Monday, June 17, 2019

We're the Only Ones Winning Friends and Influencing People Enough

 Fired Warren Police Cmdr. Arthur Gill is accused of assaulting a man and retaliating against another officer. Now Gill could face even more charges - after apparently threatening a doctor.  [More]
He sounds nice.

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

This belongs here:

1-1 of 1

"The officers who were at the scene came forward and said their commander Gill was the one who initiated this contact and the one who struck the homeowner," Smith said." Two things come to mind here. Gill's conduct was so over the top egregious that even the cops couldn't stretch it far enough to ignore. and/or Gill is such an asshole that Blue Omerta wil be waived in this case. _revjen45 on Sign of the Times
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