Friday, July 19, 2019

No Need for Your Decision to be Pending

SHOULD YOU BE A PLAINTIFF IN FLORIDA CARRY'S LAWSUIT AGAINST FDLE? If you had a "Decision Pending" that delayed a firearm purchase for more than three business days, you probably should. [More]
Don't let those who would happily enforce "the law" against you get away with arrogantly breaking it themselves.


Rob.kil said...

I got my 2nd amendment gun rights taken over a mrdemeaner in Florida i need your help!I want to sue for millions or at least get my rights back!please some one help!

David Codrea said...

This post isn't really the forum for that but your comment is close enough to the topic to where I allowed it. Contact Florida Carry and see if they can help find an attorney who can tell you what your legal options are.