of justice charges for preventing an ICE Officer from taking custody of an alien defendant. [More]Democrats, naturally. Throw the book at them. Put them in prison.
[Via Michael G]
I, Terrorist
Trinity College professor tweets ‘whiteness is terrorism,’ refers to Barack and Michelle Obama as ‘white kneegrows’ [More]And:
At the time, Berger-Sweeney said she supported Williams’ right to express his views, but found his words personally offensive.Everyone who thinks she'd take that official position had a white professor made comparable comments raise your hand.
[Via Michael G]
True to His Nature
Nonprofit Pays Bail For Man Who Attacked His Wife, Hours Later He Murders Her [More]There's a truism about custodians in there somewhere...
My first thought when seeing this:
Don't touch the snake. It bites.
Nice snake...
Ow! It bit me!
Naturally, the Bail Project insists there is no way they could know that snakes bite. That's' quite the Opposite Day "progressive" result they achieved there, no?
[Via Michael G]
A Sporting Proposition
NRA insiders and longtime observers describe an organization at war with itself over a central question: Has it strayed too far from its original mission of gun safety and outdoor shooting sports and become too political? [More]You tell me, Lisa Marie Pane of the Associated Press. Here are the Purposes and Objectives from page one of the Association Bylaws:
No mention of that, eh? How do you fulfill duty #1 by abdicating political and legal actions?
It's almost like this is a hit piece masquerading as news to advance the meme that gun owners need to be more Fudd-like, just as Republicans must become more "moderate."
Back that turnip truck up so I can climb back on and fall off proper this time.
Carrying on the Tradition
Investigators searched Baltimore City Hall and Mayor Catherine E. Pugh’s homes among other sites Thursday, a highly-visible indication of a federal criminal case over lucrative children’s book deals she cut with businesses connected to the government she has run since 2016. [More]Baltimore? Doesn't that make her a Bloomberg mayor?
Who does she think she is? Sheila Dixon?
We're the Only Ones Multitudinous Enough
We found 85,000 cops who’ve been investigated for misconduct. Now you can read their records. [More]How many barrels of "few bad apples" does that make?
[Via Roger J]
Democrat Hypocrisy on Executive Privilege Recalls Different ‘Gunwalker’ Reaction
Curiously, Nadler, fellow Democrats and most of the DSM contained their outrage and instead provided cover for the Obama administration’s obstruction of justice in the Operation Fast and Furious investigations conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. [More]If Trump does it, heads must roll! But using executive privilege to cover their own real crimes is just fine and only a conspiracy theorist would object.
Seek, and Ye Shall Find
Germany: Asylum-Seekers Brutally Assault Passersby Out Of ‘Boredom’, Get Away With Light Sentences [More]I'd say in a sane world that would be grounds for immediate deportation, but in a sane world, they wouldn't be there in the first place.
[Via Michael G]
Eve of Destruction
H712 would allow police to destroy confiscated or surrendered firearms [More]Destruction for its own sake...
Laboring Under a Delusion
A woman “claiming to be the Messiah” who threatened to blow up a California church on Easter Sunday while carrying her baby and a gun is a former digital producer for the NBC-TV affiliate in San Diego. [More]The headline implication is a bit deceptive -- her issue isn't that she's a "liberal," but that she appears to manifest many signs associated with delusional disorder. Such people can retain intelligence and have an answer for everything that turns back on the problem being within those who challenge their beliefs. If you really want to get lost down this rabbit hole, check out her Facebook page and YouTube feed.
More than anything, this is sad. Perhaps there are medications that would need monitoring to ensure prescriptions are followed and perhaps there are not. Some people are broken and cannot be fixed because "we" just don't know how.
In any case, as things stand now she can't be trusted without a custodian.
[Via Dave Licht]
The Wrong Question
Should Natural Born Citizenship Be a Requirement for All Federal Elected Offices? [More]This presupposes the flaw is with the Constitution.
[Via Mack H]
History in the Making
Let’s be clear: This is overt political propaganda being scooped into the most capable students’s minds under the guise of education. [More]Let's be clear: The minds behind this want you gone.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Electrifying Enough
According to the Circuit Attorney’s Office, 34-year-old Christopher Childers is facing fourth-degree assault charges for trying to hurt his fellow female police officer with a department-issued taser. [More]Not only more trustworthy than you and me, but evidently a lot braver, too.
And not to pick nits, but wouldn't it just be "fellow police officer" unless Christopher was a female, too?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Luring Enough
A New Jersey police officer and a New York City high school teacher are among 16 men who allegedly tried to set up sexual encounters with people they thought were teenage boys and girls. [More]Sick. He couldn't just demand it at traffic stops like normal "Only Ones"?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Fauxnly Ones Doing the Job Americans Won't Do Enough
Man pretending to be ICE agent allegedly handcuffed California construction workers, demanded ‘court fees’ [More]As stated before, you never know when you might have to prove you had reason to doubt authenticity...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Anthropomorphic Enough
Denver Police Department swears in a horse for the first time in history [More]Nice to see how seriously they and the idiot fawning DSM take the oath.
[Via bondmen]
Apportioning the Blame
To NRA or Not to NRA [More]If the house of cards collapses, it will be because of top-down rot and also because of the apathy and inaction that allowed the Lairds to run unchecked.
UPDATE: Bear says pull the plug.
As an aside, I wish family matters didn't preclude me going to Indy this weekend. I'm really curious to see if Wayne and Chris will be challenged when they're trying to read their speeches. I wonder if anyone trying to do so will be shut down and ejected, and who any boos or cheers will be directed at. I also wonder if all the Ack-Mac flacks will be there due to the lawsuit.
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
Concepcion-West is facing a felony charge (includes petit theft and cheating or gross fraud) for failure to pay a $1.25 toll. [More]I'll certainly sleep more soundly knowing he's a "prohibited person." How 'bout you?
[Via Neil W]
Young Communists Wanted. Inquire Within.
RECRUITING AND SUPPORTING YOUNG PROGRESSIVES [More]And their site is registered with a proxy in Toronto, meaning they are "colluding" with foreigners to influence elections in the U.S.? That's not very "transparent."
Oh, look: Usual suspects.
[Via Tristan M]
Much Ado about What, Exactly?
Texas Committee Passes Bill to Decriminalize Firearm “Silencers” and End Support for Federal Enforcement [More]Meaning they'll still be "illegal."
And good luck with Dennis Bonnen. Prediction: If he does end up making a show of support it will be because he knows it won't alter reality but he can still exploit it to build back some "pro-gun" creds.
[Via Wynn A]
Woke Forest
University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity [More]Can other "private" businesses do that, too, and maybe reverse polarity?
Opposite Day.
Hmmm... "federal funding." I wonder if that could be impacted...
And nice to see the communist bellyachers are up to 278 Twitter followers.
Yow. Pretty well-heeled commies at that, or at least their parents are.
That Depends
These are the U.S. states most and least dependent on the gun industry [More]I'm sure they're trying to evoke some kind of conclusion here, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what except to bolster "progressive" wishful thinking that guns are losing popularity. I have to confess I've never really thought of state "dependency" outside of urging manufacturers to tell gun-grabbers to go to hell and good luck arming their "Only Ones."
I'm actually surprised the industry is as vigorous as it is, not just because of all the political and regulatory obstacles it has to navigate, but because guns are such durable and lasting products if properly maintained. Then again, I've never been a "gun person" as much as a "rights person." That's why you don't see product reviews or training tips and the like -- they're not my niche. The "animating contest" for me does not take place at a range.
We're the Only Ones Unidentifiable Enough
With police decals that meld into the cruiser’s white paint job and emergency light bars that are concealed on the inside of the windshield, these police cars — unless you look closely — could be mistaken for just another Ford Taurus on the road, giving impaired drivers a false sense of security. [More]Or giving unimpaired drivers legitimate justification for suspecting they're about to be victimized by Fauxnly Ones and reacting accordingly.
This "trend" needlessly endangers all parties concerned.
[Via Mack H]
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Have Another Hit
New Bill Would Allow Cannabis Patients To Buy And Keep Guns [More]What's the prognosis?
3% chance of being enacted...You'd have to be stoned to believe those in power didn't know exactly what they were doing when they offered this birthright tradeoff, or that they have any interest in expanding the number of "lawfully" armed citizens.
[Via Michael J]
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